Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC

ICU & Lung Doc, Teacher/Researcher. Co-Developer of effective, evidence/expertise-based COVID Rx protocols with the giants of the FLCCC: http://flccc.net
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8 months, 3 weeks ago

Natural light is critical for health, circulation and fertility, yet all we hear is how bad the sun is for you. Did you know: •Farm animals need it. •Glass (and glasses) block it. •Artificial light causes ADHD, aggression, depression, flus and cancer. h…


Dermatology's Disastrous War Against The Sun

The forgotten side of skin health and the necessity of sunlight

Natural light is critical for health, circulation and fertility, yet all we hear is how bad the sun is for …
9 months, 3 weeks ago

We spent trillions "fighting COVID-19" yet had more deaths than countries that did nothing. The public is waking up to this scam, so the WHO is enacting a draconian treaty to protect its racket. We must stop this at all costs. This article shows how. h…

10 months, 1 week ago

Vaccine safety research is forbidden and our government will not release its safety data. Each time the unvaccinated are studied, they have a fraction of the chronic illnesses we now consider "normal." The data in this article is profoundly disturbing. h…

1 year, 1 month ago

The most puzzling thing we've seen with the vaccine is its ability to "shed" and harm those who never got it.

This is what we currently know (ie. who's affected, the symptoms, what protects you).

Please share your story so we can untangle this mystery.


Follow @PierreKory


What Is The Current Evidence for mRNA Vaccine Shedding?

And how can you protect yourself from it?

The most puzzling thing we've seen with the vaccine is its ability to "shed" and harm those who never got …
1 year, 1 month ago

Despite all the propaganda, we were able to stop the mRNA vax from becoming an annual shot.

The vaccine cartel is thus working to take away our right to protest their mandates the next time this happens. Hotez's book is at the forefront of that effort.


Follow @PierreKory


Dissecting A Modern Vaccine Propaganda Piece

I read Peter Hotez’s book so you don’t have to.

Despite all the propaganda, we were able to stop the mRNA vax from becoming an annual shot.
1 year, 2 months ago

We all need to take action to make leaders accountable for violating medical ethics and the law. This is a strong first action to take…

American Petition in Support of the Declaration of Military Accountability militaryaccountability.com

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1 year, 3 months ago

Finally a mainstream media outlet calls out one of the elephants in the room, "Long Vax."
Still full of misinformation though as it is neither rare nor is it more common than "Long Covid." In our Leading Edge Clinic, 70% are Long Vax vs. 30% Long Covid.


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New York Post

What is ‘long vax’? Symptoms linked to COVID-19 shot baffle docs

Some medical experts are hesitant to talk about the syndrome because it could fuel anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.

Finally a mainstream media outlet calls out one of the elephants in the room, "Long Vax."
1 year, 3 months ago

Chronic pain is one of the most scandalous areas of medicine. Millions have it, typical treatments are unsafe & ineffective, while safe & effective ones rarely see the light of day.

AMD makes a strong case this is because so much money is made from pain.


Follow @PierreKory


Why Isn't There a Safe and Effective Treatment for Neck or Back Pain?

Dissecting the dangers of the spinal pain industry

Chronic pain is one of the most scandalous areas of medicine. Millions have it, typical treatments are unsafe & ineffective, …
1 year, 5 months ago

Despite the censorship, more and more doctors are seeing the wave of vaccine injuries.

Recently I learned that a hospital is experiencing a blood shortage because their vaccinated staff doesn't want to donate out of fear their blood might harm patients.


Follow @PierreKory


Reports From The Front Lines Of The Vaccine Catastrophe - Part 5

Last of my series of posts (for now) on reports from the front lines. Currently, am hearing of issues with blood donor drives, vaccine exemptions, hiding of vax status, and cognitive dissonance.

Despite the censorship, more and more doctors are seeing the wave of vaccine injuries.
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