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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Anyone up?
Encouraging women to learn self-defense isn't about turning them into "men" or stripping them of femininity it's about empowering them to protect themselves in a world where danger can be unpredictable. Self-defense provides women with the tools and confidence to navigate various situations, reducing the likelihood of becoming victims. It's about fostering independence and personal safety, not denying traditional roles.The idea that women should solely rely on men for protection can perpetuate dependency and limit their freedom. Gender equality means that women have the right to choose how they live their lives, including whether they want to attend night parties or walk alone at night. Encouraging women to be independent doesn't mean rejecting traditional values, but rather, it allows for the coexistence of tradition and modernity.The notion that women should avoid certain activities to prevent harm is rooted in the idea that they are inherently vulnerable and need to be protected. This reinforces harmful stereotypes and places the burden of safety on women rather than addressing the broader issue of why violence occurs. Instead of restricting women's behavior, society should focus on teaching respect, consent, and non-violence to all individuals.Critiquing practices or ideas as "western propaganda" dismisses the diversity of thought and experience within different cultures. Societies evolve, and what might have worked in the past may not be as effective or fair in a modern context. It's essential to examine all ideas critically, whether they come from the West or elsewhere, and adopt practices that contribute to a more just and equitable society.In essence, advocating for women's self-defense and independence doesn't negate the value of traditional roles but rather expands the options available to women. It's about allowing them to make choices that are right for them, whether that involves seeking protection from a partner or relying on their own strength and skills.
Otherwise you can rot in your shitty አስተሳሰብ , and don't forget you came from women's womb and that will never change! And at least you should have some respect even a little bit for that. and the fact that you boys gone end up between a women's thigh makes it funnier and yall have the audacity to make a decision for women when you are obviously was came out of her.
Self defense isn't gonna fix shi, teach women to be women and not men, not put herself in a situation where she doesn't go out of night parties and see a shadow at a corner and worry whether it's a man or a ghost. Teach women to fucking seek protection under her king that she honers, and if you think that is not okay, you are just a freak and even more stupid than basic animal.
It's really fascinating how amateurs just accept western propaganda to judge a well built and happy society.
እዉነትም ቀብር ስንት ሰዐት ነዉ ተባብለዉ ይቀብሩሀል በቃ አለቀ?
ዛሬ ቤተክርስቲያን ነበርኩ እና 6 ሰዐት አካባቢ ሬሳ የጫነ መኪና ከሇላ በለቀስተኞች ታጅቦ ገባ በጣም ያሳዝናሉ ሲያለቅሱ ምናምን የእዉነት ከዛ after 30 min ቀብረዉ ወደቤታቸው ተመለሱ በቃ...
እዛ ቆሜ እያሰብኩ የነበረው የፈለገ special ነኝ ብለን ብናስብ at the end of the day only you and God እዛ የምትቀሩት የፈለገ እናቴ አባቴ ምናምን ብንል ማንም ሰው ከኛ ጋር አይቀበርም ሁሉም 30 min ባልሞላ ጊዜ እዛ ጉድጓድ ውስጥ ጥለዉን ነው የሚሄዱት look and you are here worrying about ሰዉ ምን ይለኛል lol? እግዚአብሄርን የማያስከፋ ነገር ይሁን እንጂ do what ever you want ymrrrr?
"There will always be another girl" was never a lie.
ለጐዳናዉ ይሁን ።
If anyone can have it ……
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