Hong Kong Autonomy Action - 香港自治行動

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☎️ 營銷聯繫人:@cryptohuang @Ashleyshenoy

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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

#缅甸 #柬埔寨 #菲律宾 #迪拜 #东南亚


? 大事件爆料合作: @kaidilake


Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

4 years, 4 months ago



4 years, 4 months ago

This is the photo on 08Sep19, the first direct petition at the US Consulate HK. Yes, the world has to understand the threat from the evil CCP. It will ruin the free world.

Forget Israel — Americans should start a ‘BDS’ movement against China ASAP

https://t.co/PKS05U2YcE https://t.co/n4bbwi7bAj

4 years, 4 months ago
「美國當前危機委員會:中國」的成員Steven W. Mosher撰文說明中共的禍害,這裡用了我們旗手在2019年9月8日「香港民主及人權法案集會」(即第一次美國領事館交信的集會)的照片,這張應該是第一次發布的。另外在New York Post的原文裡,則用了另一位旗手的照片。

「美國當前危機委員會:中國」的成員Steven W. Mosher撰文說明中共的禍害,這裡用了我們旗手在2019年9月8日「香港民主及人權法案集會」(即第一次美國領事館交信的集會)的照片,這張應該是第一次發布的。另外在New York Post的原文裡,則用了另一位旗手的照片。




4 years, 4 months ago

Today our flag bearers went to the US Consulate to handover the letter of gratitude. At first it was raining heavily but fortunately it stoped when we were going up. During the fight against tyranny CCP, the people of HK is standing on the side of US. https://t.co/2gQ1yGPOgi


香港自治行動 Hong Kong Autonomy Action

Today our flag bearers went to the US Consulate to handover the letter of gratitude. At first it was raining heavily but fortunately it stoped when we were going up. During the fight against tyranny CCP, the people of HK is standing on the side of US.

Today our flag bearers went to the US Consulate to handover the letter of gratitude. At first it was raining …
4 years, 4 months ago




4 years, 4 months ago

In response to the statement from Secretary Pompeo on 5/27, we have written a letter of gratitude to the US for standing against CCP's aggression on Hong Kong's Autonomy. Thank you @SecPompeo for standing with HK. https://t.co/NksswVVDVT


香港自治行動 Hong Kong Autonomy Action

In response to the statement from Secretary Pompeo on 5/27, we have written a letter of gratitude to the US for standing against CCP's aggression on Hong Kong's Autonomy. Thank you @SecPompeo for standing with HK.

In response to the statement from Secretary Pompeo on 5/27, we have written a letter of gratitude to the US …
4 years, 4 months ago

美國國務卿蓬佩奧於27日發聲明,因中共最近硬推港區國安法,及以往一連串的行動,侵蝕了香港自治,違反了中國在「中英聯合聲明」中的承諾,故不再視香港為高度自治。蓬佩奧在聲明中還說到美國會站在香港人的一方,因為我們正爭取本來就被承諾擁有的自治。//The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong as they struggle against the CCP’s increasing denial of the autonomy that they were promised.//


Letter of Gratitude to the United States for Standing Against CCP’s Aggression on Hong Kong’s Autonomy

Dear Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo,

We are writing to express our gratitude towards the United States, in response to the latest statement given by Mr. Michael R. Pompeo, the Secretary of State, on May 27, 2020.

Since 1997, Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedom have been both aggressively encroached; and with the introduction of the Extradition Bill in March 2019, along with the imposition of the new National Security Legislation, the CCP has openly and repeatedly violated the internationally recognized Sino-British Joint Declaration.

In this fight against communist tyranny, we are determined to stand on the side of freedom, liberty, and justice, thus why we wave the star-spangled banner. As Hong Kong’s autonomy is crucial for its commercial success and political integrity, we cannot express enough heartfelt gratitude towards President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, and the US for your long standing support. We humbly hope that this alliance and friendship would be perpetual. God bless America.


Hong Kong Autonomy Action
May 29, 2020


4 years, 6 months ago






4 years, 6 months ago

Today our flag bearers went to the US Consulate and presented a petition for the US to ask for raparation on behalf of HK for the tremendous loss incurred by the Chinese Virus. We told them about the unproportional fascist control by HKgov in the excuse of disease control. https://t.co/zcafOrUI3d


香港自治行動 Hong Kong Autonomy Action

Today our flag bearers went to the US Consulate and presented a petition for the US to ask for raparation on behalf of HK for the tremendous loss incurred by the Chinese Virus. We told them about the unproportional fascist control by HKgov in the excuse of…

Today our flag bearers went to the US Consulate and presented a petition for the US to ask for raparation …
4 years, 7 months ago



【野外求生自衛術示範】 有彩蛋!!! @城邦野外求生訓練營

【野外求生自衛術示範】 有彩蛋!!! 香港自治行動 (HKAA) 首度舉辦之求生訓練營,武將林立,先來給大家先睹為快! 要三大武將傳授絕技,你一生可能只得一次機會,手快有,手慢無,不要想太多,城邦子弟兵,快來報名參加啦~...

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☎️ 營銷聯繫人:@cryptohuang @Ashleyshenoy

? 官方合作伙伴: www.chimpzee.io https://coins.game

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

#缅甸 #柬埔寨 #菲律宾 #迪拜 #东南亚


? 大事件爆料合作: @kaidilake


Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago