International Revolution

A channel designated to sharing news, information and material about the current Revolution taking place in Kurdistan under a internationalist perspective!

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5 months, 2 weeks ago
[Internationalist Youth will hold a march …

Internationalist Youth will hold a march in the Alps

A group of internationalist youth supporting the Kurdistan Freedom Movement will hold a march in the Alps for 7 days and there are various programs in the march.

The march, which will take place between the Maurienne Valley and the Alps with the participation of French and Italian youth, will start on August 31' and end on September 6.

The march will take the form of education and will discuss youth identity, the role of women, internationalism, and Kurdistan-centered World War III. In addition, youth will share their research on the history of the valleys and mountains of the Alps, the history of revolutionary world movements.

The youth will send greetings from the Alps to the unique resistance of freedom fighters in the mountains of Kurdistan.

Internationalist Youth shared this e-mail address for those who want to participate: [email protected].

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Widnet: Long live the resistance of August 15 - Long live the guerrilla !

"*On the night of August 15, next to the turkish consulate in Zurich, Switzerland. This date is not chosen by chance, it stands for the beginning of the armed struggle of the Kurdish freedom movement against Turkish fascism 40 years ago. We take this as an opportunity to send our deepest solidarity and warmest greetings to the guerrillas in the free mountains of Kurdistan.

Smash Turkish fascism!*"

Link to the call:

5 months, 3 weeks ago

? August 15, 1984, the first shot.

On September 12, 1980, the Turkish Armed Forces, led by General Kenan Evren, seized power in Turkey in a military coup. The constitution was suspended, parliament abolished, all political parties and trade unions banned, and martial law imposed throughout Turkey. Hundreds of thousands of people were tortured, thousands disappeared, around 650,000 people were arrested including journalists, many of whom were imprisoned and killed.

? 122 death sentences were issued against militants and sympathizers of the PKK, which then decided to transfer some of its members from Turkish-occupied Northern Kurdistan to Rojava, and then establish its own academies in Lebanon and Syria in order to begin political preparations and military forces that will lead to the offensive on August 15th. In the second party congress, which was held from 20 to 25 August 1982 in Daraa (Syria), it was in fact officially decided that the PKK would begin preparing an insurrection in Northern Kurdistan.

⚔️ After years of preparation, on 15 August 1984 the PKK launched its first major attack, led by commander Mahsum Korkmaz, nom de guerre Egîd, the Brave. Military objectives in the cities of Sêrt and Hakkari (Colemêrg) were simultaneously attacked and symbolically occupied, dealing a severe psychological blow to the Turkish regime and igniting hope in the Kurdish population of the north.

?Today this date is celebrated by Kurds in Kurdistan and in the diaspora with the name of Cejna Vejînê (Rebirth Festival). Commander Egîd, who fell in action on 28 March 1986, was said to have been buried by the Turkish state in a mass grave at Newala Kesaba, near Siirt. Every year thousands of people come to pay homage to the commander who fired the first shot.


6 months ago
***⚠️*** The Syrian regime carried out …

⚠️ The Syrian regime carried out a massacre in the villages of al-Dahalah and Jadeed Bakara in northern Syria

At 02:30 on Friday, regime forces began shelling the two villages with rockets and mortars from their bases in Albu Lail village on the western bank of the Euphrates River. 11 civilians including 6 children aged between 4 months and 12 years were killed in the shelling:

Rahaf Ismail Al-Abboud, 12 years old
Nadia Khader Al-Mohammad, 18 years old
Hind Farhan Al-Abboud, 30 years old
Aya Ismail Abboud, 8 years old
Nadine Thleij Al-Obaid, 22 years old
Yasser Yassin Al-Za'ar, 37 years old
Maria Yassin Alza'ar 12 years old
Salwa Yasser Alza'ar 5 years old
Raghad Mohamed Alzagheir 22 years old
Sham Bashar Alzagheir 4 months
Elaf Bashar Alzagheir 1 year

The injured are:
Ali Hassan Al-Damen 12 years old
Malak Abboud Al-Hussein 25 years old
Syria Abboud 50 years old
Fahad Ismail Al-Aboud 15 years old
Malak Ismail Al-Abboud 6 years old


6 months ago

Message of solidarity with Şengal from the Jinelojî Camp of Catalonia

The Şehîd Zelal Zagros Jinelojî Camp of Catalonia, formed with the participation of women from different regions of Spain, launched a message of solidarity with Şengal.


6 months ago

The young men and women of Şehba praised the guerrilla resistance

6 months ago
International Revolution
6 months ago
International Revolution
6 months ago
International Revolution
6 months, 1 week ago

For a decade YPJ continues to play a leading role in the war against terrorism
Resisting the Occupation Protection of Women and Maintaining Security and Stability in North Eastern Syria Region


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