Vibrate Higher 369

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8 months ago

St. Joan's/John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)

This beautiful perennial wildflower may be hated by sheep farmers but herbalists adore it. The flowering tops are harvested after they begin to bloom (traditionally on Solstice, June 21) and prepared with alcohol, and with oil, to make two of the most useful remedies in my first aid kit.

Tincture of St. Joan's wort not only lends one a sunny disposition, it reliably relieves muscle aches, is a powerful anti-viral, and is my first-choice treatment for those with shingles, sciatica, backpain, neuralgia, and headaches including migraines.

The usual dose is 1 dropperful (1 ml) as frequently as needed. In extreme pain from a muscle spasm in my thigh, I used a dropperful every twenty minutes for two hours, or until the pain totally subsided.

St. Joan's wort oil stops cold sores in their tracks and can even relieve genital herpes symptoms. I use it as a sunscreen.

Contrary to popular belief, St. Joan's wort does not cause sun sensitivity, it prevents it. It even prevents burn from radiation therapy. Eases sore muscles, too.

Credit: Susun Weed

How to make a tincture:

How to make an infusion:

How to make an oil infusion:



HERBAL PHARMACY: Making a Tincture by Susun Weed - Weed Wanderings Herbal eZine with Susun Weed

Weed Wanderings Herbal eZine with Susun Weed - wise woman wisdom

8 months ago

??️The Hopi Prophecy of the Rainbow

It is a wisdom teaching that has been passed down through generations of Hopi elders. It speaks of a time when the world will be restored to its original beauty and harmony, and humanity will live in peace and unity. The prophecy is connected to the rainbow, which is a symbol of hope, promise, and divine connection.

According to the prophecy, when the rainbow appears around the sun, it will signal the beginning of a new era of peace and harmony. The rainbow is said to represent the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, and its appearance will mark the return of the gods and the restoration of the world to its original state.

The Hopi Prophecy of the Rainbow is also connected to the idea of the "Fifth World," which is a time of great transformation and renewal. According to Hopi teachings, we are currently living in the Fourth World, which is a time of great darkness and chaos. The Fifth World, which is represented by the rainbow, will be a time of great light and harmony.

The prophecy also speaks of the importance of unity and harmony among all people, and the need for humanity to come together to restore the world to its original beauty. It is a call to action, urging people to live in accordance with the natural world and to respect and honor the divine.

Some key wisdom teachings connected to the Hopi Prophecy of the Rainbow include:
- The importance of living in harmony with nature
- The need for unity and cooperation among all people
- The return of the gods and the restoration of the world to its original state
- The importance of hope and promise in times of darkness
- The connection between the physical and spiritual worlds

? Overall, the Hopi Prophecy of the Rainbow is a powerful wisdom teaching that offers a vision of a better future and encourages humanity to work towards creating a world of peace, harmony, and beauty.??️

?? Here are some Hopi quotes that reflect the theme "We Are One":

- "We are all connected, like the threads in a spider's web."
- "When one person is sick, the whole community is sick."
- "We are all relatives, related to the land, the animals, and each other."
- "What you do to the web, you do to yourself."
- "The earth is our mother, and we are all her children."
- "We are all one family, and the earth is our home."
- "When we honor the land, we honor ourselves."
- "We are all connected, like the drops in a river."
- "What affects one, affects all."
- "We are one people, one heart, one mind."

? The Rainbow Prophecy Unfold’s
"In the land of the Hopi, where the sun meets the sky
A prophecy unfolds, of a world passing by
A time of great change, of darkness and light
When the rainbow appears, a new dawn takes flight
The gods return, the world is reborn
In harmony and balance, a new path is sworn
The eagle soars, the condor flies
Together they dance, in the rainbow's surprise
The winds of change blow strong and free
As humanity awakens, to a new destiny
A world of unity, of love and peace
Where the heart and mind, in harmony release
The Hopi Prophecy, a message so clear
A call to humanity, to wipe away the tear
Of separation and fear, of darkness and night
And embrace the light, of the rainbow's delight
Let us walk together, hand in hand
In the spirit of the Hopi, across this land
With love and respect, for all that we meet
In the beauty of the rainbow, our hearts skip a beat"

— TFEnchanted Kimberly Smith Maasau'u nu' (Mah-sah-oo noo)
Connected to the Great Spirit


1 year ago
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