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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Someone make sense out of what I’m looking at here, because that looks all wrong.
?: "At McConnell tonight… supposedly only 2 maintainers were on the jet at the time. They didn’t follow the checklist properly and somehow retracted the nose gear."
Irony: the Commandant of the Transportation Corps just recorded a podcast detailing the expertise of the Army’s watercraft operations.
Timing = Chef’s kiss ?
I haven’t listened, nor will I. If you do, let me know if there’s anything good in there.
SOCSOUTH issued a directive to all 7th SFG personnel in the southcom AO:
“- All SOF forces will limit alcohol intake to 2 drinks in a 24hr period.
- All SOF forces will NOT allow local civilians in their place of business or their boarding accommodations.
- All SOF forces are prohibited in soliciting any form of prostitution in any fashion.
- All SOF forces are restricted to a curfew of 2130 local time in their respective area of operations.
- All SOF forces are prohibited against procuring temporary stays in hotels or other boarding accommodations for recreational purposes that do NOT directly support mission requirements.”
7th group being 7th group… #iykyk
“Our amendment to require the DoD to create a plan to reinstate soldiers fired over the COVID vaccine mandate has been adopted.
This is a major win to undo an ill-advised policy that turned 8,400 soldiers into veterans overnight.” - repost from Rep Nancy Mace
Check out this petition. This is in reference to the Chechen dude who was killed (previous post). This is looking a bit psyopish.
Also, I’m being told it was a colonel who shot him, but I haven’t confirmed.
Anyone ever heard of conventional forces being sent across the border into Mexico to train with their forces?
In a Coast Guard Issue Paper dated April 29, 2024 from the Commandant’s office, the issue of “survivor storyteller videos” was discussed with various departments voicing their concerns. The purpose of the videos is to “showcase one method survivors may use to help heal following a sexual assault, let other survivors know they are not alone and need not be ashamed of what happened to them, and serve as a training tool to assist the workforce with better understanding the reality and lasting impact of sexual assault and harassment.” (I’m not sure if the proximity of dates between the Subcommittee letter and the Issue Paper are related, though I find it unlikely they’re not.)
Some of the listed concerns are specifically in regards to interest from congressional committees such as the one listed above and the likelihood they’ll ask for further information about the cases. Public Affairs is most concerned about context not being provided for their survivor stories, the potential for their stories to be tied to Operation Fouled Anchor, and the potential to make the Coast Guard look like they’re in the midst of a sexual assault crisis despite the reality that they ARE in the middle of a sexual assault crisis due to their “mishandling” of decades of assaults.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago