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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Adolf Hitler's speech of 30 January 1944
Reflections on 30 January 1944.
On 30 January 1944, Adolf Hitler delivered one of his most significant speeches on the eleventh anniversary of the coming to power of the National Socialist regime. With Germany facing increasing military and economic pressure in World War II, Hitler sought to mobilise the German people through rhetoric of resistance and promises of victory, despite defeats on the Eastern Front and heavy Allied bombing.
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Mucho se ha criticado a Hitler por haber tomado la decisión del suicidio, principalmente los católicos, en este video se explica a partir de un extracto de una conferencia de Pedro Varela como el suicidio de Hitler cumple con las características del suicidio heroico que la misma Iglesia Católica ha aprobado en otros casos como una forma de resistencia ante el enemigo que le exige apostatar de su fe. La vida es una lucha constante en la que rendirse no es una opción.
Pedro Varela Geiss - Conferencia en la Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires, Abril de 2005
Who could have blinded Poland like that? - Adolf Hitler
In this speech, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler commented on the liberation of Danzig after the successful Polish campaign.
The constant Polish provocations and atrocities committed against the German population eventually led to the defensive measure ordered by Adolf Hitler on 1 September 1939, which is still incorrectly postulated as the outbreak of World War II. However, World War II did not actually begin until 3 September 1939 with the unilateral declarations of war by France and Britain against Germany.
April 20, a legend is born.
"The death of heroes is not the end, it is the beginning of life and legend that will resonate in eternity."Video HD in vk.
Video HD in Ugetube.
Video SD in Bitchute.
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago