Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 1 month ago
Discover the secret of the pineal gland, a tiny yet powerful part of our brain revered by ancient Egyptians. ?
It's said to unlock universal consciousness and transform your life. Compare the Eye of Horus with the pineal gland – notice the striking resemblance?
Learn a quick 30-second ritual to activate this gland, potentially leading to wealth, love, and purpose. This video shows you how. Join many who've tapped into this ancient wisdom for remarkable life changes.
? Check out the video for the life-changing ritual!
? www.PinealXT.com ✅️
? www.PinealXT.com ✅️
http://tinyurl.com/Pinealxt12 ✅
❗️NOTE: Press Refresh If You Are Not Willing To Watch Full Video
( To Get The Pills )
PROUD FAMILY! ??*? *SHARE IF YOU AGREE!Barron Trump*✅️***
?A book that ѕhould bе in еvеry homе in thеѕе turbulеnt timеѕ…
Тhе Homе Doсtor - Praсtiсal Mеdiсinе for Evеry Houѕеhold - iѕ a 304 pagе doсtor writtеn and approvеd guidе on how to managе moѕt hеalth ѕituationѕ whеn hеlp iѕ not on thе way.
Inѕidе thiѕ book you will diѕсovеr thе DIY mеdiсal proсеdurеѕ and vital mеdiсal ѕuppliеѕ you nееd to havе on hand to takе сarе of сommon hеalth problеmѕ and еmеrgеnсiеѕ at homе, whilе waiting for an ambulanсе to arrivе or in thе nеxt сriѕiѕ whеn doсtorѕ and mеdiсinеѕ may bе hard to сomе by.
Dr. Maybеll, onе of thе authorѕ, iѕ known for dеvеloping nеw, ingеniouѕ mеthodѕ of trеating hеr patiеntѕ aftеr Vеnеzuеla'ѕ есonomy сollapѕеd and hoѕpitalѕ and pharmaсiеѕ ran out of mеdiсinеѕ, ѕuppliеѕ, еlесtriсity and еvеn running watеr.
NOTE: If you want to skip intro - scroll down and you will find A book that should be in every home in these turbulent times…
*? https://cutt.ly/The_HomeDoctor-✅️ ? https://cutt.ly/The_HomeDoctor-✅️***
The Lost Super Foods|126
Superfoods Stored Without
This lost survival food knowledge is so organized that anyone, even people with absolutely no prior cooking or stockpiling experience can take advantage of it. Everything is explained in a clear, precise step-by-step fashion, using colored pictures and easy-to-follow instructions. With over 126 forgotten survival foods and storage hacks "The Lost Superfoods" is a vital book to place in your survival stockpile....
Want to learn more about these Lost Superfoods?
Get more information here:
See here ⬇️*https://ultimatesurvivalfoods.com ✅️
https://ultimatesurvivalfoods.com ✅️***
*NOTE. If you want to skip the welcome video, just refresh the page once and scroll down!!!#superfoods#survival
Why are you ignoring the Universe? ?♂️
The Universe is watching…
Sending you signs… hoping that you’ll connect with it.
Have you noticed?
It’s just waiting to bestow showers of abundance on you.
The only thing you need to do, in order to receive these blessings, is to activate your pineal gland.
Luckily, this short 30 second ritual shows you how you can do it in the comfort of your own home.
Watch the video now while it’s still online, and prepare to have your mind blown!
❤ www.PinealXT.com ✅️
❤ www.PinealXT.com ✅️
To Your Happiness ?
http://tinyurl.com/PinealXT48 ✅️
*NOTE. If you want to skip the welcome video, just refresh the page once and scroll down!!!#pinealxt#pinealgland#pinealguard#transform#physicalhealth
If you don’t want to open your third eye then DON’T read this
It’s not for everyone
This method isn’t for everyone.
If you don’t want to experience what it’s like to have an open eye, then close this message.
This 3-second method is so powerful at activating your pineal gland that a few elite individuals have kept it hidden for centuries.
But now the secret is out and people across the world are using it to manifest everything they desire in a matter of days. (sometimes even 24 hours)
If you want to discover the real truth about your being and how you’re truly connected to the Universe through your pineal gland…
Plus, how to start experiencing psychic abilities, clairvoyance or manifest wealth fast.
Then all you need to do is try this 3-second method NOW.https://pinealguard.com/✅️
*NOTE. If you want to skip the welcome video, just refresh the page once and scroll down!!!https://tinyurl.com/PinealGuard✅️**
Your Ears
Army generals use this ‘mute button method” to get rid of tinnitus? ?
Finally revealed to the public
A new breakthrough discovery revealed how government officials and army generals use a 5-second 'Mute Button Method' to eliminate annoying ringing, whooshing, or hissing sounds in the ears.
This simple and natural method has been hidden for decades but thanks to a brave whistleblowing army neurosurgeon, it’s now available to the public.
He’s showing how anyone can use this secret to silence even the most debilitating ear ringing in just a matter of days.
Scientists at Harvard and the American Tinnitus Association confirmed this simple 'mute button method' tackles the real root cause of tinnitus and restores perfect hearing in a flash.
But hurry up! The hearing loss industry is fighting hard to BAN this method because it threatens their expensive aids and useless medications, leaving millions frustrated.
❤ https://zeneara.com/ ✅️
❤ https://zeneara.com/ ✅️
To Your Happiness,
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?The Most Important Thing That's Probably Missing From Your Backyard
It’s not a barbeque grill...
?Or a pool...
Or a vegetable garden...
?It’s something that can greatly improve the most important thing in your life: your health! ?
? www.medicinalseedkit.com ✅️
? www.medicinalseedkit.com ✅️
To Your Happiness,
*NOTE. If you want to skip the welcome video, just refresh the page once and scroll down!!!
**This is the best way to cure discomfort of the puberectalis.
Follow*➡️*➡️Dr. Barbara O'Neill✅️**
How to Restore Rotten Teeth & Gums (Watch)
This has stunned both scientists and doctors all around the world. Swish this therapeutic dental candy in your mouth to rebuild gums & teeth.
Just swish it in your mouth until it melts to get rid of decay, cavities and tooth pain… It only takes 10 seconds, and you can do it from the comfort of your home.
More and more studies from reputable universities such as Harvard and Stanford confirm that this dental candy can completely rejuvenate your teeth and gums almost overnight.
NOTE. If you want to skip the
welcome video, just refresh the
page once and scroll down!!!
➡️ https://theprodentim.com ✅
➡️ https://theprodentim.com ✅
? Official offer.
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 year ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 1 month ago