Pemburu yang diburu.
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.
Last updated 4 weeks ago
Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Technology Rent : OPEN
[Warmest greetings for all our mutuals business or whoever see this announcement, can you help us to spread this message? We will thank you from the deepest.] The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great…
[Dear all my mutual or anyone who sees this message, can you help us with spread this message? Thank a bunch, precious kindhearted!] Hai, beautiful souls! So glad cause see you here. Let me get you to know the news who i have bringing! Today, @kedaiSilvonce…
Grab Rent. Today 19:00
{Thus, mutuals, conceivably lone of you loan a hand on this preeminent news, we will be very fluttered} Hello, it's @GrabRent! Previously, we were in a crew enrollment. Now we are giving you a trial for our newcomers. It's exactly free and to not leave…
? Newcomer bleh ikut?
boleh boleeeh, semua kita terima.
? masih minor dan unavail IC gpp?
? kalau masih 15 tahun bole?
ga masalah minor, asal ga avail nsfw thingy, untuk nsfw thingy minim 18th. untuk yang unavail ic, boleh kok gapapa, semua kita terima.
? Kalo cuman punya dana bisa ga kak?
boleh beb, gada masalah.
? p/ba boleh gasi kak?
boleh beb, as long as bukan rp.
? Kapan dimasukin?
tunggu slot talent semua terpenuhi ya.
Pemburu yang diburu.
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.
Last updated 4 weeks ago
Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago