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Last updated 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 6 months ago
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Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago
It's about ego domination. It's about bringing the sense-mind under the Yoke (Yoga) of the higher Self.
What happens when we kill our ego? When we finally relinquish all attachments to this world, sacrificing our identity to pure divinity? Well, at minimum we die.
That's how the ultimate goal appears to the Western intellect, but that poetry wasn't necessarily made by or for the Western intellect. Nirvana, returning as a drop into the ocean, as we struggle to understand. But Nirvana is something closer to being extinguished, subsumed utterly into the eternal, undifferentiated life stream of the universe.
Is that what we should want? Not if we still have work to do for ourselves or our posterity.
Rather, "preserve your ego." (Thorn). That is, hold on to the sense of Self, because only here in Midgard can a being advance toward higher evolution.
We are to rule the ego and its sense attachments, dictating to it as its Sovereign, rather than allowing ourselves to be led by it.
"Quite possibly you may find it difficult to sleep at night, and to sleep soundly after you are asleep. If this is true you should become interested in honey. Acting as a sedative to the body, honey is the best remedy of all to produce sleep. Being a predigested sugar, digested in the stomach of a honey bee, honey requires no digestion by the human stomach but is ready to be used immediately by the body. Twenty minutes after it is taken by mouth, it is in the blood stream. To cope with chronic fatigue, Vermont folk medicine knows no better treatment than this: add three teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar to a cup of honey, placing the mixture in a wide-mouthed bottle or jar that will admit a teaspoon, and keep the jar in the bedroom. Take two teaspoonfuls of the mixture when preparing for bed. They will enable you to go to sleep within a half hour after getting into bed. If by the end of an hour you should not be asleep, take two teaspoonfuls more of the mixture."
D.C. Jarvis, M.D., "Folk Medicine," 1958.
Haroknnen, despite his title of nobility, serves as a symbol of unchecked capitalism. In its grossest form, this system exploits humanity, degrades the human condition (for all but an elite few), and destroys natural beauty, all in the name of profit.
The Baron, and the entire Harkonnen family, use people as "stock," human cattle, to be worked to their maximum utility and easily discarded. Thus the population of their home, Giedi Prime, is made miserable, kept in perpetual drudgery except for an occasional arena spectacle, living in a state of hopeless poverty. Anyone who shows exceptional talent is brutalized until they melt back into the uniform mediocrity of the mob.
The Harkonnen homeworld itself is described as hopelessly wrung dry of resources, polluted with excessive industry, with only a handful of nature preserves left, reserved only for the ruling family and friends.
He represents profit for profit's sake. Growth for growth's sake. A Harkonnen will even murder his own kin to increase his income.
Vladimir Harkonnen's crippling obesity symbolizes his utter lack of control over his sensual passions. His enslavement to his physical vices have lead him into ever darker, ever more degenerate indulgences until we meet him in Frank Herbert's "Dune," a murderous sadist, connoisseur of blood sports, and an unabashed, homosexual pedophile, who for all his shrewdness, cannot even walk without the aid of a suspensor.
However, his ruthless hunger for profit and utter lack of scruples make him a natural creature of the imperial court, more than a match for his nemesis, Duke Atreides (representing the Aryan ideal), despite his far lesser rank of Baron, a title he holds only because of his cunning ability to amass wealth. This cunning places him in the corrupt Emperor's favor, making him extremely powerful.
Because he represents the current system, he is triumphant while under the status quo. His downfall can only come through total, fanatical revolt against the system itself.
Have a blessed Spring Equinox ☀️
So apparently there's no H in Syncretism, and I'm just learning this now? I believe it's what they call a mandela effect. I'll just take the L on this one.
Do not just say "you believe" in that which is higher than us.
Say, "I acknowledge" it, for it is undoubtedly present.
Community chat:
Last updated 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago