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𓆩♡𓆪.. tweelies, open.

ㅤ☥ epistle of kindness, @tweelies aglow the empyreal love!

ㅤㅤ|.. it's ways of true path..
ㅤㅤ|.. pure in souls, in woods..
ㅤㅤ|.. dwellers beguns, @tweeliesbot.

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The Worst of Evil ✔️
Welcome to Samdal-ri

Pp/iklan chat ke @Kangdonggu

1 week ago
2 weeks, 6 days ago

@tweelies hiring admin for wtb service            down a path in quietness ── 📄..      lead her its gentle might for hum of hymn.    ❨ announcement of the recruit and                  the rules have been released ❩    🂱 subscribe @tweelies…

3 weeks ago

@tweelies hiring admin for wtb service            down a path in quietness ── 📄..      lead her its gentle might for hum of hymn.    ❨ announcement of the recruit and                  the rules have been released ❩    🂱 subscribe @tweelies…

2 months, 2 weeks ago

yukk ikutan!! :3

2 months, 2 weeks ago

yeyeyeyey hirmin juga nih akhirnyaaaa

2 months, 2 weeks ago


2 months, 2 weeks ago

📝 pertanyaan seputar hirmin. ♥️****

👤 testi yg kita dapet dari store boleh masukin testi pribadi gaa?

👤 ada sistem absen gitu ga?

👤 kalo belum berpengalaman/baru pertama kali nyoba dibidang wtb service gimana kak?

👤 Kak, kalo weekdays cuma bisa online dari jam 2 siang-9 malam, kira kira boleh nggak?

👤 Kalo blom ada testi gimana? Hilang soalnya. Tapi dulu udah pernah jadi admin wtb

👤 wajib punya testi kah?? kalau semisal ada testi tp bukan testi wtb service boleh?

👤 share bbc hirmin ke bot itu caranya bc? terus kalo yg ke ch, ch pribadi boleh?

👤 kalau bisanya handle pas hari sabtu-minggu dan hari libur nasional bisa join ga??

👤 Hirminnya sampe kapan bos

👤 trainee atauu wwc ka?

👤 untuk acc buat wtb disediain store atau punya sendiri??? terus setiap bulan ada iuran gitu nggak yaaa?

👤 Kira kira mau nerima berapa admin baru ka?

👤 kak kalau gak punya bot dan channel gmn?

👤 sistem pay sendiri or own?

👥 14 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

2 months, 2 weeks ago

@tweelies hiring admin for wtb service
down a path in quietness ── 📄..
lead her its gentle might for hum of hymn.

❨ announcement of the recruit and
                 the rules have been released ❩

🂱 subscribe @tweelies is a must
    𝆺𝅥 available during non-busy times, capable of handling both rl activities and ba
🂱  join maximum 3 stores of wtb service
    𝆺𝅥 note this, you must be experienced and knowledgeable about wtb service
🂱  optionally, you can provide at least five customer testimonials for proof
    𝆺𝅥 be prepared to join a trainee for one day
🂱  share this (bbc) into your bot or channel *screenshot.

if the rules fit you well and willing to join this, copy “hello tweelies! i'm @.username competent and confident in my ability to join this hiring, i pledge to put on my finest and ready for trainees. please accept this attached proof @.channelproof of my willingness, thanks!” send to @tweelieshirminbot

2 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months ago

halo, selamat sore temen temen. aku disini mau memperingati kalian sebagai buyer tweelies untuk tidak meng ghosting admin admin kita yaa, apapun itu alasan nya, tolong untuk membalas chat admin kalo sudah dimintai honest review. hargai admin admin kita yang…

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Silakan Konsultasi ⤵️

The Worst of Evil ✔️
Welcome to Samdal-ri

Pp/iklan chat ke @Kangdonggu