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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Audio from أبو أنس
The goverment grants the newborn child a amount of £500 but does not hand it over to the parents. When the child reaches 18 years old, he can access the money. But during this period of 18 years, this money is invested in different companies, some of those companies involve haram like alcohol and cigarettes companies and some companies sell permissible things.
He asks about the ruling on benefiting from this money after he is 18 years old. Is it permissible to use this money as it was invested into haram companies. If the money is not halal, what should be done with it? And he said the money after investment can reach to £1000, a large amount.
Sheikh Salih As-Suhaymee حفظه الله said:
Try to confine to the money that was granted by the goverment when born. As for the increased money, then to dispose it with the intention of freeing oneself from witholding this money. Either give this money to a debtor to pay back their debt or spend it on works such as for roadwork like sidewalk, bridge or toilets etc.
She is asking about the ruling on a woman asking a Muslim man for interest in marriage?
Sheikh حفظه الله said:
"I fear, there would be Fitnah in this. It is better to be done through the women who are trusted, between the women Maharim (of both). That they speak and look at the situation."
"And what do you think about this Sheikh, that in some western countries, some muslim sisters have marriage group channels on Whatsapp, telegram and the likes?"
The Sheikh said:
"No problem, if it is safe from Non- Muslims entering it, then no problem "
Audio is below
Audio from أبو أنس
?Alhamdulilah, the service of getting your emailed questions asked to the scholars is back on as most of the brothers in the team have now finished final exams.
?Some important questions that we were emailed, we asked today to Sheikh Salih As-Suhaymee حفظه الله (The official Mufti of Madinah) Audio is below this message.
I studied 11 years of my youth in a maturidi mosque (with an islamic weekend-school attached). After I graduated from that markaz I became steadfast upon the Sunnah (and found out about Salafiyyah while re-learning I found out about the many Aqeedah mistakes I was taught.) I distanced myself from the shirk and bidah that is approved by this masjid.
I was appointed to work there now as a co-teacher. I am only obliged to take part in one lesson where we read turkish literature to improve our eloquence, but this literature is not about islamic topics.
So is it allowed for me to stay in that institute with the goal to benefit the children only? I try to teach them Tawheed and the Sunnah as much as I can. I am not able to forbid every single evil at once and I am silent about, due it's abudance. Is my staying in this markaz for teaching the children considered to be “sitting with ahlul bidah”? Should I leave this mosque and the children?
?Answer of Sheikh Salih As-Suhaymee حفظه الله:
"She can stay to teach in this madrasah with two conditions:
1) That no one understands from her participating in this madrasah being a influence to their assembly and being a aid to their beliefs.
2) She is able to convey to the students, even if only to some of them, the correct Aqeedah benefited from the Kitab and Sunnah upon the methodology of the Salaf As-Salih.
So if this is the case, there is no problem for her to stay in this position to teach in this madrasah"
My Father does not uphold his five daily prayers and only prays occasionally. Can he still be my Wali? if not who next in order has a right to be my Wali?
?Answer of Shaykh Salih As Suhaymee حفظه الله:
The one who leaves the prayer in totality is a kafir. And the one who also leaves some of the prayer is a kafir. And the evidences for this is many. (The Messenger of Allah said): 'The covenant that distinguishes between us and them is prayer; so whoever leaves it, he has committed Kufr.'” So her Wali now is the closest wali, her son if she has one then after her brother then after her paternal uncle. And if she has no relatives left from her agnate relatives then her wali is to be a Judge Shari, A Islamic Institute who undertake this takes that role if in a non-Muslim country.
She has a brother 16 years old.
The Sheikh said
"The Wali now is the brother, as he is 16, he has reached puberty"
This is a PDF we compiled to explain 2 things:
1) For the Muslim to understand the truth behind Christmas and highlight the severity of the corrupt Aqeedah behind it through the speech of their own sources and their "scholars"
(From page 1-10)
2) Rulings of dealing with the festival and it's people for a Muslim, like attending their celebrations and accepting their gifts etc... through the speech of our Scholars like Sheikh Islam ibn Taymiyyah and Ibnul Qayim رحمهم الله
(From page 10-20)
Many Muslims have become lenient regarding this holiday, either by participating, attending or congratulating others. They do not comprehend the seriousness of the beliefs upon which these celebrations are built and established upon. This is a matter of Aqeedah!
So we should not fall negligent in reminding and denouncing this by writing what is beneficial, recording what is useful, and sharing the words of Scholars that are written and recorded.
اللهم بارك
There is now a translation in English of this book written by our teacher Sheikh Salih As-Sindi حفظه الله. May Allah reward the translator. I really advise to read this book, very beneficial. The Sheikh discusses Doubts the people and especially the youth have in Aqeedah matters that is widespread today. I shared a benefit from the book on our Youtube Channel a few months ago.
✍ Abu Anas وفقه الله
?Important points about the Q and A service to the scholars: 1) Any questions that are repeated or questions that have been answered and we see beneficial for everyone to see, will be posted here (obviously names of the questioner and personal situation will…
?#15 Advice/tip to students of knowledge ✍ Do not be extreme in chasing after Ijaazaat and certificates! How many strive and busy themselves in travelling and looking to attain these Ijaazaat and certificates? This is something that has increased in this…
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago