✧Watchman Benjamin✧

The time has come, the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent and believe this good News Jesus is coming soon!!
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1 year ago

Now is the time and the hour to awake from our sleep, for now is our salvation nearer tell the world that Jesus is coming soon GET READY‼️

1 year ago
✧Watchman Benjamin✧
1 year ago

Welcome Brothers and Sisters ??

1 year, 1 month ago

In the universe, complete with gravity, that 'carrying' is done by the Word of the living God. If He were to withdraw that Word, what then?

Gravity is almost ununderstood by science, except that it ensures that everything goes well in the universe and that it cannot be missed for a second, or even a fraction of it. It is one of the expressions of care through the Word of the living God.

A living cell
You can also look at the world in miniature. For example, a living cell from your own body. You cannot see it with the naked eye. But an incredible amount happens there. There, information is transmitted from one part within that cell to another part. So much that one needs about a thousand books of five hundred pages each, with normal font size, to write down the information. But not only that. To transmit and receive information, communication is necessary, in other words: a language is needed. Where two use the same language, a language agreement must also have been made in advance. The fact that you are reading this is because we have agreed on what the words of this story mean. Did that come about by 'coincidence', or by the 'time' factor? Or by a flash of lightning? Come on…!
The Bible says, "By the Word were all things created; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In the Word was life, and the life was the light of men" (John 1:3-4). .

1 year, 1 month ago

Mind locked?
The Bible nowhere asks us to lock our minds and simply believe. The Creator of all things has given man reason to use in all circumstances. It is different with religion. No sense is needed for this. The Christian faith is not: "Just believe it and everything will be fine." Our faith is based on the solid foundation of the Bible. The Bible is as if hewn from granite. He can withstand all questions, refute all intellectual objections and there is also an important rational – intellectual – factor to the Christian faith. People often want to tell Christians: "You believe, because you really need it." This places Christians in the corner of the weak. However, it is like the great scientist, Dr. AE Wilder Smith said:"He who thinks must believe."
People who believe in the theory of evolution have a 'closed world view'. Everything has happened in a series of coincidences within our material reality. One is then completely trapped within the walls of the 'here and now'. Within that worldview there can be no belief in God and that is why people find the Bible not credible and not worth reading. They must first be convinced that a 'closed' world view is an incorrect view and that we can now know that. Example: Take a desert island in the middle of an ocean. Put down a hundred thousand building blocks and some wood and leave. Come back in X number of years or centuries. Did those stones and wood create a house automatically? Every right-thinking person answers with a clear: "No, of course not." Yet that is the belief of someone who adheres to the theory of evolution and has a closed worldview. Such a person thinks that we can explain everything scientifically. But nothing is less true.

Black holes
An example: since 1967 we have known about the existence of 'black holes' in the universe. None of our laws of nature, in which we have established nature scientifically, can be abandoned. The black hole is simply a completely different reality from ours. We cannot reach them, we cannot measure them, nor capture the enormous suction power in our concepts. The black one is probably an imploded – exploded inwards – star. If the Earth were to disappear into it, it would be compressed into a cube of one cubic centimeter. This shows that the more science knows, the more modest it should become regarding the reality in which we live and its origins.

Let's stay in our own world for a moment. We have to deal with gravity every second of our lives. Everything that falls from our hands falls to the ground. We know it is there, but we don't actually know what it is or how it came about. It occurs throughout our existence and in the space around our world. Why is it there and how did it get there? We have no answers to those questions. Gravity can never change and never changes. She was present in the universe from the very beginning. It is simply part of the plan that the Creator carried out in Genesis 1. Neither we, nor science, can explain how objects – celestial bodies – react to each other at such enormous distances in space. That wonderful Bible does give us the answer to that question: "All things were created through Him (Jesus Christ) and for Him; He is before all things, and in Him all things have their existence" (Col. 1:16,17) – The word 'existence' in the Greek original text means: 'it stands together' – or: 'it is placed together' – or: 'is held together'. Literally it actually says: 'have their continual existence in Him'. In other words: that is still the case. If gravity were to disappear for just a fraction of a second, the entire universe would immediately be in total chaos. All the celestial objects, the earth, the moon and the stars, are no longer held together and would fall apart disastrously.
Another Bible text says, “He upholds all things by the word of his power” (Heb. 1:3). The Greek word for 'carry' – phero' – not only means 'to lift something', but much more also: 'to control all movements, to keep them in hand'.

1 year, 1 month ago

Let's Think:
Is the Bible Right?

"The Bible is a book of faith and nothing more, just like all those other books of faith: Mohammed's Koran and the Hindu Vedas."
End of conversation about the Bible. But anyone who reads the Bible sees that it not only speaks about our relationship with the living God, but also about the past, present and future of the world in which we live. Whoever discovers this can answer the question: "Is the Bible right?"
Something to think about!

The Bible is actually a collection of books. Those that did not fall from heaven. All those books were written by about forty people, most of whom did not know each other. They lived over a long period of fifteen hundred (!) years. The Bible describes history - from the creation of the world - but also contains collections of poems, biographies, prophecies about future things and all kinds of letters to people and groups of people. A wonderful collection of all kinds of literature. Anyone who takes note of it will be impressed by it and may ultimately come into a living relationship with the living God. For although the entire Bible is the writings of men, it is at the same time entirely the Word of God.
Reading it - but you must first experience it yourself, so read it yourself - creates a wonderful peace and quiet in your heart. At the same time, a hunger for more, a desire to make things right in your life. One may wonder why the Bible is treated so negatively by so many people. Usually that comes from people who have never read it. People often have a prejudice about the Bible, for example with the comment with which this article begins: "The Bible is a book of faith and I do not believe, so I do not read it." Because the Bible also has a discovering effect in our lives - you start to see things that are wrong, that are sinful and that you should actually get rid of and put right - a sharp rejection can also arise after reading it. Very often a person's 'moral standard', his or her 'norms and values', determines the attitude towards the Bible. Let's mention a few important things about the Bible:

Changed people
The Bible has deeply touched and changed the lives of millions of people. There are not a few who have given their lives for it. That has to do with its expressiveness, it is God's Word. When one reads the Bible the Holy Spirit starts working. He makes the Word of God alive. Then it comes to a confrontation, where a person has to make a choice: for or against. One often cannot refute the arguments for the truth of the Bible, but that does not mean that one comes to that living faith. That remains a work of God in the heart of a person. It should never be about winning the discussion, but about winning hearts and thus glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yet we should never avoid discussion about the Bible. Often it has to start with that when we start talking to someone who knows nothing of God's Word. God's Word does not return empty. The Holy Spirit will do a work through and from the Word of God. The Christian faith is based on traceable physical and historical facts, which no one can refute. The purpose of creation and history, as can be read in the Bible, is not to teach us history as history, but to understand it as salvation history, so that our lives are changed. God, who is our Maker, also wants to be our Redeemer. To this end, God and man must be brought together. The gap that sin has created between God and man is bridged by the Bible. In it, God reveals who He is, shows us His Son, Jesus Christ, and shows us what He has done. Concepts such as sin and forgiveness are completely unknown outside the Bible. Sin and forgiveness are basic concepts in the Christian faith. The Bible is unlike any other religious book because the Bible is not a religious book. It is the truth and the revelation of the truth about God and about man. His revealed, loving and only way to bridge the gap between God and man is His Son: Jesus Christ.

1 year, 1 month ago

Enjoy our Group


Blessed hope🙏🏼

This is a meeting group for Christians we discuss everything about the good news of our Lord Jesus the Messiah ***🙏🏼******😊***

Enjoy our Group
1 year, 1 month ago
We are going with a fast …

We are going with a fast train towards the day of the Lord, so that means that we also go with a fast train towards the rapture of the Church!!! JESUS ​​MUST BE COMING SOON‼️



1 year, 1 month ago
Keep watching with me… the King …

Keep watching with me… the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ is coming soon! We are waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

1 year, 1 month ago

There are at least three heavens

Firstly, the bible speaks of the cloudy sky, which is evident in phrases such as 'birds of the sky' (Matt.6:26) and 'clouds of the sky' (Matt.24:30).

Then there is the starry sky. Thus we read about the 'stars of heaven' and the 'powers of the heavens' (Heb. 11:12; Matt.24:29).

And third, there is heaven as "the habitation of God" (2 Cor. 12:2).

From this use of the word heaven we can conclude that Jesus and the apostles imagine the heaven of God as locally and spatially as the cloudy sky and the starry sky.

But although God's heaven is thought to be local, one should not ask where it is located. It is, however, of a different order than the first two. She is hidden and invisible. That is why we read several times that heaven is opened. For example, with Jesus' baptism in Mat.3:16: 'Immediately after Jesus was baptized he came up out of the water. And behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him." And when Stephen is being stoned, he says, "Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."

So the heaven of God is a closed book to man, unless it be opened to him. For our knowledge of this heaven we are completely dependent on divine revelation.

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