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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago
South Front
US Airman Arrested Over Insider Attack On Base In Syria That Wounded Four Americans
An airman has been arrested by US military law enforcement in connection to the April 7 attack on the US-led coalition’s...
So every time I bone up on REGIME propaganda about the (imaginary) ''ALT RIGHT'' I run across copy informing me that BREADMOLD, guys like Greg JOHNSON and little Ritchie SPENCER are this ''ALT RIGHT'' vanguard. So...according to ZOG, gay dudes, Jewish liberals, atheists, GUN grabbers, deranged UKRAINE fanboys, BIDEN voters, and ZIONISTS are the ''EXTREME'' right? So Kamala HARRIS is ''ALT RIGHT''?
Jews, hoisted on their own petard. This is what happens when you promote illegal immigration. & people are realizing Jews don't represent their constituents, only other Jews. & this is an inevitable reaction to Soros prosecutors who won't enforce the law.
Could New York City Lose Its Last Remaining Jewish Congressman?
The clock was nearing midnight on Shavuot, the Jewish Feast of Weeks, when Ruth W. Messinger offered a prophetic political
?در سالهای گذشته، با شدت گرفتن موج مهاجرت از آسیا و آفریقا به کشورهای اروپایی، مردم در بعضی کشورها به این موضوع اعتراض کرده، و تظاهرات برپا کردند.
?سنگینترین مخالفت مردمی و تظاهرات در لهستان رخ داد؛ و تهدیدهای خشنی از طرف تظاهرکنندگان به مهاجرین شد.
?ظاهراً این تهدیدها فقط کلامی نبوده، و در عمل نیروهای نظامی و انتظامی لهستان مهاجرین را قتل عام میکردند. بخش عمده مهاجرین قتل عام شده در مرز لهستان عراقی و افغانی بودند.
?اخیراً بلاروس به مقامات عراقی درباره محل دفن و تعداد مهاجرین عراقی، که توسط نیروهای لهستان در مرز قتل عام شده بودند، اطلاعاتی ارائه کرده است. لینک ذیل از یک مورد کشتار ۱۳۵ عراقی در مرز لهستان خبر داده است.
Al Mayadeen English
Belarus reveals mass executions of Iraqi refugees by Polish soldiers
Belarus says it informed an Iraqi delegation of the details of an investigation concluded about mass executions and secret burial of Iraqi refugees killed by the Polish army.
South Front
Palestinian Hamas Movement To Restore Relations With Syria – Reports
The Palestinian Hamas Movement has decided to restore ties with Syria more than ten years after its leadership left Damascus,...
AZOV BTTN - Aka ZIONIST Orc platoon
From now on, because LANGUAGE is important, please do NOT use the term "NIGGER" - plz use the term, "UKRAINIAN". In a sentence, "Look at those UKRAINIANS sitting on that PORCH".
Two Jewish actors get together and agree to sacrifice the blood of the goyim in their crusade against Christian Russia. Wait! Didn't the Bolsheviks do the same thing?
BBC News
'You're my hero' - Ben Stiller meets Zelensky
The actor has been a Goodwill ambassador for the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) since 2016.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago