CentralAI Entry Portal

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Korea series Channel gives credit to original websites and translators.
If you own the copyrights of any stuff, we will remove it within 24 hours.

Last updated 6 months, 4 weeks ago

4 months, 1 week ago
CentralAI Entry Portal is being protected …

CentralAI Entry Portal is being protected by @Safeguard

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4 months, 1 week ago

CentralAI | Unlock the powers of AI Chat, Draw, Audio and Video all inside our user-friendly bot.

  1. Text Interactions:
    Chat: Engage in conversations with the AI through the 'Text' button.
    Web Search: Ask the AI to search the web for you using the 'Web' button.

  2. Voice Interactions:
    Voice Chat: Communicate with the AI through voice using the 'Audio' button.
    Voice Web Search: Request web searches with voice commands using the 'Audio' button.
    Transcribe Audio: Turn audio into text for easy understanding using the 'Audio' button.
    Voiceover: Generate audio from text using the 'Audio' button.
    Summarize Audio: Upload an MP3 for a quick summary using the 'Audio' button.

  3. Image Manipulation:
    Draw: Create images based on provided prompts using the 'Image' button.
    Edit (Coming Soon): Modify existing images using the 'Image' button.
    NSFW (Coming Soon): Generate NSFW images (feature coming soon) using the 'Image' button.

  4. Video Interactions:
    Transcribe Video: Convert video content into text using the 'Video' button.
    Summarize Video: Summarize video content quickly using the 'Video' button.

CentralAI BOT:

Welcome to our cutting-edge crypto project, a platform designed to revolutionize the way you interact with digital technology. Our project harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to offer a range of interactive features that cater to both individual and professional needs.

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Korea series Channel gives credit to original websites and translators.
If you own the copyrights of any stuff, we will remove it within 24 hours.

Last updated 6 months, 4 weeks ago