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Thales of Miletus (624-546 BCE)
21. The idea that everything in the universe can be ultimately reduced to a single substance (monism)
22. Politician and businessman (success because of the reliance on science to predict the weather, hence harvesting)
23. Founder of Milesian school (taught Anaximander -> Anaximen -> Pythagoras)
24. 400 BCE - Leucippus and Democritus - the cosmos is made up solely of atoms and empty space
Pythagoras (569-495 BCE)
25. The square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides (in right-angled triangles). Triangles with 3-4-5 ratios always have a right angle
26. Number is the ruler of forms and ideas. The whole cosmos must be governed by mathematical rules
27. Established the principle of deductive reasoning (building from self-evident axioms toward a new conclusion)
28. Reason is immortal, all else mortal
Laozi (Daoism) - (5XX-4XX BCE)
29. Confucius consulted Laozi (the Old Master) on rituals and ceremonies
30. Dao (the way) - is the source of all existence and the root of all things, seen and unseen.
31. It is achieved through: 1. acting thoughtfully, not impulsively; 2. acting in harmony with nature (respecting the ecological balance of the lake and not over-fishing); 3. living in peace, simplicity, and tranquility; 4. a solitary life of meditation and reflection
32. Change (dao) is cyclical, continually moving from one state to another (from day to night, summer to winter…). Different states are not opposite, but one arising from another, possessing complementary properties, making up a whole
Format: Book
Author: Will Buckingham
Title: The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Year: 2017
Jeffrey Sachs Testimony at the UN Security Council Meeting - November 20, 2023
On November 20, 2023, The UN Security Council held an open debate on "Promote sustaining peace through common development" under the agenda item "Maintenance of international peace and security." SDSN President Jeffrey Sachs was invited to brief the Security…
Hey friends, my new article (blog post) has finally been published:)
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The logic is very simple - it’s financially beneficial for a company to be sustainable.
In my personal opinion, the only reason for companies to exist is to be sustainable (to help reach SDGs+), so they should not need any extra financial benefits, but in capitalism it doesn’t (always) work this way, so, it’s good news that companies (people, individuals) are starting to have more and more financial incentive to be sustainable.
4 Business Benefits of Incorporating Sustainability for Energy Companies
Learn how sustainability efforts are expanding and enhancing revenue streams and driving growth for energy companies in our blog.
Hi Friends,
Just wanted to let you know that my recent post “menu” is also available on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
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Live long and prosper?
Hi friends!
Since February 2022 (when I started this channel) I've published 39 articles and summaries, distilling complex ideas into concise and accessible insights. I aspire to make knowledge accessible and contribute to the global conversation around the most important issues.
Please find below the "menu" with the links. Please share it with your friends as, I'm sure, they'll also find it useful!
Thank you! ? - live long, prosper, and let the progress start today, from you.
Authored articles:
Philosophy, Sustainability, Physics, Future:
Biology, Medicine, Anthropology, Psychology:
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago