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What's the proper etiquette for pinging a recruiter if you don't get an invite (but are eligible) via a recruitment thread?
Hi! I'm an Elite user on RED and recently reached out to a few other trackers via their recruitment threads/recruiters (the main ones I'm concerned about are EMP and AB the anime one). It's only been a week or so since I reached out, but I figure I should get ahead of things and determine when it would make sense to send a second message.
I found some threads that indicate invites can well over a month to send out, so I'm fine with waiting, but having just seen the GGn thread about their turnaround time, it just got me thinking, hah. I've also triple-checked that I'm eligible for each tracker and made sure that I sent what I believe is the correct subject and body in my messages so I'm hoping that it's not simply a matter of me sending the wrong information, resulting in the recruiter ignoring my message.
Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!
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"New" GGn Recruiter
Has anyone received an invite from the "new" (\~3 months ago) GGn recruiter?
The same day that the GGn recruiter was replaced on AB I sent them an invite request (as my old one never was responded to), but still have not received any messages back. I am unsure if this is just due to the sheer amount of invite requests that have built up or if mine has just gone under the radar.
The recruiter seems to be pretty active on AB (last online an hour ago) so it seems unlikely they still haven't gotten to mine yet as it was on the first day they started recruiting.
There are no messages in their account bio saying if I am able to bump or shouldn't so idk what to do as I do not want to make them angry by bumping without approval.
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BIT CHE replacement
I am working on this project as a replacement for BIT CHE.
GitHub - ElhamKhan859/Ultimate-Torrent-Scrapper-Public: Ultimate Torrent Scraper is a powerful and comprehensive torrent search…
Ultimate Torrent Scraper is a powerful and comprehensive torrent search application built with Python and Tkinter. This desktop app allows users to search for torrents across multiple popular torre...
Your tracker pet peeves
The tracker using Discord instead of IRC
Oh nah!
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Question for uploaders that have been around for awhile.
I have about a year back on the scene and 5mos of uploading on PTs. Two out of the three I belong to are super easy all around, and uploading personal content is pretty seemless. Longest wait is an hour for 1 out of the two for it to be approved. The other needs no reviewing. Also both are gateway trackers for climbing the ladder.
The 3rd I belong to is becoming a complete PIA to get my content approved. Days I wait for an approval if I get one. It's a newer PT and not a gateway to anywhere. Honestly was just happy at first to join but having 2nd thoughts of even sticking around.
Do I just tough it and use my time and ratio for other PTs or just cut my losses?
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Shoutout to all the low tier tracker that open their doors every now and then for new people to join and learn
The Avista network had open signups a few days ago and shortly after, the sub was flooded with people who don‘t know what a torrent is. It‘s crazy how these trackers put up with this and help new people learning the ropes.
I remember when I joined my first private tracker. I wasn‘t nearly as incompetent as some of the recent posters are, but I definitely did some not-so-smart things in the beginning.
So yeah, shoutout to all the low tier trackers who sacrifice themselves to teach them kidz how to become a valuable member of this community. I know these posts are tiresome and could be easily prevented by just reading the resources available. I guess some people just aren‘t aware what they are signing up for. I salute you, low tier tracker staff, for teaching the next generation of private tracker users o7
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GGn -> PTP requirements change
Anyone know why you now need 250+ uploads to get from GGn to PTP when you previously needed 0? Not complaining, just curious as to what changed.
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PTP Banned or Account Issue
Hi all,
I have used PTP this month a few times. I tried to log in today, and was met with incorrect password (happens a lot with me). However, when I went to recover my password via email, it told me that email is invalid.
I am sure the email is not invalid, as I recovered my account to the same email Aug 3.
Does PTP tell you if it is a ban? Or does it sound like an account issue? Also, cannot find anywhere to reach out to devs with problem.
Thanks for any and all help.
Reasons why REDacted economy is terrible
This topic has been discussed to death, but since there are still people who seemingly fails elementary school math and keeps making stupid posts about why RED economy is actually good, here is my humble effort trying to put an end to it.
First of all, a bit of a disclaimer: I am comfortable on RED and I am not having a hard time because I understand the system and how to game it. I hate the fact that I need to game the system to be comfortable on a otherwise good tracker, but that is not my problem, that is RED's problem, and I'm here to explain.
Before I start, I would like to ask and answer a question: what is the fundamental purpose of a private tracker?
Obviously, it should NOT be to fulfill admins' personal ego. You can say to pirate stuff, but that does not feel abstract enough to me. My take is that, private tracker exists for sharing content, every measure it takes should aim to enhance this ultimate goal. For example, by making the tracker private, the users reduces the risks of drawing attention to law enforcement, thus ensuring its long term survival. By implementing ratio and bonus points system, it encourages retention. And ultimately, these all contribute to the goal of sharing content.
Since we now know what is the end goal of a (good) private tracker, I think we can deduce the measurements to evaluate a good tracker. IMHO, the best way to measure a PT is content curation and organic traffic. Content curation means, how large a library it has, the quality of the existing content, and the organization of its content. Organic traffic means, how much useful contents its users get. In the case of RED, you downloaded a music that you want to listen, that is organic traffic; if you downloaded for the sole purpose of getting a buffer and you don't care what you downloaded, that is not organic traffic, that is just you playing a number's game.
Private tracker should not be a e-dick measuring contest, "I am this level on that tracker", "I have got a $100 seedbox", "I have got 100TB of storage", "I am seeding 50TB", "I uploaded 1000 torrents", "I have got this powerful home server", this kind of claims in itself should not be the goal of a private tracker and its users, if you are seeding 50TB but for 6 months nobody is downloading anything from you, are you really contributing? (Unless you are the sole seeder of a content) If you uploaded 1000 torrents just to level up but 95% of what you uploaded are contents that nobody want, do you really help the community? I'm not saying seeding 50TB is pointless, I am saying this is not the end goal, the end goal should be promoting content sharing.
Because it fails to generate organic traffic, and it incentives low quality content.
I think a lot of us have heard someone say this: if you want to download music, go to OPS. RED is a stepping stone to get to other high level trackers. Other claim include RED is a event site, you go there when there is an event and stop going there afterwards.
Honestly, if you really think about this claim, you would feel the irony in it.
There is this sentence somewhere in RED's wiki: this is not a zero sum game.
But without consistent freeleech, it is literally, and mathematically a zero sum game. You download 1 GB, someone must uploaded 1 GB. You uploaded 1 GB, someone must downloaded 1 GB. If you are building a buffer, someone else is definitely losing his/her buffer.
A repeated theme on how to survive on RED is to upload. But do you really understand why upload helps you survive? A lot of people know, but a lot don't, so I want to tell these who don't:
There are a dozen or so leaseweb seedboxes who will autosnatch all 2024 releases. For example you upload a 100MB FLAC, you will get about 200MB upload from all the autosnatchers. As for the autosnatchers, the ones with better connectivity or IO will most likely break even, meaning
I don't think PTP's requirements are there to determine "who can contribute and who can't"
The reason for this post are the comments under this post. I am not complaining about the requirements or anything.
For some reason a lot of people believe that the requirements for PTP are like that because "they only want people who contribute". If this was really the case, than why do they not exclusively recruit on other movie trackers like BLU or ANT and only choose users who already contributed to these sites?
Let's say you are heavily into music and therefore meet the requirements to join PTP. Does this really mean that you can contribute to the site? Maybe your knowledge about music is huge, but your movie consumption consists of mostly popular hollywood productions. There is nothing stopping you from getting into PTP though. Same with GGn, just because you are a gaming nerd doesn't necessarily mean you know anything about film.
If someone who isn't heavily into music has to upload 1 torrent/day for the next 2 years, they will probably be burned out and just enjoy the content.
Why do they not accept requests from people who can provide proof of their huge media collection?
I am not doubting they'd love to get new people to upload tons of stuff, but I do think they their requirements actually speak against it. You don't even have to provide any seedtime/seedsize proves whatsoever. The requirements to unlock TM on RED is decided by RED, not by PTP so if they wanted only perma-seeder with Tb's of seedsize they would ask for exactly these things, but they don't.
I think the requirements are just there to keep the flow of new members as low as possible. I also don't think that user invites would even exist if they only want people who can contribute a lot to the site.
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