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Toss + Match + Session Free Prediction
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Toss + Match + Session Free Prediction
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Last updated 1 Jahr, 4 Monate her
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Last updated 9 Monate her
Yo dweb
Yeah sup
Yo dweb
Yo peeps
By @sassyyy_ara
Episode 1️⃣1️⃣
Kaitlyn struggled to set herself free but the therapist was stronger than her......
The therapist held her neck and strangled her..
Kaitlyn: please stop! I beg you ? (she coughs)... please.. let go
Therapist: Shut up!
The therapist took the pen (which she left on the bed while struggling with Kaitlyn), looked at it and smiled. She then tried to poke Kaitlyn’s left eye out with it and Kaitlyn screamed.
Kaitlyn: Nooooooooooooo!
She screamed so hard her mom run into her room.
Mrs Owusu: Kaitlyn!! (She hit her butt very hard) I’ve been shouting your name for so long, aren’t you going to school?
Kaitlyn sat on her bed and kept panting as if she’d run a marathon.
Kaitlyn: Mom... mom oh mom I’m so glad it was just a nightmare.
She went to hug her mom very tight
(She hadn’t done that in the past 8 years)
Mrs Owusu: You always wake up late, I’ve been telling you to sleep early, now look at the time you’re waking up.
Kaitlyn: Mom (she looked very scared)
Mrs Owusu: Oh please it was just a nightmare ?♀️! I told you not to stay up and watch that horror movie. Now take your bath and get dressed for school. And please hurry up ?.
Mrs Owusu left the room and shut the door. Kaitlyn stood there for some seconds with her palm on her chest and said to herself.
—It was just a nightmare, I’m never watching those movies with daddy again, I’m done with horror movies.That was one long nightmare, thank God it’s all over now. But madam Theresa’s fall was epic. Lord! I should probably write a book, this nightmare is a whole movie ??.
****After she was done getting ready she went into the living room to get her lunch. And there she was, Mrs Nina Tagoe the therapist she saw in her nightmare.
—Oh no! (Kaitlyn blurted out)
-Oh yes! (Mrs Owusu said as she came out of the kitchen)
This is my friend Mrs Nina Tagoe, she’s a therapist and when you come back from school the two of you will have a talk about those horror movies you’ve been watching and the negative impact it can have on your life. You know I don’t condone you watching such movies, but of course you choose to listen to your father.
The therapist stood there with a creepy smile on her face and waved Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn whispered to herself: Oh my God, could it happen in real life?
The End ?
For more ❤️?
© The sixth sense
By @sassyyy_ara
Episode ?
She burst into tears and wept bitterly. The therapist allowed her to cry and at a point hugged her and consoled her.....
Their session continued after Kaitlyn finished crying.
—So Kaitlyn what do you think could be the solution to this problem?
-I don’t know ma’am, I thought that was why you’re here. You can help me figure things out right?
—Your situation is very different from the cases I’ve handled ever since I became a therapist. But I can still give you some advice. I think you should take a break from school. Maybe your parents could speak to the school authorities so you’d stay home until we are able to figure out what exactly is going on. I’m going to keep coming here so you’ll share all your problems with me, as it is this is too heavy a burden for a teenager like you. You’re a Christian Right?
-Yes please
—Good ☺️, you have to keep praying, this is not a problem we can resolve physically. You have to pray and ask God for help. But hey do you know there’s a bright side to this?
—Yeah at least you can see the future, you can prevent certain accidents from happening but the rest of us are just being carried around by the winds of life. We never know what’s next, this is like your super power. ☺️
Kaitlyn smiled and said..
-Well if you think of it that way it is a good thing, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt anymore.
—Yes! We all don’t want that, that’s why we’ll find a way to make sure whatever you see doesn’t happen in real life.
—So have you seen anything about me yet? ?
-No ?
—Be sure to alert me if you do, at least I have a friend who can see the future ?.
They both laughed and the therapist took out her book to write some note ?.
All of a sudden she stopped writing, smiled very broadly and asked Kaitlyn..
—Kaitlyn what is a pen used for?
-Erm.. it’s used to write
—Correct! But do you know what else I could use it for?
-Erm no.... please are you okay?
The therapist laughed, stared at the pen for a while and said to Kaitlyn..
—You know I could use this pen to poke your eyes out right?
-Please what are you saying? Are you okay? Should I call mom?
—Mom? (She laughed) mom is not gonna come. Why? Because she’s dead hahaha (she laughed again)
-Moooooom!!!!! (Kaitlyn yelled)
—Go on keep yelling, nobody is gonna come and save you. It’s just you and me now hahahaha.
-Please who are you? Why are you acting weird all of a sudden.
—Shhhhh ?, shut up!
-Please leave my room
—I said shut up! Before I drive this pen through your eye
-Please leave me alone
She grabbed Kaitlyn by the neck and strangled her.
-You’re ch- oking me ?, please stop (Kaitlyn begged)
—Shut up! (The therapist replied)
She wanted to drive the pen through Kaitlyn’s eye but Kaitlyn would not let her. Kaitlyn struggled to set herself free but the therapist was stronger than her.....
To be continued in episode 11
For more ❤️?
John 15:12-17
we are not the ones who have chosen Christ: He is the one who has wanted to count on us. Therefore, we cannot remain ina comfortable position, as simple spectators, when Christ is asking more of us: "I have destined you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last".(John 15:16). Jesus, You are asking us to bear fruit. But what fruit? Fruit of Holiness, apostolate,work well done, and service to others. How can we respond more effectively to this call? By maturing as Christians to go at a fast pace, at God's pace!
Rev.Fr. Sylvano Ochuodho,Nairobi- Kenya
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Toss + Match + Session Free Prediction
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⚠️ Disclaimer :- All The Content in this Channel is Either forwarded From Other Channels Or Taken From the Internet, we Don't Own Any
Toss + Match + Session Free Prediction
❌No copyright infringement intended❌
Last updated 1 Jahr, 4 Monate her
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Last updated 9 Monate her