EVN Report

EVN Report is an English-language digital media platform providing high-quality independent journalism from Armenia to a global audience.
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1 month ago
***?️***Week in review:

?️Week in review:
- Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov accuses Armenia of “sabotaging” the unblocking of regional communications through Armenia’s Syunik region.
- On the eve of Ukraine’s Independence Day, President Zelenskyy posthumously awards Armenian film director Sergei Parajanov with the “National Legend of Ukraine” honor.
- A new legislation says taxi drivers have to issue receipts.
- There are 58 confirmed cases of the West Nile fever in Armenia.

Full episode

1 month ago
On August 19, while in Baku …

On August 19, while in Baku as part of President Vladimir Putin's delegation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Armenia's leadership of "sabotaging" the unblocking of regional communications. This accusation ignited a war of words with Yerevan.
Hovhannes Nazaretyan lays out the chronology of Moscow's stance on what Baku calls the “Zangezur corridor,” Russia says is the “Meghri route” and Armenia says is the “Crossroads of Peace” initiative.

1 month ago

The Recording Memory panel, featured representatives from StoryCorps, an organization renowned for showcasing the power of recording memories to foster empathy, understanding and inclusivity. The conversation explores the vital role of storytelling in preserving personal narratives and collective history.



Panel Discussion: Recording Memory

The Recording Memory panel, featured representatives from StoryCorps, an organization renowned for showcasing the power of recording memories to foster empathy, understanding and inclusivity. The conversation explores the vital role of storytelling in preserving…

3 months, 3 weeks ago

? Շատերը, հատկապես Հայաստանից դուրս ապրողները ճշգրիտ տեղեկատվություն չունեն, թե ինչ է կատարվում հանրապետության Տավուշի մարզում։ Սահմանների ու քարտեզների խնդիրներին է անդրադառնում քարտեզագիր Ռուբեն Գալիչյանը։

EVN Report

Տավուշ. հողային և սահմանային մարտահրավերներ

Հոդվածը կարող եք լսել ՁայնաԳիր Your browser does not support the audio element. Մեր որոշ հայրենակիցներ, հատկապես Հայաստանից դուրս ապրողները

[***?***](https://evnreport.com/arm/politics-arm/tavush-land-and-border-challenges/) Շատերը, հատկապես Հայաստանից դուրս ապրողները ճշգրիտ տեղեկատվություն չունեն, թե ինչ է կատարվում հանրապետության Տավուշի մարզում։ Սահմանների ու քարտեզների խնդիրներին …
3 months, 3 weeks ago

? “We should listen to the Tavush Movement’s leaders when they tell us who they are. Our Georgian companions to the north can testify to the hazards presented by an unchecked oligarchy who legitimately acquired power through subterfuge. Instead, we should turn to methods largely ignored by both the State and the Tavush Movement: building an independent, democratic power capable of countering the seductive allure of narrow patriotism, which collapses the diverse variations of Armenian identity into one amorphous shape. In short, an opposition worthy of the name!”

EVN Report

Beyond Church or State: Towards a Progressive Opposition

Listen to the article. Your browser does not support the audio element. In one extraordinary incident three years ago, a

[***?***](https://evnreport.com/opinion/beyond-church-or-state-towards-a-progressive-opposition/) “We should listen to the Tavush Movement’s leaders when they tell us who they are. Our Georgian companions to …
3 months, 3 weeks ago

? “Azerbaijan has become particularly hostile towards France due to its consistent support for Armenians and criticism of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan’s campaign of disinformation regarding France’s partnership with Armenia gradually escalated into a broader campaign against France. Its style is characteristic of an illiberal autocratic regime and mirrors Russia’s similar campaign in Africa and the European neighborhood.”

EVN Report

Azerbaijan’s and Russia’s Campaign of False Narratives Against the France-Armenia Partnership

Listen to the article. Your browser does not support the audio element. Azerbaijan’s campaign of disinformation and false narratives against

[***?***](https://evnreport.com/politics/part-i-evolution-of-french-support-for-armenia-amid-azerbaijans-aaggression/) “Azerbaijan has become particularly hostile towards France due to its consistent support for Armenians and criticism of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan’s …
3 months, 3 weeks ago
EVN Report
3 months, 3 weeks ago
EVN Report
3 months, 3 weeks ago
EVN Report
4 months ago

? In her next piece for “Outside In” Maria Gunko recounts her exploration of the Armenian language. Learning it for a foreigner can be tough, she says, but not as tough as it may seem at first glance. Every cloud has a silver lining.

EVN Report

Ban Chka

Visiting one post-Soviet state, you can then recognize it in all others – the similar patterns of urban planning and

[***?***](https://evnreport.com/arts-and-culture/ban-chka/) In her next piece for “Outside In” Maria Gunko recounts her exploration of the Armenian language. Learning it for …
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