Pulls Marketplace

Pulls Marketplace

-Services, Accounts, Etc.
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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

9 months ago

This method can take any account that’s email changeable and verified that’s NFA (non full acces) to FA (full access)
Steps:1. Sign into the account
2. Open 2 tabs on the account page with both signed in
3. Select the email change button and enter the new email you have access to
4. Add SMS as a 2fa method in the other tab
5. Use the SMS code to verify the email and change it

Simple as that. Don’t pay for this BS!


9 months ago

Who would @Drool for Binance lookups???

9 months, 2 weeks ago

⭐️ How to Avoid Account Bans
People are selling a “method” to avoid the ban “waves” when it’s simply common sense. Do NOT buy anything regarding this ban wave topic, it’s all a scam.

⚠️ Take these steps of caution:

  1. Use a proxy related to the location of the account when securing/logging in.
  2. Secure accounts on an iPhone using cellular data or an RDP (ensure to switch RDP’s every 1-2 weeks.
  3. Use common knowledge when securing an account. Don’t do a lot.

I do not believe these “waves” will ever stop. The agents I am in contact with are clueless about them and didn’t even know they were going on, hence my belief that the Assistant Team Leads were assigned a new security role.


11 months, 1 week ago

co 700

11 months, 1 week ago


Private contact to a Comcast employee that is willing to sell Comcast lookups and resets. Guidance will be provided on how to talk and negotiate with the employee.

✔️ You will be able to sell the services in this channel!

? Discord Contact Provided

BIN: $1,500


11 months, 2 weeks ago

Over the last month Comcast resets and lookups have become fairly popular, marking a period where people were asking me to provide such a service. To avoid further legal conflicts, I personally will not be offering this service myself due to its riskiness.

Although providing Comcast services is risky and will not be directly provided by me, I do have contact with an agent and plan on getting this service to you by having them directly sell it or selling the employee and having that person sell within this channel. Either way, it will work out.

? Message @Pulls if you have any inquiries.

1 year ago

? EPIC GAMES SUPPORT UPDATES (reason live chat has been removed)
Previously Epic Games had a contract with Zendesk, giving them a functional live chat and support structure. Sometime within this month Epic Games completely cut their ties with Zendesk, causing live chat to no longer be functional and email tickets to change.

This change will not affect the quality of the support itself, as for all the rules and procedures are still the same. Employees have told me that Epic Games reverted back to Dixia, but I have not yet confirmed that.

For those curious or who want further reassurance on this, the domain has been taking down from Zendesk. epicgames.zendesk.com


1 year ago

‼️ False Allegations

Over the last few months I haven't done my duty to provide the highest quality services that I had promised due to school, family, etc. This caused there to be problems when it came to making deals, leading to rumors and some false DWC's (1 of which makes 0 sense). This message will explain the future for Epic Games Marketplace and cover the past.

? DWC Explanations

#1 Last December a user under the name of Mai ordered an ACV to an account he claims to have owned at one point. This deal was done through a Middleman, which is fine, except he took advantage of this Middleman (Laugh) during this deal. First, the ACV was provided on time, as initially promised, and it was questioned by Mai. In response, I provided him with the pictures directly from the Epic Games panel to prove it was the correct account. Despite me doing all I could to prove it without sending out pictures/videos that cannot be leaked as for it would incriminate the employee, Mai proceeded to tell Laugh (the Middleman) that the deal we were doing was for an ACV. Now you may be confused, wondering why that matters. ACV's are from employees and give info to other peoples accounts, which is something that Laugh does not Middleman for, so by telling him it was for an ACV after the deal, the funds were sent back to Mai as Laugh didn't want involvement, meaning Mai got a free ACV. In retaliation, I threatened to leak Mai's ACV he bought to my channel, making it unusable. Weeks after the situation, an individual, Chipo, was confronted by Mai and claimed I tried to threaten him and twisted the situation, causing me to get a DWC in some random channel. Whilst it did not have a big effect, some people did have questions so I will be providing proof to anyone who DMS me since there are numerous photos proving I'm in the right.

#2 In November 2 ACV's were ordered for $1,000 and were expected to be delivered the week later or so. At the time I was studying for final exams and didn't care at all about com, delaying the delivery to late December when I was back from my home state, which I admit is an absurd amount of waiting time. The individual who had to wait was Japgon, a semi-known puller and hits seller/buyer. Japgon had ordered an ACV for his friend and himself. The one he ordered for himself he had already collected all the info apart from the creation IP, so he directly said "actually i need only creation ip from acoustic one" (we called it the acoustic one because I had mentioned how it had weird receipts beforehand). The next day I had delivered this first ACV of his own, giving him only the creation IP, as he had asked. The creation IP was in a different country than he had expected, which is quite common, causing him to get upset with me, even though I simply deliver what the employee gives me, which has been proven to be correct so far. Later in January, when I had already forgotten about the situation, he randomly DWC's me. To be respectful, I refunded him the $500 for his friends ACV and in return he would take down the post. I did mention that I would still deliver his ACV as a nice thing to do and to compensate for the wait. He proceeds to post me again the next day or so because I was busy, giving me no reason to provide him a free ACV anymore. Whilst I do admit the wait was quite long, it gives him no right to falsely accuse and ridicule me. He has also made back an extra $500 from the crypto I refunded him due to it going up, meaning he also got a free DWC.

#1 Proof: DM @Pulls For Videos
#2 Proof: https://t.me/+p6-NhLCbecw4OTNh

? Channel Expectations & Future

Now that I am more active online again, I have goals to make big things happen and provide new services for other companies, along with new Epic Games services. I am also thinking about selling certain special things that will allow people to make a lot of money in this com. Once again, if you have any questions, please let me know.

@Pulls | ?

1 year, 2 months ago

The info needed to unban/pull your epic games account back.
I Request (must have at least one of these):1. Account ID
2. Previous/Current Display
3. Any Email On The Account
4. Current/Previous Console
You Receive:1. Creation IP Address
2. First Display
3. OG Consoles
4. OG Location
5. Cards Used
6. Invoice ID
7. 3 Oldest Receipts
8. Creation Email

The employee sends me screenshots of the info on his end which I simply write down and provide to you. This service is the best of the best and vouched by many over the past year!

ANY accounts can be done.
UNAVAILABLE (employee issues)

1 year, 2 months ago



The remaining 6 ACV spots are on sale for $400, which also means I’m making 0 profit on them.

1. Tag 1 friend in the comments of this post.
2. Join this channel and the group



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Website: https://hamster.network

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago