Awakened World

Awakened World is the sister channel to Lawyers of Light. The channel aims to focus on alternative healing modalities, natural health, good food, & new ways of being and moving forward, as well as current and legal affairs
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9 months ago
Can anyone identify this bird please …

Can anyone identify this bird please that has got into my house? I think one of my cats bought it in. It is still alive, uninjured and obviously only a baby so cannot yet fly. What is the best thing to do to give it a chance of life? Should I feed it and if so what? Any ideas gratefully received as I would like to do more than just put it back in the garden where my "thug" cats will get it

9 months, 4 weeks ago

Really pleased to share some news from the wonderful People's Care Watchdog who I've been lucky enough to work with on and off. They have worked incredibly hard to get this, and I would really appreciate it if you could share this post around so that anyone affected can submit a witness statement for the inquiry via the solicitor details below.

Message below


The People's Care Watchdog has been asked to submit a witness statement to the COVID 19 Inquiry. This is an important platform for all those families affected by lockdown policy.

For anyone who has evidence regarding the care of older or vulnerable people in care homes, nursing homes or hospitals from 2020 onwards please read on.

Did your loved one suffer from any of these issues:

? Isolation

? mental health decline

? malnutrition /weight loss

? Dehydration

? No access to GP

? Denial of medical treatment

? Do not resuscitate (DNR)

? Unlawful end of life protocols

? NG163 (see our website)

? Misuse of antipsychotics

? Misuse of sedatives

? Safeguarding issues

? Neglect

? Abuse

? Other issues relating to lockdown/ being locked out

Please become part of our campaign by submitting evidence to our legal team via Christina at Hodge, Jones and Allen solicitors. Her email is

It's time for awareness, accountability, and change. We hope you will be part of it.


1 year, 5 months ago

We posted about the above case ⬆️ on lawyers of light some weeks ago.

Here is the update story dated yesterday.

Mail Online

Coroner is probing EIGHT deaths on the same NHS ward where pair of 'dangerous and callous' nursing staff drugged and ill-treated…

Catherine Hudson, 54, and Charlotte Wilmot, 48, were today found guilty of drugging 'troublemaker' patients at Blackpool Victoria Hospital. The same ward is being probed over more deaths.

We posted about the above case ***⬆️*** on lawyers of light some weeks ago.
1 year, 5 months ago

A journalist from the Daily Mail is running a story tmrw about 8 deaths that are being investigated by the coroner in a Blackpool hospital.

The People's Care Watchdog has commented about our general concerns around unlawful end of life medication. Please please could you keep sharing the questionnaire below. So far we have had only 14 responses and I know many support groups have more that 100 families affected by this issue. Thank you ?

Hello wonderful souls,

As many of you know I’ve been utterly changed by the experience of working together with families with loved ones in care for the last three years.

One of the many tragic issues that has come to my awareness is unlawful end of life protocols.

It’s understandably very hard for people who haven’t had experience of this to get their heads around it. I have spoken and written to journalists and MP’s and often they quite simply don’t seem able or willing to take in the nuances and subtleties of this issue.

We at the People’s Care Watchdog have been working over the last 6 months to create a way to gather information about unlawful end of life protocols in a format we can then share anonymously and in an impactful way with MP’s, lawyers, journalists and the public.

Please could you spread the word to family, friends or professionals who have concerns about any of the following:

  • unlawful end of life protocols
  • continued use of the disbanded Liverpool Care Pathway
  • administration of end of life medication without consent
  • sudden and unexplained deterioration in a loved one in care or hospital
  • use of Nice Guidelines NG163 during the covid period.

This is a vital step if we want to stop the unnecessary suffering we know so many have experienced.

You can find information about unlawful end of life protocols at our website

And you can submit your own end of life protocol story here

* Please be sure to USE the questionnaire for end of life protocols and NOT the general form about care homes *

It’s been a slog for many people to get this tragic and unlawful issue listened to and understood. We’re hopeful that the time is right and if enough people share their experience in the questionnaire format, we will all have the information we need to bring about justice and affect change.

With hope,


Please note, the People’s Care Watchdog is run by a few volunteers, juggling life, work and our own family commitments. We will do our best to respond to messages but cannot guarantee we will reply personally to all messages. Please be patient and also persistent if you haven’t heard from us.

The People's Care Wa

Unlawful End of Life Protocols | The People's Care Wa

The NICE Guidelines (NG163) brought in to deal with the outbreak of Covid-19, suggested the use of midazolam and morphine for breathlessness, agitation, as well as for end of life.

1 year, 5 months ago

Hello wonderful souls,

Please could you spread the word to family or friends who have concerns about any of the following:

  • unlawful end of life protocols
  • continued use of the disbanded Liverpool Care Pathway
  • administration of end of life medication without consent
  • sudden and unexplained deterioration in a loved one
  • use of Nice Guidelines NG163

We at the People’s Care Watchdog have been working over the last 6 months to create a way to gather information about unlawful end of life protocols in a format we can then share (anonymously) with MP’s, lawyers, journalists and the public.

This is a vital step if we want to stop the unnecessary suffering we know so many have experienced.

You can find information about unlawful end of life protocols at our website

And you can submit your own end of life protocol story here

Please be sure to USE the *questionnaire for end of life protocols and NOT the general form about care homes ***

It’s been a slog for many people to get this tragic and unlawful issue listened to and understood. We’re hopeful that the time is right and if enough people share their experience in the questionnaire format, we will all have the information we need to bring about justice and affect change.

Please note, the People’s Care Watchdog is run by a few volunteers, juggling life, work and our own family commitments. We will do our best to respond to messages but cannot guarantee we will reply personally to all messages. Please be patient and also persistent if you haven’t heard from us.

With hope,

The People’s Care Watchdog

The People's Care Wa

Unlawful End of Life Protocols | The People's Care Wa

The NICE Guidelines (NG163) brought in to deal with the outbreak of Covid-19, suggested the use of midazolam and morphine for breathlessness, agitation, as well as for end of life.

1 year, 5 months ago


This Farmer needs your help, to fight for the survival of all Farmers!

He is campaigning for Gov.Uk and Supermarkets to honour their pledge! He mentions three MP’s, which I have included (below). Please write to your own MP and copy to the others.

Be great to let the Supermarkets have your views too! ?

Videas source

“Get Fair About Farming”

“Almost half (49%) of British fruit and veg farmers fear they will go out of business within the next 12 months. 75% report that supermarket behaviour is a leading factor.* Farmers live with constant uncertainty; never knowing what they will be paid or when, how much of a crop will be bought, or whether it will be rejected altogether.”


1 year, 6 months ago

⬆️⬆️ Despite all the crap thrown at us, when you see something like this it reminds us what an amazing world we live in

1 year, 6 months ago

? More than 30,000 hours or 3 years and 7 months to photograph 77 TYPES OF RARE FLOWERS IN FULL BLOOM.
Enjoy this rare beauty of Nature very difficult to find!

1 year, 6 months ago

This is the supplement referred to in the episode above.


Order NADH Capsules | NADH 50mg - VitaminExpress

NADH 50mg cheap at Vitamin Express ✓ High Quality Guaranteed ✓ Fast Delivery ***▶*** Order NADH Capsules now!

This is the supplement referred to in the episode above.
1 year, 6 months ago

This is an interesting episode and I will link the supplement referred to below

Episode #127: Klinghardt Conversations 3 with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD -

After over twenty years of chronic illness, chronicles my journey through and recovery from Lyme Disease, mold illness, and the many issues

This is an interesting episode and I will link the supplement referred to below
We recommend to visit

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Last updated 6 months ago

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Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago