修复一些 bug
经典我们写的是垃圾,随便来个阿猫阿狗 fork 一下就变成类人群星闪耀时了,当初 Magisk 删除 MagiskHide 的时候也是这套说辞,真是狗改不了吃屎
上架 play 商店
ZygiskNext 1.2.0 正式版
新特性:推出 Zygisk Next 特有模块及 API
减少 sepolicy 数量
修复 magisk 兼容的一些问题
Zygisk Next CLI 现在在 root shell 环境可用,命令为 znctl
,其中包含 Zygisk 及 Zygisk Next 模块的运行状态获取与控制等功能
ZygiskNext 1.2.0 Stable Release
New feature: Zygisk Next-specific modules and APIs
Extensive code refactoring
Reduce the number of sepolicy
Fix some issues in magisk compatibility
The Zygisk Next CLI is now available in the root shell environment. The command is znctl, which includes functions such as obtaining and controlling the running status of Zygisk and Zygisk Next modules.
As for why not just make a pull request to official Magisk: The maintainers literally don’t like this feature.
P.S. 我这几个月都没空,有什么问题别来找我了,暂时退出安卓圈?