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3 weeks, 6 days ago

Life has its ups and downs. It's how we deal with the bad times that matters most. When things go wrong—losing your job, having money troubles, or getting sick—don't give up!

Think of a frog who jumped into a bucket of milk.

"Help! I'm trapped!" he croaked, looking at the high sides of the bucket.

He felt hopeless but didn't quit. He kicked and splashed with everything he had. "I can't stop! I have to keep trying!" he thought.

His legs hurt, and he was losing hope, but he kept churning the milk. It was really hard, but then something amazing happened. The milk turned into butter!

"This is it, my chance!" the frog cried out. He used the butter as a step and hopped out of the bucket.

This is what we need to do when we face problems. Giving up means you've already lost. But if you keep trying, even when things seem impossible, you might find a way out.

"Maybe losing my job will lead to something even better," someone might think.

"Maybe my money problems will push me to start a successful business," someone else might realize.

Every bad situation has a hidden opportunity. You can be sad and give up, or you can be like the frog and turn your struggles into something that helps you. So next time life gets tough, remember to keep fighting. You might surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

4 weeks ago


A young woman asked an older woman for advice about friends.

The older woman said, "Yes, you need friends in life. Life can be very tough, and you need someone who you can talk to for hours without feeling judged. Someone you can cry on the shoulders of and who will emotionally support you. When no one else is there for you, they should be."

The young woman then asked, "Is it true that a fake friend is more dangerous than an enemy?"

The older woman replied, "Yes, that's true. With an enemy, you know who they are and you don't let them get close. But a fake friend pretends to be your friend while secretly betraying your trust. They learn your vulnerabilities, secrets, and dreams, and then know how to hurt you."

The young woman then asked, "How do I avoid being surrounded by fake friends?"

The older woman paused, then asked, "Between a small garden and a forest, which one has more snakes and scorpions?"

The young woman said, "The forest, for sure!"

The older woman smiled and said, "Exactly. When you keep your circle of friends small, like a small garden, you have fewer problems to deal with. When I was young, I had a large group of friends. But as I got older and wiser, my circle became smaller. I realized that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to friendship. Don't fool yourself - you may have many acquaintances, but true friends will always be just a few people you love and trust. The best way to avoid fake friends is to be mindful about the size of your circle."

keep your close circle of friends small, as that helps you avoid the problems that come with having too many people in your life.
Quality relationships are more important than quantity.

4 weeks ago
*After completingtheBridge work in Wayanad*

After completingtheBridge work in Wayanad

No Cot, Bed, Fan, not even a mat! Self-satisfaction is enough to fall asleep. Soldiers have neither complaints nor claims👏

4 weeks, 1 day ago
4 weeks, 1 day ago

🌸🌼Morning 🌅 Whisper🌼🌸

Enthusiasm is Strong

Nastyutsahat Param Balam.
Sotsahasyasti Lokayeshkin
Kinchidapi Durlabham..
(Sri Madramayana)

_"Enthusiasm is a powerful force in this world. With enthusiasm, even the most difficult tasks become achievable."_

This message, emphasizing the importance of a positive attitude, resonates throughout the Ramayana. Lakshmana wisely advises that maintaining enthusiasm, even amidst challenges, is essential for leading a fulfilling life.

This anecdote exemplifies the power of enthusiasm. Forty-five years ago, in a small neighborhood (barangay) in Kolkata, the renowned wrestler Pailwan Chandagiram was preparing for a highly anticipated tournament at Ranji Stadium.

As Chandagiram was bathing, a young man approached him, seeking his help. The wrestler, somewhat surprised, asked, “What is it? Do you need something from me?”

The young man explained, “Master, I desperately want to watch you wrestle. I’ve traveled all the way from Odisha, but despite my efforts, I couldn't obtain a ticket. I came here as a last resort.”

Touched by the young man’s fervent desire, Chandagiram assured him, “Well, you’ve come such a long way. You deserve to see the wrestling match.”

After a moment of thought, the wrestler said, “Go to the stadium and stand near the entrance. I’ll arrive around six in a black car. Shout my name loudly, and I’ll bring you in with me.”

And so it happened. Later, Chandagiram’s disciples, curious about the young man, inquired, “Ustad, did you know him?”

Chandagiram smiled and replied, “You could say we’re acquainted. He possessed a burning desire to witness the wrestling match. What greater familiarity is needed? How many people here share such eagerness to see the sport up close? Most are merely here to pass the time.”

This story teaches us that true enthusiasm is infectious and often opens doors that might otherwise remain closed. When we approach life with passion and genuine eagerness, we not only inspire others but also create opportunities for ourselves.
*🌷🌺🙏Have a nice day!🙏🌺🌷*

1 month ago
***💙******🙏***Congratulations ***🍀******❤️******🚗***

💙🙏Congratulations 🍀❤️🚗
The money has arrived to build a house for you🏠🏡.

1 month ago
From the diary of Sayed Jaffrey, …

From the diary of Sayed Jaffrey, the famous Bollywood character actor:

I was 19 when I was married to Mehrunima who was 17. As I grew up, I was very fascinated by the British culture in colonial India. I learnt to speak English fluently, wear suits with grace, and developed impeccable etiquette. But Mehrunima grew up to be my complete opposite - homely, a typical housewife.

After 10 years of marriage, I divorced Mehrunima, left my home and married my co-actor. I had ensured financial security of Mehrunima and my kids. Then I started realizing, my new wife was not caring and affectionate.

Life moved on. I and my new wife were two persons living in a house, not one soul living in a home. I never went back to find out what happened to Mehrunima and my kids.

After about 6-7 years of my second marriage, I came across an article on a Madhur Jaffrey, an upcoming famous chef who had recently launched a book of her own recipes. The moment I looked at the picture of the smart elegant lady, I was stunned. It was Mehrunima.

They told me that their new father knows the meaning of true love. He accepted Mehrunima as she was and never tried to change her into what he himself was, because he loves her more than he loves himself.

The Greatest learning of my life-

You don't change people you love, you love them as they are....

- Sayyed Jaffrey

The hero of the story is Mehrunima's second husband who knew the true meaning of a sustaining relationship and taking things to his stride.

Once you have kids, you don’t leave unless your wife is a psychopath. He escaped his biggest responsibility for his personal needs. Great actor but for this action, he loses my respect.

1 month ago

He Who Survives, Thrives

A farmer worked tirelessly to achieve a good harvest in his field. However, each time, half of the crop was destroyed, either due to heavy rain or the scorching sun. The farmer was often disheartened and blamed God for his misfortunes. He pleaded, "God, you never provide the right wind and rain when needed. At least once, grant me the power to control the weather and see how I can grow the crop." God appeared and said, "Let everything happen according to your will. Change the weather as you wish and show me the crops you can grow."

The farmer was overjoyed; everything was now in his hands! Whenever a problem arose, he summoned rain, and when it was cold, he called for sunshine. He managed the weather as he saw fit, avoiding strong winds out of fear of damaging the crops. He watched his crops grow luxuriantly day by day and was ready to harvest. But when he touched the grains, he screamed in despair. The ears of corn were empty; they were all hollow.

Frustrated, he complained to God again. God appeared and asked, "What have I done wrong? Everything has been according to your wishes. Why are you sad?" The farmer cried, "The crops grew beautifully, but the ears that should have been filled with seeds are empty." God replied, "You controlled nature and the weather as you wished but neglected the fertility and resilience of the crop. You summoned rain and sunshine whenever you faced a problem, but you never allowed the strong winds to blow. The seeds hardened and strengthened themselves by fighting for survival against the elements. If they had faced the storms, rain, and sun equally, the harvest would have been fruitful. By altering nature to your desires, you caused the destruction of your crops."

The farmer realized his mistake and asked God for forgiveness.

This story is a metaphor for life. If you face life's storms—difficulties, losses, defeat, sadness, and shame—without fear, you will build success. Our strength lies within us, but it must be grounded in patience. Just as gold is tempered, shaped, and polished over time, we too achieve success by facing challenges with patience. Remember, the one who endures is blessed, while the one who escapes is left unfulfilled. Let's live knowing that enduring hardships leads to true success.

1 month ago

The month to celebrate Friendship, Independence, Love n Bonding, and Birth has arrived. Wishing you a month filled with Peace, Happiness and Prosperity. Enjoy the new month of August and make it मस्त अगस्त 😊

1 month ago

The Ikigai Journey : A Practical Guide
Lightning Deal
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The Ikigai Journey : A Practical Guide t

The Ikigai Journey : A Practical Guide t

The Ikigai Journey : A Practical Guide
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