Marxism and history

A channel about the history of Marxism, Marxist approaches to history and social history.

Materials will be published in English (#en), German (#de), Ukrainian (#ua), and Russian (#ru).

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Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

4 days, 16 hours ago
1 week, 2 days ago
1 week, 3 days ago

Із записів Івана Дзюби 70-80-х рр.:
#ua #history
"В. І.[журналіст на авіаційному заводі в Києві] повернувся з військкомату (викликали в пошуках «кадрів»).
— Я їм сказав: мене в армію брати не можна — багато шкоди буде.
— ? [Дзюба]
— Я мисливець і рибалка. Мене не можна допускати до сучасних технічних засобів. Візьмуть у танкові війська — ганятимусь за оленями бронетранспортером. В авіацію — перехоплюватиму диких качок реактивним винищувачем. У флот — підводним човном тюльку гнатиму...
— А як командування не дозволить?
— Авжеж. Наче командуванню не треба свіжої оленятини або качатини. Не розумієте ви, Іване Михайловичу, сучасного життя... А от там розуміють. Я їм так і сказав. Вони послухали — і погодилися. Відпустили додому."

2 months, 3 weeks ago

In general, not much Marxist historical literature was translated into Ukrainian and Russian languages. Even many classical texts are still untranslated. Perry Anderson has been translated. But the discussions around his books completely unknown. The context has also remained poorly understood - these are, of course, discussions of transition. The Journal of Historical Materialism published several forgotten texts from the 1970s by John Breuilly, Theodor Shanin and Michael Evans criticizing "Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism" and "Lineages of the Absolute State".
#en #history #theory #article
p.s. A non-Western-centric version of the discussions of transition has yet to be written, where East European (including Soviet) historians will take their rightful place.

Historical Materialism

Commentaries on Perry Anderson’s Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism and Lineages of the Absolutist State: Introduction - Historical…

The three texts published here were written in the mid-1970s. John Breuilly, “Critique of P. Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State” Theodor Shanin, “The Marxism(s) of Our Time” Michael Evans, “Some Notes on Perry Anderson” Here I explain how these came…

In general, not much Marxist historical literature was translated into Ukrainian and Russian languages. Even many classical texts are still …
2 months, 4 weeks ago

Хто в Києві, приходьте на показ документального фільму про українських ветеранів В'єтнамської війни.

3 months ago
5 months ago

Нескінченність за Флоріаном / Бесконечность: по Флориану / Infinity: According to Florian (2023)
#ru #ua #en #documentary #history
Стрічка присвячена українському архітектору, художнику і "неомарксисту" Флоріану Юр'єву (1929-2021) - автору архітектурного проєкту "Летючої тарілки" на Либідській площі в Києві, а також гербу української столиці у вигляді гілки каштана, його теорії мистецтва і боротьбі за збереження архітектурної спадщини. Для мене він є моделлю "всебічно розвиненої особистості", яку пропагують марксисти.

Лента посвящена украинскому архитектору, художнику и "неомарксисту" Флориану Юрьеву (1929-2021)— автору архитектурного проекта «Летящей тарелки» на Лыбидской площади в Киеве, а также гербу украинской столицы в виде ветки каштана, его теории искусства и борьбе за сохранение архитектурного наследия. Для меня он - образец "всесторонне развитой личности", за которую ратуют марксисты.

The film is dedicated to the Ukrainian architect, artist and "neo-Marxist" Florian Yuriev (1929-2021) - the author of the architectural project "Flying Saucer" on Lybid Square in Kyiv, as well as the coat of arms of the Ukrainian capital, his theory of art and the struggle for the preservation of architectural heritage. To me, he is the model of the "fully developed individual" that Marxists advocate.

Бесконечность: по Флориану (2022)

Лента посвящена украинскому архитектору и художнику Флориану Юрьеву — автору архитектурного проекта «Летящей тарелки» на...

[**Нескінченність за Флоріаном / Бесконечность: по Флориану / Infinity: According to Florian (2023)**](
5 months, 1 week ago
Fresh special issue of **Marxism & …

Fresh special issue of Marxism & Sciences about Ilyenkov:

CENTENNIAL OF EVALD ILYENKOV-I; Rejuvenating the Revolutionary Essence of Marxist Theory

5 months, 2 weeks ago

W.E.B. Du Bois was the first scholar to develop a sociology of race—a social science based on scientific principles and methods that could analyze the social causes of differences between the well-being and status of Black people versus white people in America. Defining race as a social category, he refuted the dominant claim that Black people’s subordinate social position stemmed naturally from innate biological traits. His writings promoting a “talented tenth” of Black people as a strategy for political advancement has sparked disagreement among scholars of Du Bois over whether he completely renounced a biological definition of race. Examining the Du Boisian sociology of race helps to clarify Du Bois’s insights on the distinction between a biological and constructionist definition of race, his rejection of eugenics, and his pathbreaking understanding of the relationship between race and racism more broadly.

6 months, 4 weeks ago
"**Studies in East European Thought**" is …

"Studies in East European Thought" is a good academic journal devoted to the philosophical thought and intellectual history of Eastern and Central Europe, Russia and the post-Soviet states. A lot of texts are devoted to critical Marxist and leftist thought. Older publications can be accessed via sci-hub, newer ones - write me, I'll get them.
#en #theory #history
They recently published a special issue dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Evald Ilyenkov (1924-1979), with Ukrainian Marxists among the contributors. Alushkin shows how Ilyenkov influenced the philosophical thought in Ukraine, both in academic circles and beyond. Several essays illustrate his relationship with his Eastern European contemporaries. Ilyenkov's last book is deciphered as a deployment of Lenin's materialist dialectic to criticize Soviet economics and the shambolic nature of official philosophical culture. Ilyenkov's little-known fragments on the composer Richard Wagner are examined.

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

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Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

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MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 6 months, 1 week ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago