National Socialist Genetics

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Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago

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4 месяца, 2 недели назад

Order to all members of NSGenetics!

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4 месяца, 2 недели назад
National Socialist Genetics
4 месяца, 2 недели назад
Qpadm of bronze age Croats

Qpadm of bronze age Croats

Well what does this tell us? Simply that there is no such a thing as a unified paleo Balkan population Albanians and south slavs derive ancestry from a high steppe Bronze Age Croatian source Greeks and Turks derive their paleo Balkan from low steppe Mycenaean sources.


6 месяцев, 2 недели назад
National Socialist Genetics
6 месяцев, 2 недели назад
National Socialist Genetics
6 месяцев, 2 недели назад
National Socialist Genetics
6 месяцев, 2 недели назад
Iranid phenotype

Iranid phenotype
Distinctive type of the Iranian Plateau. One of the main elements in Persians, especially in Southwestern Iran. An important element in Kurds, Talysh, Gilakis, Luris. Extends to Afghanistan and India where it can be found in West Tajik, Darts, Nuristani, Azerbaijani, and even Balti. Shows elements of Mediterranids as well as Arabids.
Physical Traits:
Light brown skin, straight or wavy, brown or black hair. Medium height to tall, meso- brachyskelic, ectomorph. (Hyper-) dolichocephalic, mildly hypsicranic. Long, hyperleptorrhine, convex / hooked nose. Full lips, sturdy chin with marked facial features, sometimes almond-shaped eyes. Beard and body hair usually heavy.
Field (1939) and Hooton (1946) call it Iranian Plateau type, Coon (1939) and Cole (1965) Irano Afghan, Bunak's (1960) Caspian is similar, likeOshanin's (1964) Khurasan race. Eickstedt (1952,1961), Bernhard (1993) and Knussmann (1996)define Iranid as an Orientalid subrace, Biasutti (1967)even its the main variety "Iraniana", Lundman (1967)describes Iranid as an East Mediterranid influenced by Arabid.
Along with gene distance,Neolithic breakdown and other detail

6 месяцев, 3 недели назад
National Socialist Genetics
6 месяцев, 3 недели назад
Debunking the dumb free Palestine groids …

Debunking the dumb free Palestine groids and their claim that Jews are natives to Eastern Europe.

As one can see from these calculations Jews are primarily a mixture of Iron Age latin and Levantine much similar to their southern Italian brothers the Sicilians if one would run the same models with non Jewish poles and other Eastern Europeans you would get horrible fit. Lesson to take Jews are not native to Eastern Europe.

6 месяцев, 3 недели назад
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Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago

The channel strictly adheres to the requirements of the official Telegram community. All content is for adults (over 18 years old).