启用WeChat 8.0.51+灰度的朋友圈实况功能
对于伪装或修改WeChat版本号的无法使用 会导致服务器和本地功能不正常
启用WeChat 8.0.51+灰度的添加时间显示
As promised, InjectWeChat releases it for free! enjoy?
Supports all versions of TrollStore, including iOS 17.0
It can be successfully injected in most applications, and is sufficient for basic use.
In debug mode, success alerts not enabled
AppData因旧的降级版本号数据源失效, 故更新更换至新数据源. 同https://t.me/IPAPatch/100
Aweme Homepage Full Screen. Tested on version 29.8.0 only, failure will not be maintained
DumpDecrypter 2024 (Dopamine iOS15+) Only Test iOS16+
Update Log:
1.4-1: Use new decryption method, support decryption PlugIns
对于主程序包内Pluglns 文件夹中MinimumOSVersion版本大于当前运行系统的Plugin无法解密
[例如 Shadowrocket 中的WidgetExtension.appex]
意思就是如果你机器运行iOS16 就算砸了, 也无法使用(因为它原本就没用) 忽略即可. 因为他是iOS17+ 的PlugIn
1.4-2: 自动删除不兼容系统版本的PlugIn
1.4-3: 修复iOS15兼容性
1.4-4: 修复iOS15键盘类型PlugIn兼容性
关于公众号"Netskao"已转让, 后续发文均非本人运营 望周知
BigBoss Repo 已上传净化去年的最后一个版本留作纪念,永远不再维护,去除时间限制,再见。当前BigBoss中显示4.2-7
If TrollStore1 crashes, please update TrollStore to 2.0.8 and v2.1.5-procursus7-new