XR Midlands Broadcast 🐝

Welcome to the broadcast channel for Extinction Rebellion's Midlands Region! 🦚🐋🦋🌻🌳
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6 months, 2 weeks ago


?? Upgrade Democracy ??

?Camping and accommodation

We have secured a camp site about 15minutes walk from the castle where our actions will happen. Alternative accommodation, kit list and lots of other information here: https://xrb.link/rz5du5

? Watch the Open call: https://youtu.be/ljMyoKlvtkI

? Buses

The Central and Eastern lines are up and running but sadly we had to cancel the Western line.

The buses will leave their first pick up at 7.30am on Friday 27th and leave to return from Windsor at 5pm on Sunday 1st.

Central stops: Chesterfield, Matlock, Derby, Birmingham, Warwick.

East stops: Lincoln, Newark, Nottingham, Leicester (possibly changing to Fosse Park, not central Leicester)

Full price tickets = £35, concession = £25, under16s are £5 with a paying adult

Concession: anyone who needs a reduced ticket.

Pay it Forward: You can also contribute to subsidise someone else’s ticket.

All the info you need are here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/xrmidlands

Please book as soon as possible.

? You can claim your coach fare from the Travel Subsidy scheme for the Midlands coach, any trains, any other coach, and fuel expenses IF you need to drive:

? Day by Day Guide

Can be found on the Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/zv2O5D4P2u1 )

⭐️ Volunteering

We are all crew! Inviting everyone to volunteer for a shift to make the event work. Please visit the Rebel Toolkit to learn more about how you can help and get on the rota: https://xrb.link/LZ76XA

?Potential for Right-wing violence/disruption

Reassure everyone that there is a group within XRUK that is now keeping their eye on this and who will take the decision how to go ahead if this risk is substantial.

At the moment (with where we are at today) it will go ahead. There will be a Rebellion Broadcast post confirming this soon.


Camping and Accommodation | Rebel Toolkit

Campsite location is Home Park ***📌*** What 3 Words: pays.toys.price The site is 300m from Windsor and...

6 months, 3 weeks ago

? Buses to Upgrade Democracy ?

It's time to book your ticket!

? https://www.tickettailor.com/events/xrmidlands

Central route:

East route:

6 months, 3 weeks ago

? Buses to Upgrade Democracy ?

Rebels of the West Midlands, please please please fill out the form today:

It's completely anonymous but we need to know how much interest there is before booking the bus (and if we need a big or small one).

Proposed pick up points:
? Shrewsbury
? Telford
? Ludlow
? Malvern and/or Worcester
? Hereford

The Central and Eastern lines are booked already and we'll share the link to get tickets soon.

Google Docs

Midlands Coaches to Update Democracy

Help us figure out the logistic of organising coaches to Upgrade Democracy at the end of August. Please tick all the pick up points from where you'd be able to get a coach, so we can estimate the interest for each (which doesn't guarantee that a coach will…

***?*** **Buses to Upgrade Democracy** ***?***
6 months, 3 weeks ago


? Defend our Defenders ?

9th August - actions in Northampton, Derby & Hereford in support of Whole Truth Five.

Some other cities may also sit in solidarity.

See the Defend Our Juries action pack: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oIGc4i1kj3edT7lM-mZ8DTDoHm8_K5zCcz9bqbOeFYM/edit

?? Upgrade Democracy ??

All the info on Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/qt793eg9

?Transport & Accommodation

Protest liaison have successfully negotiated a safe camp location for Upgrade Democracy
from 30th Aug - 1st Sep.

Camp entrance is now just beside Windsor & Eton train station.

XRUK will be camping at Home Park, Windsor.  Please see the app “What 3 Words”:  https://w3w.co/pays.toys.price
Map:  https://xrb.link/M8P0aT4

⭐️ Volunteer

We would love all attendees to volunteer a little time for something or other.   Please look at the volunteer channel at Rebellion Broadcast.

There are roles for those not attending as well.

?Impact of the recent riots

We're not expecting any violence to arise at UD, but should that happen, we are skilled at de-escalation and will be able to deal with the situation.

? Leaflets 

Anyone can have them. 

Order your leaflets here: https://xrb.link/I7m8P08

? Buses

Three coaches being planned to go down to Windsor on Friday morning and back on Sunday evening.

All hopefully with storage available underneath.

East, Central and West routes.

Central (booked): Chesterfield, Matlock, Derby, Birmingham, then Warwick or Stratford

East (booked): Lincoln, Newark, Nottingham, Leicester

West (proposed): Shrewsbury, Telford, Ludlow, Hereford

Tickets will be sold via TicketTailor and should be in the region of £35-£40

Available soon!

?Transport subsidy

Now available to Rebels who may find it difficult to meet the costs of travel, such as those with accessibility needs or who are on a low income. 

More info on how to claim back transport costs here:  https://xrb.link/J83is97FBR


If you'd like to bring an unfair game to UD, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdu3o8K7cj0k-zWCN0Kibq4aTHH1h8xjXrLHP06GwtM1ShBqQ/viewform

?‍? Community Assembly Workshop

In-person workshops on facilitating Community Assemblies will be run twice on Saturday by a Chesterfield Rebel

Google Docs

Stop Jailing Truth Tellers - A toolkit for Local Solidarity Actions

Stop Jailing Truth Tellers - A Toolkit for Local Action Short link for sharing: http://bit.ly/46m7DYn Author: Defend Our Juries Date last worked on: 23/07/2024 Status Being Updated On 18 July, the Whole Truth Five were given 4-5 year sentences by…

***✨******?*** **YOUR WEEKLY DIGEST** ***?******✨***
7 months ago

*?*? Upgrade Democracy ?*?*

You can now order leaflets to advertise Upgrade Democracy in your area.

Fill out the form here: https://xrb.link/I7m8P08

Google Docs


This form is for groups in the Midlands to order flyers to promote Upgrade Democracy. If your group is able, please make a contribution to cover the costs of: 1p per flyer XR Nottingham is currently holding funds for XR Midlands, so please make your…

*****?******?*** Upgrade Democracy** ***?******?***
7 months ago


??⭐️ NVDA & Action Planning Workshop ⭐️??

NVDA training in the morning, lunch, and Action Planning training in the afternoon.

You're all welcome to join for the whole day, or join the morning or afternoon session as needed.

⚠️ 3rd August, in Shrewsbury: POSTPONED

? 4th August, 10am-3pm in Northampton

More info: https://www.facebook.com/share/vAygxxdcg9fnwMGS/

? 8th September, 10am-3pm in Shrewsbury
More info: https://www.facebook.com/share/xSJZ8T1Yn9RzXgRL/ *☀️*? Heat Strike Actions ?*☀️*

1️⃣ Banner drops to spread the message that it is too hot to work – government to take action in the face of extreme heat

2️⃣ Walk out when temperature exceeds the maximum

3️⃣ Setting up “Cool stations” in our area where we people can get drinks, cool their feet, rest, etc.

? Action packs can be acquired from https://heatstrike.uk/ when you sign up

*?*? Upgrade Democracy ?*?*

All the info on Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/qt793eg9

? Buses

We are planning 3 buses from the east, west and middle of the region details to follow.

If you're considering getting a coach from the Midlands, please fill out this form to help us sort out pick up points: https://forms.gle/Yu6Q7yZT1x1VtDyN8 (the more interest is shown for a pick up point, the more likely we'll have a coach leaving from there)

⭐️ Volunteer for Upgrade Democracy

Roles Fayre: Sunday 4th August, 19.30–21.00

Register here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/roles-fayre-4

We are asking, where possible, everyone coming to sign up for at least one shift in the following roles: Stewarding, Road-taking, Outreach, Street Speakers, Art Blocking, Sound & Power, Logistics, Sanitation, Sustenance & Campsite, De-escalation, Wellbeing & First Aid, Talks & Training

More info about roles on the Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/Vx2LO81 Or email: [email protected]

? Upgrade Democracy Telegram Broadcast: https://t.me/+M9_cM9pqpPA3MGVk


Local groups are asked to devise and bring games/activities that are loaded against the player but can be made fair by adjusting the system (eg a tug of war where one end of the rope is staked to the ground).

All the info on Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/qt793eg9

You can join the Creative Zoom meetings if you're interested:  
email: [email protected]

? Support the Whole Truth Five ?

9th August - Defend our Juries actions in Northampton, Derby & Hereford in support of Whole Truth Five.

Some other cities may also sit in solidarity.
Contact DOJ for more info.


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7 months, 1 week ago


??⭐️ NVDA & Action Planning Workshop ⭐️??

NVDA training in the morning, lunch, and Action Planning training in the afternoon.

You're all welcome to join for the whole day, or join the morning or afternoon session as needed.

? 3rd August, 10am-3pm in Shrewsbury

More info: https://www.facebook.com/share/xSJZ8T1Yn9RzXgRL/

? 4th August, 10am-3pm in Northampton

More info: https://www.facebook.com/share/vAygxxdcg9fnwMGS/

*?*? Upgrade Democracy ?*?*

Plans are progressing!!! This is the BIG moment of XR’s summer. Please do all you can to come along for the 3 days and get your Rebel friends to come too!

All the info on Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/qt793eg9

Upgrade Democracy Telegram Broadcast: https://t.me/+M9_cM9pqpPA3MGVk


Upgrade Democracy Roles Fayre: Sunday 4th August, 19.30–21.00

Register here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/roles-fayre-4

We are asking, where possible, everyone coming to sign up for at least one shift in the following roles: Stewarding, Road-taking, Outreach, Street Speakers, Art Blocking, Sound & Power, Logistics, Sanitation, Sustenance & Campsite, De-escalation, Wellbeing & First Aid, Talks & Training.

More info about roles on the Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/Vx2LO81

Or email: [email protected]

? Support the Whole Truth Five ?

Although imprisoned for Just Stop Oil related ‘offences’, the wider movement stands with the Whole Truth Five. This is a huge moment and people from across society are horrified by this injustice.

See the open letter in the Times here: https://archive.ph/PmBnA

Share the letter and sign the petition here: https://defendourjuries.org/wtf/

?? Axe Drax - Karen walks free! ??

Our brave Leicester activist was in court yesterday for stopping a Drax train back in 2021 during COP26.

Read her story here: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/2024/07/22/xr-rebel-who-stopped-a-planet-wrecking-train-walks-free-from-court/


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7 months, 2 weeks ago

? Will you stand against DRAX? ?

COFFEE, a Midlands Rebel, is facing a possible 2 year prison sentence on Monday, 22nd July, for halting a 2,700 tonne wood pellet DRAX train during Cop 26.

?LEEDS Crown Court, Oxford Row, LS1 3BG

? DRAX burns 6.4 million tons of wood a year at Selby in N.Yorks. That's 27 million carbon storing trees, some from old growth forests in Canada, misleading ordinary people across Britain that this is ‘green’ energy.

? Burning trees is at least a third more carbon intensive than coal. Drax has emitted 117 million tonnes of CO2 since 2014 and received £6 billion in subsidies, it's a huge carbon emitter.

? DRAX are now seeking subsidies for a Carbon Capture plant next to the Selby wood-burning site.

Subsidies to destroy natural carbon capture and build ‘a technological one’ is absurd!

It’s jolly nice though for Will Gardiner CEO who receives a £5.4million salary.

7 months, 2 weeks ago


*?*? Upgrade Democracy ?*?*

Why are we doing this?

Our political system isn't up to the task of responding to a climate and ecological crisis. For all the fanfare about the election, the change in government is unlikely to bring about the change we need because the system itself is broken.

If we are going to avoid disaster, we will have to make difficult choices for the long term, collaboratively, in a fair way that isn’t biased towards a powerful or wealthy minority. 

We need to modernise the political system. so that it can deal with the problems of today’s world, and work better for everyday people.

?Why Windsor?

This is a deeply symbolic location (the home of the King, an outspoken environmentalist; near where the Magna Carta was signed which is the foundation of our rights; a symbol of power) which, combined with the post-election timing, will be the perfect backdrop to talk about our 3rd Demand.

? All the info are on the Rebel Toolkit: https://xrb.link/qt793eg9

? Upgrade Democracy Telegram Broadcast: https://t.me/+M9_cM9pqpPA3MGVk

?‍? People’s Assembly/facilitation training
Save the date! 10th August in Chesterfield. Keep your eyes peeled!

? Get clued up about Citizens’ Assemblies so we can talk to everyone about our 3rd Demand and why we we need to Upgrade Democracy: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/decide-together/citizens-assembly

? Regional coaches: XR Midlands are looking into facilitating two or three coaches to bring Rebels from across the region to Windsor. Keep your eyes peeled!

? fUNFAIR – this is going to be super fun and creative. It doesn’t take long to come up with a carnival game with a twist. Have a read here for some ideas: https://xrb.link/R5rW01

⭐️? Elections ?⭐️

These roles are up for re-election. If you’re interested or know anyone who might be, contact [email protected]

? Midlands/UK Talks & Trainings Link

Mandate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CSMG5dPwkSDDbIKtJglUJoxM_Tt-xYnju_upm8yQHDs/edit?usp=sharing

? Midlands Budget Holder

Mandate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n16Zbqd5KKxXrcqmcVFgB_umas2uCbmxaMujidZswKc/edit?usp=sharing


Upgrade Democracy | Rebel Toolkit

Get your tents and sleeping bags ready for a 3 day occupation which targets the failing system and f...

***✨******?*** **YOUR WEEKLY DIGEST** ***?******✨***
7 months, 2 weeks ago

??⭐️ Non-Violent Direct Actions and how to plan them ⭐️??

We're delighted to invite you to an in-person training session to learn more about Non-Violent Direct Actions (NVDA) and how to plan them.

Two dates available, everyone is welcome!

? 21st July - Lincoln

10:30am - 1pm: Non-Violent Direct Action training
1 - 2pm: Lunch (bring your own), free tea and coffee
2 - 4.30pm: Action Planning Training

? Meet at Mint Lane Hub, 12 Mint Ln, Lincoln LN1 1UD

? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/XczGot37CFsQFKMF/

? 4th August - Northampton

10am - 12pm: Non-Violent Direct Action training
12 - 1pm: Lunch (bring your own)
1 - 3pm: Action Planning Training

? Meet at The Umbrella Fair, Kettering Rd, Northampton NN1 4LG

? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/vAygxxdcg9fnwMGS/

??⭐️ What to expect? ⭐️??

☀️ Morning session

Whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned activist, get yourself along to an NVDA training session. You’ll find out everything you need to know without committing to anything.

NVDA training is important for your safety, the safety of other people around you on direct actions and that of the general public. Learn about civil disobedience, theories of nonviolence, practical skills and how to use your support systems.

This 2 hour in person session requires no prior knowledge to attend.

? Lunch

Bring something to share - Vegan is best so everyone can enjoy.

? Afternoon session

The Action Planning Workshop will equip you with essential knowledge and strategies without requiring any commitment.

This training is crucial for organising effective direct actions and ensuring the safety and impact of your efforts.

You'll learn about setting clear objectives, developing tactics, coordinating with others, and using resources efficiently.

Join us to gain practical skills, understand the importance of strategic planning, and discover how to maximize your potential.


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