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2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago

2/2 @Jains

? Mahavira's Organisation

Lord Mahavira was the head of an excellent community of 14,000 monks, 36,000 nuns, 159,00O male lay votaries and 318,OOO female lay votaries. The four groups designated as monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen constitute the four fold order (tirtha) of Jainism. Of the eleven principle disciples (ganadharas) of Lord Mahavira, only two, viz., Gautam Swami and Sudharma Swami survived him. After twenty years of Nirvän of Lord Mahavir, Sudharma Swami also attained emancipation. He was the last of the eleven gandharas to die. Jambu Swami, the last omniscient, was his pupil. He attained salvation after sixty four years of the Nirvän of Lord Mahavira.

? Mahavira's Message

Lord Mahavira's message of nonviolence (Ahimsä), truth (Satya), non stealing (Achaurya), celibacy (Brahmacharya), and nonpossession (Aparigraha) is full of universal compassion. Lord Mahavira made religion simple and natural, free from elaborate rituals. Mahavira Teaching reflect the internal beauty and harmony of the soul. Lord Mahavira taught the idea of supremacy of human life and stressed the importance of a positive attitude towards life.

Lord Mahavira said that, "A living body is not merely an integration of limbs and flesh but it is the abode of the soul which potentially has infinite perception (Anantdarshana), infinite knowledge (Anantjnäna), infinite power (Anantvirya), and infinite bliss (Anantsukha). Mahavira's message reflects freedom and spiritual joy of the living being.

Lord Mahavira emphasized that all-living beings, irrespective of their size, shape, form, and how spiritually developed or undeveloped, are equal and we should love and respect them. In this way, he preached the universal love.

Lord Mahavira taught that the true nature of reality is timeless, with no beginning or end and rejected the concept of God as a creator, a protector, and a destroyer of the universe. He also taught that worshiping heavenly gods and goddesses, as a means of material gain and personal benefits is contrary to the path of liberation.

Once Lord Mahavira was asked what is the religion from a realistic point of view. Lord Mahavira said, “ the realistic religion consists of four parts: 1) equality of all living ones, 2) every living soul has right to put self-effort to improve itself and should not to be stripped of that right, 3) no one should rule over other living beings, and 4) all situations should be viewed with equanimity - without like or dislike." If one adopts only one of these four, other three will automatically be adopted.

? The Teachings of Lord Mahavira

• Every soul is independent. None depends on another.
• All souls are alike. None is superior or inferior.
• Every soul is in itself absolutely omniscient and blissful. The bliss does not come from outside.
• All human beings are miserable due to their own faults, and they themselves can be happy by correcting these faults.
• The greatest mistake of a soul is non‑recognition of its real self and can only be corrected by recognizing itself.
• There is no separate existence of God. Everybody can attain Godhood by making supreme efforts in the right direction.
• Know thyself, recognize thyself, be immersed by thyself you will attain Godhood.
• God is neither the creator nor the destructor of the universe. He is merely a silent observer and omniscient.
• One who, even after knowing the whole universe, can remain unaffected and unattached is God.
• Fight with yourself, why fight with external foes? He who conquers himself through himself, will obtain happiness.
• All beings hate pain, therefore one should not hurt kill them. Ahimsa (non-violence) is the highest religion.
• A man is seated on top of a tree in the midst of a burning forest. He sees all living beings perish. But he doesn't realize that the same fate is soon to overtake him also. That man is fool.

2/2 @Jains

2 years, 5 months ago

? Shree Mahavir Swami

• Name - Vardhman (Mahavir Swami)
• Father's Name - Siddhartha
• Mother's Name - Trisala (Priyakarini)
• Birth Place - Kundalpur
• Birth Tithi - Chitra Sukla.13
• Diksha Tithi - Marghshirsh ku. 10
• Kevalgyan Thithi - Baishak ku.10
• Naksharta - Hasthotar
• Diksha Sathi - Ekaki
• Shadhak Jeevan - 42 years
• Age Lived - 72 years
• Lakshan Sign - Lion
• Neervan Place - Pavapuri
• Neervan Sathi - 0
• Neervan Thithi - Kartik ku.15
• Colour - Golden Yellow

? Life of Lord Mahavira

? Birth and Boyhood

Lord Mahavira was a prince whose childhood name was Vardhaman. According to the Digambar traditation, Lord Mahavira was born in the year 615 BC, but the Swetambaras believe that he was born in 599 BC. Both sects however agree that he was the son of Siddhartha and Trisala. It is said that mother Trisala had Sixteen auspicious dreams before the child was born (only 14 according to the Swetambaras). Astrologers interpreting these dreams, stated that the child would be either an emperor or a Tirthankar..

As the son of a king, he had many worldly pleasures, comforts, and services at his command. In boyhood once while playing he brought under control a terrify serpent. consequently and symbolic of this feat of bravery, he got the title Mahavir and Vira-natha.

? Mahvira's Penances

However at the age of thirty he left his family and the royal household, gave up his worldly possessions, and became a monk in search of a solution to eliminate pain, sorrow, and suffering from life of all beings. Mahavira left home, retired to the park, Jnatrkhanda-vana, close to Kundapura and relinquished his ornaments and cloths. He pulled out his hair by his hands, observed fast for three days, and then plunged himself into meditation. After some time, he started touring various parts of the country. He strictly followed Ahimsa, not to deprive others of even a blade of grass belonging to them, not to speak lie, not to entertain any sex appetite, even in mind, and not to have any possession of worldly goods. Along with the practice of his five great voes he got himself habituated to endure with peace and patience all such physical and mental tortures like hunger, thirst, cold, heat, insect bites etc. known as parisaha.

? Mahavira's Omniscience

Lord Mahavira spent majority of the following twelve and one half years in deep silence and meditation to conquer his desires, feelings, and attachments, and to eradicate all four Ghati Karma. He carefully avoided harming other living beings including animals, birds, insects, and plants. He also went without food for long periods of time. He remained calm and peaceful against all unbearable hardships. During this period, his spiritual powers developed fully and he realized perfect perception, perfect knowledge, perfect conduct, unlimited energy, and unobstructed bliss. This realization is known as Keval-jnän or the perfect enlightenment.

? Mahavira's Religious Sermons

After attaining omniscience, Lord Mahavira came to Rajgriha (Rajgir), the capital of Magadha and took a worthy seat on the mount Vipulacala. Here he propounded to the audience the basic principles of Jain dharma, the anu-vrata for the laity and mahavartas for the monks whereby the blissful ideal of life can be reached, Lord Mahavira spent the next thirty years traveling barefoot throughout India preaching the eternal truth he had realized. The ultimate objective of his teaching is how one can attain total freedom from the cycle of birth, life, pain, misery, and death, and achieve the permanent blissful state of one's self. This is also known as liberation, Nirvän, absolute freedom, or Moksha.

? Mahavira's Nirvana

At the age of 72 (in 527 BC), Lord Mahavira attained Nirvana and his purified soul left his body and achieved complete liberation. He became a Siddha, a pure consciousness, a liberated soul, living forever in a state of complete bliss. On the evening of his Nirvän, people spiritually celebrated the Festival of Lights (Dipävali) in his honor. This is the last day of the Jain calendar year.

1/2 @Jains

2 years, 5 months ago
***?*** **Bhagwan Mahavir Swami**

? Bhagwan Mahavir Swami


2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago

? Shree Parshwanath

• Name - Parshwanath Prabhu
• Father's Name - Asvasena
• Mother's Name - Vama Devi
• Birth Place - Varanasi (kasi)
• Birth Tithi - Paush ku. 10
• Diksha Tithi - Chaitra ku 4.
• Kevalgyan Thithi - Chaitra ku 4.
• Naksharta - Trivisakha
• Diksha Sathi - 300
• Shadhak Jeevan - 70 years
• Age Lived - 100 years
• Lakshan Sign - Nag (Serpent)
• Neervan Place - Samed Shikar
• Neervan Sathi - 33
• Neervan Thithi - Shravan su.8
• Colour - Blue

Lord Parshvanath preceded Lord Mahavira by 25O years. He was the son of King Asvasena and Queen Vama of Varanasi. At the age of thirty he renounced the world and became an ascetic. He practiced austerities for eighty three days. on the eighty fourth day he obtained omniscience. Lord Parshvanath preached his doctrines for seventy years. At the age of one hundred he attained liberation on the summit of Mount Sammed shikaji or Sammeta (Parsnath Hills).

The four vows preached by Lord Parshvanath are: not to kill, not to lie, not to steal, and not to own property. The vow of chastity was without a doubt, implicitly included in the last vow, but in the two hundred and fifty years that elapsed between the Nirvän of Parshvanath and the preaching of Lord Mahavir, considering the situation of that time, included the fifth vow of chastity explicitly to the existing four vows.

Thus, the number of vows preached by Lord Mahavir was five instead of four. There were followers of Lord Parshvanath headed by Keshi Kumar at the time Lord Mahavir. It is a historical fact that Kesi Kumar and Gandhar Gautam, chief disciple of Lord Mahavir met and discussed the differences. After satisfactory explanation by Gandhar Gautam, Keshi Kumar and monks and nuns of Lord Parshvanath tradition accepted the leadership of Lord Mahavira and they were reinitiated.

Lord Parasvnath's yaksha is Dharanendra and his yakshini is Padmavati. Dharanendra is unique among the yakshas of the Tirthankaras because unlike other, he played and important role in the life of Parsvanath. Parsvapandita, a Kannada poet composed the Parsvanathapuranam in the early part of the 13th century. In the poem, he describes Dharanendra as the leader of the nagas and as the destroyer of the upasargas created by Kamatha. Kamatha was an esoteric mendicant and was practicing the ordeal of five fires. Parsva saved a pair of serpents from being burnt in the fire, and they eventually became his yaksha and yakshini, as Dharanendra and Padmavati.

He also gives and elaborate picture of how Dharanendra, the lord of the nether world, emerged out of earth. Kamatha, in order to disturb Parsva's mediation had sent a great storm with the help of the evil deity, Meghamali and that caused such a downpour that the water level came up to Parsva's nose. It was then that Dharanendra spread his enormous hood over the meditating Parsva, and his consort Padmavati held an umbrella to protect her husband in turn.

? Famous Temples of Lord Parshvanath

• Shri Jain temples of Khajuraho Parshavanath
• Shri Amijhara Parshavanath
• Shri Andheshwar Parshvanath near Banswara(Raj.)
• Shri Shankheshwar Parshvanath
• Shri Nakoda Parshvanath
• Shri Nageshwar Parshvanath
• Shri Kalikund Parshvanath
• Sammed Sikarji (Sammet Sikhar) in Jharkand
• Humbaj Padmavati in Karnataka
• Shri Chintamani Parshvanath in Navsari
• Shri Avanti Parshvanath in Ujjain
• Shri Panchasara Parshvanath in Patan, Gujarat
• Sri Adinath Jain Temple, Santhu,
• Bagra (Marwar), Jalore, Rajasthan.
• Sri Munisuvrata-Nemi-Parsva Jinalaya, Santhu, Bagra (Marwar), Jalore, Rajasthan.


2 years, 5 months ago
***?*** **Bhagwan Parshvanath**

? Bhagwan Parshvanath


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