Kristen Nagle

A Nurse and Holistic Nutritionist helping you connect back to yourself, community and the Earth. To empower sovereignty, informed consent, medical transparency and true health and well-being.
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7 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Please support my YouTube Channel, it's newer and shadow banned, but we the censored do our best!

Thanks for the love! ADV

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Unravelling Childbirth Myths

Discover the truth about natural childbirth with Amandha Vollmer as she exposes widespread misconceptions and empowers women with authentic insights into their bodies. The full video can be found here: ***👉*** In this compelling…

7 Monate, 4 Wochen her


"Next Level Study Analysis of the Month ?
July 2024

HIV infection experiment in the journal LANCET: Over 130,000 condomless sex sessions and not a single HIV transmission documented.

The "PARTNER(1)" and "PARTNER2" studies , which included over 2000 heterosexual and homosexual couples, investigated whether "HIV" can be transmitted through condomless sexual intercourse (vaginal and anal) if one of the two partners is "HIV-infected" ("tested positive" for "HIV").

In over 130,000 cases of condomless sex, there was not a single documented HIV transmission. These studies included the largest number of participants ever documented in a transmission experiment and achieved a transmission rate of 0%.

The trick to save the virus hypothesis:

Only couples in which the HIV-positive partner was receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) and had a "low viral load" were included in the study.
From this, the authors then concluded that transmission in couples taking HIV medication and having a low viral load is 0%.

Interestingly, no control groups of couples without ART medication and with a "high viral load" were included. Why was this group not studied? Could it be that a control would have shown that there is no pathogenic transmissible HIV? Furthermore, how can the authors be sure that all participants took their medication consistently?

? The fact is: There is not a single documented infection in controlled studies!
The claim that HIV or AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease has no scientific basis whatsoever and has been refuted."


2009 HIV/AIDS Documentary: House of Numbers - Anatomy of an Epidemic

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NEXT LEVEL - Wissen neu gedacht

***🔬***NL Studien-Analyse des Monats***📊*** Juli 2024 HIV-Ansteckungsversuch in Fachzeitschrift LANCET: Über 130.000 Mal kondomloser Sex und keine einzige HIV-Übertragung dokumentiert***❗️*** Die "PARTNER(1)" und "PARTNER2" Studien, in denen über 2000 heterosexuelle und…

8 Monate, 4 Wochen her

Dr. Khan who is looking for a unvaxxed nurse for his Cancer & Wellness Clinic in Toronto.
“We are looking for an unvaxxed nurse to work at our cancer and wellness clinic in Toronto (Yonge St/401):
Must have excellent IV skills. Part time initially, may increase to full time as the office is getting busier. If you know someone, please give them my email: [email protected]

10 Monate her

Awesome video on ArriveCAN corruption and the Auditor General’s findings. ??


Uncovering ArriveCAN: Corruption in Government Contracts

ArriveCAN, at times called ArriveSCAM, has been plagued by news of corruption, lies and mismanagement in both the Canadian government and among private contractors who worked on the project. Let’s lay out the key players and events in this debacle. 0:00…

10 Monate, 1 Woche her


Greg Arcade | SubStack | Substack

Newsletter from Greg Arcade talking about Entrepreneurship, My Time in Entertainment, the growing Parallel Society, and how it all relates to the current events relative to my experiences. Click to read Greg Arcade | SubStack, a Substack publication with…

10 Monate, 1 Woche her

Update I made on my givesendgo page:

Update #16 on $$

April 25, 2024
I don't really know where to begin or how to thank all of you for your encouragement, love, support, prayers and financial contributions!

I am beyond speechless and give it all to the Lord to glorify His name as these blessings have been received!

I wanted to break down costs for some transparency, every single dollar I have received in donations has gone strictly to fines, lawyers, transcripts. Nothing has been used for personal use.

Here are a breakdown of fines and fees:
$11,653.71 (lawyer and transcripts)
$12,500 (going to church fine)
$25,000 (organizing London rally fine)
$9,375 (speaking in London fine)
$52,500 (defamation lawsuit)

Total of $111,028.71

Donations from GiveSendGo:


owing: $27,830 (remaining defamation $18455 and newest fine to be paid in a year $9375)

Please know I am not here asking for money for the remaining balance.

I received a comment on a post I made about "money fears" that really got to me. How I've received all this money from donations and am living a "wonderful" life in central American and they can't believe I have money fears. I believe I have always been an open book and transparent from day 1 and wanted to continue being so.

I have prayed over every single donation with a heart full of thanks and gratitude, I have done my very best to make sure every penny that was given to me was handled with integrity and my sincerest appreciate, it has always gone straight to legal costs.

My personal expenses and situation remain very separate and different. It's been tough, challenging many years for most of us and especially now as costs of living continue to increase.

I just again want to thank every single one of you.

Thank you for helping my family and I carry this burden. I don't know if I'll ever be able to truly express my deepest heartfelt appreciation to all of you.

Thank you❤️‍?❤️‍???

Love always,


10 Monate, 1 Woche her

Unexplained Weight Gain?

Kidney Tubule Conflict!
Unexplained Weight Gain and the domino effect of complications like Bloating, fatigue, weight gain, hormone and metabolic issues (sugar disbiosis), could be a survival mechanism!

Our body is always healing and protecting us.

Unfortunately, most of the time we intervene and get in its way.

Our Kidney’s are amazing detox organs, Kidney Collecting Tubules have both absorption and excretion qualities.

A kidney Collecting Tubule conflict also known as Water Retention Conflict or Fish out of water may appear as fat, foggy, fatigued and thyroid problems (metabolism).

This conflict happens when we resolve one conflict and have a secondary ongoing conflict, and the kidney’s operate in both Parasympathetic Nervous System and Sympathetic Nervous System.

The kidney collecting tubules “tighten up” to make sure there is minimum water (urine) loss (excretion), and instead there is max water retention (edema). This will increase kidney enzymes, blood sugar, blood pressure and create toxic overload.

So why does this happen.

When a fish is out of water, washed ashore, in order to prevent drying out, the cells of the kidney tubules proliferate quickly to close excretion filter to withhold water to give the fish a chance of surviving until the next wave can bring it back into its natural environment.

This same thing happens to us.

When we are out of our element the body holds onto water, body fat, anything it can for our survival. We know water is essential for our survival.

What causes this conflict?


A - abandonment
I - isolation
R - Refugee
E - existence

We need all of the above to survive - we are created to be seen, heard, and loved in community.

It makes sense why 3 out 4 people will experience gut related health issues, like Bloating or constipation.

So lets break this down, and when we do think of the last four years specifically.

Abandonment conflict, does not need to be physical it can also be emotional. It can also happen as early as birth when the umbilical cord is severed too soon, or baby is taken from mom.

Isolation conflict, feeling alone, secluded, emotionally unsupported. No community or anyone to hold you up, support you. I’d imagine this hits hard for a lot of people!

Refugee conflict is feeling like you’re wandering without roots or home, you’re out of place. Thrown out of work, home, relationships and family.

Existence conflict is when our very life or existence is threatened. It’s about losing everything (our existence)m our livelihood and life is at stake.

A person can retain 40-50 pounds of just water and will not come off with diet, exercise or supplements.


When I read this - I think of the weight I gained during 2020-2023 - that I was unable to lose no matter what I did. I eat clean, I exercise, it didn’t make sense. Until I left Canada and landed in Nicaragua the extra 20+lbs I was carrying fell off within 3 weeks!

My body felt safe, I had changed the tracks and triggers, I was no longer in any of those conflicts and my body could finally fully begin to heal and get of constant SNS state!

It’s actually pretty incredible when you think about it!

How many of us experienced weight gain during the last few years?

Then I also think of the existence conflict how many were terrified of dying from a virus - ended up in hospital, high blood pressure, edematous, only to be given lasix to excrete fluid - putting more panic on the body because it’s trying to retain water for survival. I think about this a lot now as a nurse, how much are we helping in certain cases vs exacerbating the problem because (even though we think we do) we don’t fully understand how the biological body works!

The more I dive deeper into German New Medicine - the more it all starts to make sense to me!

Lots to unlearn and lots of programming to let go of!

But wow our bodies are truly fascinating!

All by intention! Our creator truly is miraculous and thought of everything!

Can you relate to any of this?

Would love to hear from you!

10 Monate, 2 Wochen her


The International Jurisdiction Of Peaceful Anarchy: UTC featuring Michael O'Bernicia

Enjoy this episode? Please share it with at least ONE friend who you think needs to hear it! Join us for a captivating episode of The Way Forward as Alec delves into a conversation with Michael O'Bernicia, a philosopher and the founding sovereign of Universal…

10 Monate, 2 Wochen her

A historical look at how Vitamin K came into routine use.

"How did humans survive before the introduction of vitamin K shot?"

Pretty well actually.

However, there was an epidemic of Newborn Haemorrhagic Disease (Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding) in the US starting around the 1930s.

At one point it reached almost one percent of babies. This was a huge departure from the earlier rates of under 1/1000 in term babies and a little higher in preemies.

No one knew why, and did not seem particularly interested in the jump because the CURE was found!

Give every baby a Vit K shot and NHD will just about disappear. So they did.

Researchers questioned why it seemed limited to American-style obstetrics. Babies SHOULD be born with enough Vitamin K from their mothers to protect them in the first days while they began to accumulate their own

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God did not make mistakes in our perfect divine design.

So what changed?

Four innovations:

  1. Mothers were given anaesthetics which rapidly depleted their levels of Vitamin K

  2. Births were conducted under 'sterile' conditions and babies immediately washed with germicide, then wrapped into sterile clothing. The sterile handling continued through the hospital stay, with everyone gloved and masked, and in some regions even the mothers. The goal was to prevent babies from touching human skin (especially the mothers').

  3. Babies were under 'gastric rest'. They were not given any food nor attempts at nursing for three days. (In some radical regions it was only 48 hours!) They might be given sterile water "if needed" at 12 or 24 hours, but they were not fed. Colostrum was thought to be a gastric irritant and worthless, and since the natural time of milk production is three to five days, they assumed it was normal physiology for babies to "rest their stomachs.”

  4. When babies were finally permitted to be fed, the mother's nipples were first washed with germicide and dried. The mothers were not permitted to touch their babies. Babies came with their hands tied under the wrappings or in mittens to prevent skin contact. Sterile procedures were throughout the hospital stay and were to be followed as long as possible after going home.

This is what we know now:

  1. Maternal levels of vitamin K affect foetal levels of vitamin K. Medications which reduce maternal levels should be avoided.

  2. The baby is normally inoculated with bacteria during the birth process and especially in the first half hour after birth through skin-to-skin contact with the mother. These bacteria are essential to the manufacture of baby's vitamin K. Washing after birth and use of sterile wrappings is detrimental.

  3. Colostrum is a source of vitamin K, AND it contains probiotic and prebiotic bacteria which rapidly colonise and begin the vitamin K process.

  4. Skin contact with the mother's nipples is another primary source of necessary bacteria. Washing with a germicide is detrimental.

  5. Colostrum and milk are food for the beneficial bacteria. Withholding feeds and sterile feeds prevent the inoculation AND the growth of those bacteria that the baby has initially acquired.

And what it all comes down to is:

To promote rapid (normal) growth of the bacteria essential to vitamin k levels of newborn babies, the baby should not be washed after birth, should be kept in skin-to-skin contact, and early feeds should be encouraged. The more quickly the baby has established a milk supply, the more quickly his normal gut bacteria will flourish and provide adequate vitamin K.

Amazing now it seems yet again medicalized birth practices CAUSED this issue and not surprisingly found “the cure.”

We are perfectly created and the @reclaimbirthconference aims at honouring our divine design and helping understand our biological and physiological being.

Tickets increase by $200 end of April!

Bring a friend and take part in this amazing event as we reclaim birth and take back our power.



1 Jahr, 1 Monat her


Mother of one of the Coutts4 speaks out | Bridge City News

Aired on: Thursday January 25th, 24 Many of you have heard of the Coutts 4. The four men who have been held in custody for close to two years now since the Coutts border protest during the COVID-19 pandemic. The four men Chris Carbert, Anthony Olienick,…

Kristen Nagle
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago