نهج التقى

(وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ)
“…And the best outcome is for the pious.” — Al-Qasas 83

اللهمّ ارزُقنا الهُدى والتَّقى والعَفافَ والغِنى
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3 weeks ago

فلا واللهِ ما في العَيشِ خَيرٌ
By Allāh, there is no good in life,

ولا الدُّنيا إذا ذهَب الحَياءُ
Nor in this world, if shyness departs.

يعيشُ المرءُ ما استحيا بخَيرٍ
A person lives in goodness as long as they are shy,

ويبقى العودُ ما بَقِيَ اللِّحاءُ
And a tree remains as long as its bark remains.

3 weeks, 1 day ago
3 weeks, 1 day ago

-السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته.We’re back again Alhamdulillah. Share our channel if you wish baraka Allah feekum.

3 months ago

The scenes that we’re seeing these days have made the heart shatter into a million pieces.

How does one even respond? By Allāh, I’ve been trying to write this for over a day now but I’m at a complete loss of words. But I cannot be silent more than this, may Allāh forgive me.

I wonder, where are those who were very recently downplaying the kufr of the Rāfidah and Nusayriyyah now? Where are those who opened their filthy mouths blabbering about the supposed “permissibility” of alliance with those… what word do I even use to describe them?

ألا قاتلهم الله أنى يؤفكون

Where’d they go? I can’t hear them, can you?

They can’t open their mouths now, they’re doing taqiyyah it seems.

The bleeding wound of Ash-Shām has been opened once more and it will not stop bleeding until the rest of our brothers and our sisters are freed and safe, and until the life of every single Muslim who was murdered is retaliated for.

Or are we supposed to wait until another life, more sacred than the Ka’bah, is taken, or until we see another mutilated face of a Muslim, someone who witnessed that Lā ilāha illa Allāh?!

You know what I genuinely cannot comprehend? One of those filthy liars when recently discussing the matter of the recent destruction of the leader of the Rāfidah, said something along the lines of, “We understand the rage of the people of Ash-Shām and their rejoice at the death of this individual, but this is extreme and we cannot declare takfīr upon these people because blah blah blah blah blah…” may Allāh paralyze him. As if we have not seen enough dead and mutilated bodies of the Muslims of Syria before???

لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

3 months ago

Allahu Akbar! Walhamdulillahil lathee bi ni'matihi tatimmus saalihaat!

Every Muslim feels immense joy upon the overthrow of any Tāghūt, even if the change is led by another Tāghūt.

Ibn Kathīr stated that Allah deals with the oppressors by allowing some to dominate others, bringing about the destruction of some through others, and taking vengeance upon them through each other, as recompense for their injustice and transgressions.

This joy is particularly pronounced when witnessing the release of innocent Muslim prisoners, especially our sisters, and the restoration of rights to individuals, including their homes, lands, and cities. However, our deepest joy is found only when the pure Sharī’ah of Allah is fully implemented across the territories.

The retreat of the enemy from a town and the fall of its Tāghūt is not considered a Shar’ī “liberation” until the country is governed by the Laws of Allah and the secular laws that have hindered the implementation of these Divine Laws are eliminated.

Replacing a rusted Tāghūt with a polished Tāghūt who doesn't implement the pure Sharī’ah of Allah cannot be considered “liberation” or “freedom”. Rather, it's merely a repetition of oppression and a reproduction of Tughyān.

Liberating territories in the name of "freedom" may lead to some vanishing worldly benefits, whereas liberating lands to establish Sharī’ah is the goal that will grant one a Jannah more expansive than both heaven and earth.

Today, we express our gratitude to Allah for allowing us to witness the decline of one of the most prominent oppressors of our time. We pray that Allah fills our hearts with joy as we observe the demise of the remaining tyrants, enabling us to live under the shade of Tawheed in those areas, under the governance of the pure righteous Muwahideen.
Ahmad Musa Jibril
Jmd. II 6, 1446 AH

3 months, 1 week ago

O Allāh, we ask You for your Mercy and Help for the weak among the Believers.

O Allāh, deal with the transgressors and the opresssors. O Allāh, unleash Your soldiers upon them and send down upon them Your Might.

O Allāh, the affliction has persisted long over the people of Gaza. O Allāh, do not leave them to themselves or their enemies, have mercy on them, lift the hardship from them, take care of their affairs, heal their sick and wounded, and accept their martyrs.

O Rahmān, who can show them mercy besides You?


Keep them and all of the weak Believers in your ad’iyah tonight.

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

9 months ago

**May you be in good in every year, may Allāh bless you all and accept all of your good deeds,

عيدكم مبارك!**

9 months ago

Some rulings related to Dhul-Hijjah, sacrifices, and ‘Arafah below:


9 months ago
9 months ago

A message to one who is afflicted with a trial:
“Some pains in life cannot be alleviated by the warmth of some people, nor by their eloquence in comforting us.

For some pains were created to bring us closer to Allāh, created so we may prostrate and draw near to Him جل وعلا, created to inform us that within the heart, there are fragments that no one has the power to mend except Allāh, to whisper in our pains with the voice of certainty: ‘No one possesses the comfort but Allāh.’

He takes care of your affairs while everything around you is filled with misfortune, and when all hands around you disappear…
We only need to mend our relationship with Allāh, so that life may blossom into a spring of happiness for us.

O Allāh, draw us nearer to You, for whoever chooses Your closeness has never been let down.
As you read the Qur’ān, search for yourself. After every āyah, you will find what addresses and means you, you will find what benefits and encompasses you, you will find a cure that heals you.

— Shared

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