Mark Attwood

Host of "The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit". Poet. Author. Public Speaker. Entrepreneur.
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6 months, 3 weeks ago
Mark Attwood
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Mark Attwood
6 months, 3 weeks ago

Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company, Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away. Pavel Durov sits in a French jail tonight, a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intel agencies. Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world. Here’s our interview with Durov from several months ago:


11 months, 3 weeks ago

If you are a mother/father who just got a "consent" form for the poisonous HPV/Tdap/Men ACWY "vaccines", this is what I'm doing. Take it or leave it.
1. Say No, obviously. It's your child/children. Why would you trust these people to inject them with anything? If you're not sure, please research the ingredients of each shot
2. Cross out the words Parent/Guardian and replace with Father/Mother
3. State your reasons for not consenting with something like “These vaccines are dangerous and I do not in any way consent to them” (be creative but tell the truth from your heart)
4. Take a video of you putting the signed document into an envelope addressed to where they ask you to send it.
5. Take that envelope to the post office and take a picture of it when you have turned it into a piece of “Registered Post”
6. Send the picture and video to the email address they provided for the demon at the “school immunisation department” as evidence of your non consent
7. Email the school with all of this too. Let them know you know what they are doing.
8. Give your child ClO2, Vit C, Zinc, NAC at the first sign of any coughing or illness after being in the school. Take them out of school if you can.
9. Keep your precious baby the fuck away from these murdering bastards on the date of “immunisation”
10. Get David Adelman’s Book “School: No Place for Children” Read it.

You can add in your own creative efforts at will.

Save your child. Do not let anyone ever stick anything into them. Explain all this to your child so they understand.

They WILL thank you one day. God bless us all xxx


11 months, 3 weeks ago

Here's a list of names that most of us on this path will relate to ??

“The Creatives - Who are willing to find ways to live outside of the box, those who get inspired by a challenge and find their own solutions.

The Rebels - Who have been misfits many times in the past so they're immune to being excluded.

The Wild Ones - With deep connection & reverence to the land, who knows nature has everything they need.

The Old Souls - Who've seen this all before & have been persecuted over lifetimes for doing things differently.

The Healers - Who are resourced with tools & modalities outside of the mainstream to restore balance & vitality.

The Warriors - Who know what’s sacred & aren’t afraid to stand strong in their convictions.

The Inner Peace Seekers - Who were already adopting a slower way of living & detaching from commodities.

The Optimists - With an inner knowing of what really matters who can adapt their perspective to see the blessings that difficulties can bring.

The Stubborn Ones - Who won't bend to coercion no matter how tight you squeeze, who find ways to adapt to obstacles before going against their truth.

The Intuitives - Who trust their inner voice before any external noise.

The Lions & Lionesses - Who fiercely protect their young & will stop at nothing to hold the line as you awaken the fire within.

The Sovereign Ones -Who won’t be threatened into backing down because they have already made their choice.

Stay strong, hold the line.??❤️
~ author unknown”


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