中国再次滥用 #国际刑警组织 通报,违反正式程序试图从泰国和贝宁引渡两名中国男子回国,他们正在奋力抵抗不被遣返。
New instances of Chinese abuse of #INTERPOL, as two men fight for their future in Thailand and Benin (#GaoJianhuan), as China seeks to have them extradited.
Safeguard Defenders is hiring: International Protection Officer (IPO).
"This position will coordinate SD's direct case interventions to counter extraditions and/or deportations to the PRC..., and also work with SD’s transnational repression (TNR) team to assist in support to victims of TNR."
#张展 即使被宣告出狱却杳无踪影。不幸的是,这并不是什么新鲜事。这是一种被@jeromeacohen 称为“非释放释放”(Non-Release Release,NRR)的现象,并在一份详尽的报告中进行了记录。
2020年4月5日,在被中国当局失踪近5年后,人权律师王全璋终于获释。他从山东临沂监狱的大门走出,被直接带上一辆警车,然而警车未将他带回家与妻儿团聚,而是驶往省会济南,相隔北京家人400公里之外的城市。 警察最初将他软禁在家,随后在警察的监视下将他限制该市。又过了三个星期,他的妻子因急性阑尾炎被紧急送往医院,警方才最终允许王全璋回家。
The Italy-based Chinese Twitter-sensation 'Teacher Li is not your teacher' is again the target of protracted and extensive transnational repression, with Chinese police and prosecutor working with local Chinese groups in Italy, all of them affiliated with the CCPs United Front.
For the first time, he tells the full story, and it shows how China's long-arm policing and overseas threats and intimidation actually works.
A strongly recommended read, especially for Europeans.
Safeguard Defenders
Teacher Li: the full transnational repression story
Teacher Li is not your teacher has become a household name for many in the China-watcher space. Having risen to prominence during the White Paper movement in Fall 2022, he has become a trusted social