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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
? श्री गोगा नवमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ ?
?? जय जाहरवीर गोगाजी महाराज जी ??
?? जय श्री गुरु गोरखनाथ जी ??
? हरि ?
हः- दुःख/भय, रिः- दूर करना जो जीवात्मा के दुःखों और भय को दूर करते हैं वो भगवान हरि हैं।
अन्याराधितः कृष्णो भगवान्हरिरोश्वरः। लीलया रसवाहिन्या तेनराधा प्रकीर्तिता ।।
दुःखहर्ता समर्थ भगवान श्रीकृष्ण को प्रेमपूर्ण आराधन करने से और लीलारस में परिपूर्ण मग्न होने से उनको राधा कहा गया।
?? सुजन्माष्टमी ?? जय जय श्री राम जय जय श्री कृष्ण राधे राधे ??
Century; redecoration c. 1880
Watered steel, iron, and gold
Deccan, Jaipur redecoration
This Deccani watered-steel blade with a reinforced point for punching through armor and mail was made in the 17th century. However, it was mounted on this particular hilt in the late 19th century. The gold and silver figures of the 10 incarnations of the Bhagwan Vishnu Ji with a contrasting russet ground are also late 19th-century additions.
This made European scholars date our texts to within last 5,000 years or so, to ensure that Hindu culture won’t be seen as more advanced than Western. Such dates & authorship matter little to ordinary sādhak who see this colonial debate as a pointless distraction from content of the texts.
This thinking held sway for 200 years. It also made it impossible for Europeans to accept Hindu scale of time, running into billions of years.
?? श्री सिद्ध बाबा बालकनाथजी की जन्मजयंती पर बारंबार नमन। अलख निरंजन हर हर महादेव हर हर महादेव।। ??
कसौटी का पत्थर, Two black basalt pebbles obtained from Mohenjodaro, on which there is lines drawn with gold. This shows that the Indus people used to ascertain the purity of gold in the same way as Kautilya has done in Arthashastra Chapter 13.
Maharaj Jhalleswar shree Maharana Virsinhji Jhala playing Holi with his wives at Patdigadh (1385AD-92).
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago