👁 🔵 Xtrack Live Feed 🔵👁

This feed displays the top 15 trending tokens based on tweet count, with all their relevant information and links. For more information: https://t.me/XtrackERC
We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 day, 6 hours ago

11 months ago

Trending Coins [1 hour]:

╔ 1. $FIRE
? 58
? MC 20.12K - V 0.15K - L 34.38K
? Taxes 0/0
? Wed, 01 May 2024 13:00:02 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: -1.4%
? 326 holders
↩️ Uniswap

╔ 2. $MEW
? 37
? MC 212.40K - V 844.62K - L 73.62K
? Taxes 0/0
? Tue, 07 May 2024 19:36:40 GMT
? 1h: 6.2% - 24h: 3297.0%
? 390 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? meweth.io - t.me - twitter.com

╔ 3. $BRETT
? 26
? MC 2.47M - V 258.50K - L 190.56K
? Taxes 0/0
? Wed, 01 May 2024 06:14:26 GMT
? 1h: 4.0% - 24h: -22.9%
? 881 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? bretter.io - docs.ethers.io - bretter.io

╔ 4. $CHAD
? 16
? MC 11.42K - V 2.50K - L 16.83K
? Taxes 0/0
? Tue, 07 May 2024 09:17:53 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: 79.7%
? 13 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? chaderc20.xyz - t.me - twitter.com

╔ 5. $HONK
? 13
? MC 14.79K - V 0.04K - L 15.84K
? Taxes 0/0
? Wed, 01 May 2024 12:23:03 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: 0%
? 317 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? t.me - twitter.com - honktoken.vip

╔ 6. $KOKO
? 11
? MC 11.39M - V 212.41K - L 342.38K
? Taxes 0/0
? Wed, 08 May 2024 04:27:03 GMT
? 1h: -0.4% - 24h: 162359.0%
? 41 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? www.kokodi.io - twitter.com

╔ 7. $MASK
? 9
? MC 19.25K - V 10.11K - L 15.20K
? Taxes 0/0
? Sat, 04 May 2024 06:31:39 GMT
? 1h: -29.4% - 24h: -51.3%
? 306 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? t.me - twitter.com - daredevildog.org

╔ 8. $PEDRO
? 9
? MC 113.51K - V 131.92K - L 40.57K
? Taxes 0/0
? Sat, 04 May 2024 00:01:39 GMT
? 1h: 7.8% - 24h: -41.3%
? 376 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? www.pedrotheracoon.wtf - x.com - t.me

╔ 9. $UPDOG
? 8
? MC 81.26K - V 4.81K - L 31.17K
? Taxes 0/0
? Sat, 27 Apr 2024 14:16:39 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: -3.5%
? 267 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? t.me - brettalterego.xyz - twitter.com

╔ 10. $GRAF
? 7
? MC 430.10K - V 174.80K - L 81.64K
? Taxes 5/6
? Mon, 06 May 2024 20:18:39 GMT
? 1h: 14.4% - 24h: 29.1%
? 309 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? graffiti.farm

╔ 11. $THREE
? 7
? MC 31.75M - V 2.05M - L 866.63K
? Taxes 0/0
? Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:15:17 GMT
? 1h: 0.8% - 24h: -17.3%
? 2 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? www.jobs3.io - twitter.com - t.me

╔ 12. $ZDAI
? 6
? MC 450.00K - V 156.11K - L 72.44K
? Taxes 5/5
? Sun, 05 May 2024 16:59:03 GMT
? 1h: 14.2% - 24h: 173.0%
? 425 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? zydio.ai - t.me - x.com

╔ 13. $SBAD
? 5
? MC 99.55K - V 70.02K - L 30.49K
? Taxes 0/0
? Wed, 08 May 2024 08:22:51 GMT
? 1h: 2300.0% - 24h: 2300.0%
? 97 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? knowyourmeme.com - www.youtube.com - t.me - twitter.com - strongbaderc20.vip

╔ 14. $YURO
? 5
? MC 24.80K - V 0.13K - L 17.17K
? Taxes 5/6
? Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:59:52 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: -2.1%
? 177 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? yuro-ai.com - t.me - twitter.com - t.me

╔ 15. $BAPES
? 4
? MC 291.23K - V 1.85M - L 58.54K
? Taxes 0/0
? Tue, 07 May 2024 10:16:16 GMT
? 1h: -8.3% - 24h: 6875.0%
? 528 holders
↩️ Uniswap
? bonkapes.com - t.me - twitter.com

11 months ago
**15.** [$BAPES](https://x.com/search?q=%24BAPES&src=typed_query&f=live)

15. $BAPES

? 4 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 291.23K/668.05K
? Liquidity: 58.54K
? Volume: 1.85M
? Gain: 165.0x/71.9x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 0/0
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Tue, 07 May 2024 10:16:16 GMT
? 1h: -8.3% - 24h: 0%
? 528 holders
? 0x3a5B666d0aa3B9711F2584e593d7d03aEe448BA2
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
bonkapes.com - t.me - twitter.com

11 months ago
**14.** [$YURO](https://x.com/search?q=%24YURO&src=typed_query&f=live)

14. $YURO

? 5 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 24.80K/221.48K
? Liquidity: 17.17K
? Volume: 0.13K
? Gain: 28.4x/3.2x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 5/6
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:59:52 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: 0%
? 177 holders
? 0x007273154183166d75629BFBa826FCBf7B86a892
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
yuro-ai.com - t.me - twitter.com - t.me

11 months ago
**13.** [$SBAD](https://x.com/search?q=%24SBAD&src=typed_query&f=live)

13. $SBAD

? 5 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 99.55K/142.86K
? Liquidity: 30.49K
? Volume: 70.02K
? Gain: 36.6x/25.5x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 0/0
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Wed, 08 May 2024 08:22:51 GMT
? 1h: 2300.0% - 24h: 0%
? 97 holders
? 0x7bC6BBF0E0F54899eE02De36018E822BDd5B41be
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
knowyourmeme.com - www.youtube.com - t.me - twitter.com - strongbaderc20.vip

11 months ago
**12.** [$ZDAI](https://x.com/search?q=%24ZDAI&src=typed_query&f=live)

12. $ZDAI

? 6 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 450.00K/450.00K
? Liquidity: 72.44K
? Volume: 156.11K
? Gain: 32.0x/32.0x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 5/5
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Sun, 05 May 2024 16:59:03 GMT
? 1h: 14.2% - 24h: 0%
? 425 holders
? 0x4fADefE2A5Eb1BF9e1D3DC4a9fc85DaA5c5c660b
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
zydio.ai - t.me - x.com

11 months ago
**11.** [$THREE](https://x.com/search?q=%24THREE&src=typed_query&f=live)

11. $THREE

? 7 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 31.75M/45.52M
? Liquidity: 866.63K
? Volume: 2.05M
? Gain: 8907.2x/6212.6x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 0/0
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:15:17 GMT
? 1h: 0.8% - 24h: 0%
? 2 holders
? 0x3C2a37B1131Da9941a577E7155EE393A5a6D7667
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
www.jobs3.io - twitter.com - t.me

11 months ago
**10.** [$GRAF](https://x.com/search?q=%24GRAF&src=typed_query&f=live)

10. $GRAF

? 7 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 430.10K/834.67K
? Liquidity: 81.64K
? Volume: 174.80K
? Gain: 145.1x/74.7x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 5/6
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Mon, 06 May 2024 20:18:39 GMT
? 1h: 14.4% - 24h: 0%
? 309 holders
? 0xAD93F42183717D1d139530163e078E0ec826704A
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:

11 months ago
**9.** [$UPDOG](https://x.com/search?q=%24UPDOG&src=typed_query&f=live)


? 8 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 81.26K/281.99K
? Liquidity: 31.17K
? Volume: 4.81K
? Gain: 74.9x/21.6x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 0/0
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 14:16:39 GMT
? 1h: 0% - 24h: 0%
? 267 holders
? 0x472ca846192194E04645df53a0d0cB06a08faF19
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
t.me - brettalterego.xyz - twitter.com

11 months ago
**8.** [$PEDRO](https://x.com/search?q=%24PEDRO&src=typed_query&f=live)


? 9 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 113.51K/878.15K
? Liquidity: 40.57K
? Volume: 131.92K
? Gain: 281.3x/36.4x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 0/0
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Sat, 04 May 2024 00:01:39 GMT
? 1h: 7.8% - 24h: 0%
? 376 holders
? 0x74a5CF2CeAD968A45CBe0AE8fc58559602FB349D
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
www.pedrotheracoon.wtf - x.com - t.me

11 months ago
**7.** [$MASK](https://x.com/search?q=%24MASK&src=typed_query&f=live)

7. $MASK

? 9 mentions in the last 1 hour.

? Market Cap: 19.25K/306.74K
? Liquidity: 15.20K
? Volume: 10.11K
? Gain: 75.6x/4.7x
? Liquidity Locked: ?
? Renounced: ?
? Taxes: 0/0
? Liquidity Burned: ?
↩️ Can Buy/Sell: ?/?
? Launched At: Sat, 04 May 2024 06:31:39 GMT
? 1h: -29.4% - 24h: 0%
? 306 holders
? 0x665EE5FF5b90Dd5Dc26DcDb7f85c13485281da58
Ⓜ️ Misc: Uniswap - Etherscan - Dexscreener - Dextools - Coinscan
? Additional URLS:
t.me - twitter.com - daredevildog.org

We recommend to visit

Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 day, 6 hours ago