
Uniting more than 100,000 NHS workers who have declined a Covid-19 jab. Also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
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3 months, 2 weeks ago
Your data is up for grabs. …

Your data is up for grabs. Remove your data, keep your health private and prevent future restrictions based on your health.

Foxglove is working to stop further NHS data grabs. Please read and assist them.


4 months, 3 weeks ago

The Northern Ireland Health Bill threatens your medical freedom with forced exams, quarantine, and vaccinations. It extends emergency powers, allowing authorities to impose severe restrictions without consent. This bill undermines human rights, limits personal choice, and bypasses true public consultation.

"Section 143 of the proposals state "the regulations may impose a special restriction or requirement such as requiring a person to be vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatments".
Act Now! Reach out to your MLAs before the October 14th deadline. Demand transparency and accountability before these dangerous measures are passed!

Make this your response to the first question in the consultation and also send as an email (further details and links below) :

*"I do not consent to this bill.

I refute your authority to ask these questions presuming, that I have consented to a fundamental change in the relationship between the government and the people of Northern Ireland where we are ruled over, rather than governed with.

Under what authority are you asking these questions; that as far as I can see do not bear any relation to the glaring concerns in the proposal in terms of how it affects my human rights.

It is not made clear, at all, what rights I will be giving up for this supposed protectionism.

I see it as an attempt to incite possible harm against the people in the absence of informed consent, and a possible attempt to impose an all-hazards approach to surveillance where it does not define the parameters of the surveillance.

It is not a meaningful consultation: It was difficult to find, no media attention, no promotion; merely sent out to a selected few.

Therefore, I am not accepting the credibility of the consultation or its questions. They do not meet the consultation principles in terms of document length; in that it would take even the most highly educated at least 3 hours to get through and presents as an intimidating read.

The format is designed to give a restricted rather than an informed response.

It is not clear if this potentially negates The Belfast Agreement in terms of devolved healthcare and borders. Implications have not been presented in any capacity, nor has a definitive list of notifiable diseases or the method of diagnosis, PCR or other, been provided.

It has not been made clear to whom else authority can be given, or if the forced mandates of protection will be grounded in fact-based science or computer modeling; all making an informed response impossible.

The state overreach proposed in this document is a gross infringement on human rights and in direct contradiction to informed consent.

The proposed changes to due process and the rule of law in magistrates court breach Article 6, right to appear in court, to hear see and test the evidence; allowing then only the right to appeal; shifting the burden of proof and thus attempting to change the rules of the magistrates court under the guise of public health.

These changes present a constitutional issue that would require a referendum vote.

Take this as my response to all questions in this consultation"*

Link to the Survey and to find your MLA: https://stopthenihealthbill.org/

Support the Campaign: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNg2DfoiLTZwdP0YirhTNRNpQAjsjBuWbCvjj4-5sQV350dA/viewform

Link (8.11mins in) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA33C3qOdlc


5 months, 1 week ago

Some employers fail to inform employees about their rights to trade union representation.
Know about your rights to be accompanied at meetings with your employer. https://www.workersofengland.co.uk/latest-news/right-to-be-accompanied/

8 months, 2 weeks ago
8 months, 2 weeks ago

Message from a UKCV Family vaccine injured and bereaved charity member:


UKCVFamily has been shortlisted, but they still need YOUR votes!
It’ll take a few minutes of your time.
Either link will take you to the page❤️⬇️



They are a massive support charity to many of us vaccine injured and bereaved.

Please share with friends and family, their registered charity no. is


8 months, 4 weeks ago

For any HCPs working during the pandemic: 
We’re emailing you today to encourage you to complete a short survey about healthcare workers’ experiences with escalation of care during the Covid-19 pandemic, including decisions around admitting patients to hospital and escalation to ICU. The survey is being conducted by IFF Research on behalf of the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry. The findings from the survey will be used in evidence at the Inquiry’s hearings. Your responses will be confidential and anonymous. The survey will take no more than 5-10 minutes.  

You can complete the survey by clicking on this link: https://www.iffresearch.com/UKCovid-19Inquiry/paramed  

Why are you asking me to complete this survey?
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact the pandemic has had on the UK. It will also consider what lessons should be learned and the Chair of the Inquiry will make recommendations for how the healthcare system, and the country more broadly, should prepare for and respond to future pandemics. Your feedback is vital for ensuring that responses to future pandemics can be improved.   It is really important that the Inquiry hears from people like you, so that your experiences and views can be documented. This survey is focused on your experiences of making or witnessing decisions about escalation of care during the pandemic. We would be grateful if you could complete this survey, even if you have been involved in other elements of the Inquiry’s work, as your feedback on escalation of care specifically would be really valuable.  

What does the survey involve? This is a secure online survey. It will take about 5-10 minutes, and can be completed any time before 24th June.   Your answers to this survey are confidential and anonymous. Your responses will be stored securely and you will not be identifiable in any reports. The UK Covid-19 Inquiry would welcome your views, but taking part is voluntary. You can find more information about the survey on our FAQ page, and more information about how we handle your data in our privacy notice.  

If you have any questions about the research, please contact Katie Phillips at IFF Research on 0808 175 6984 or email ([email protected]).
To contact the UK Covid-19 Inquiry directly, please email [email protected]inquiry.uk.  

Thank you very much in advance for your help with this important research – your contribution counts.  Kind regards,  The College of Paramedics  On behalf of:   Kate Eisenstein Director of Policy, Research and Legal, UK Covid-19 Inquiry

IFF Research

IFF Research | Independent Social & Market Research Agency

IFF Research are a full-service social and market research agency, providing robust, reliable and independent insights to help people make better decisions.

9 months, 2 weeks ago

Really pleased to share some news from the wonderful People's Care Watchdog who I've been lucky enough to work with on and off. They have worked incredibly hard to get this, and I would really appreciate it if you could share this post around so that anyone affected can submit a witness statement for the inquiry via the solicitor details below.

The practices in care homes, hospitals and hospices during lockdown, need airing to the public at the inquiry.

Message below


The People's Care Watchdog has been asked to submit a witness statement to the COVID 19 Inquiry. This is an important platform for all those families affected by lockdown policy.

For anyone who has evidence regarding the care of older or vulnerable people in care homes, nursing homes or hospitals from 2020 onwards please read on.

Did your loved one suffer from any of these issues:

? Isolation

? mental health decline

? malnutrition /weight loss

? Dehydration

? No access to GP

? Denial of medical treatment

? Do not resuscitate (DNR)

? Unlawful end of life protocols

? NG163 (see our website)

? Misuse of antipsychotics

? Misuse of sedatives

? Safeguarding issues

? Neglect

? Abuse

? Other issues relating to lockdown/ being locked out

Please become part of our campaign by submitting evidence to our legal team via Christina at Hodge, Jones and Allen solicitors. Her email is [email protected]

It's time for awareness, accountability, and change. We hope you will be part of it.


11 months, 1 week ago

On this day in 2021, on Fool’s Day, we were all supposed to be kicked out of our NHS jobs!
Day to celebrate our first victory. There is lot more fights to fight, but let’s remind ourselves of our success in holding the line and making a point.
We owe our success greatly to organising together, so I will mention in honour the most important factors:
1) this group of our local NHS workers who were for free choice and against coercion and mandatory vaccinations. We supported and help each other to stay sane in crazy times.
2) NHS100K group on Telegram that helped tremendously and served as our leader, with clear pathways and advices. They shone the light on our path in a very dark times. Making us better organise and connect.
3) Workers of England Union that gave to everyone to use their Letter ( written by Lawyers) to give to our employers, when our jobs were directly threatened. Even after only 2 weeks of being their member they selflessly provided me with advice regarding how to deal with coercion we were faced with in workplace.
4) Together Declaration, still very much leading us and informing us about many other relevant burning issues, like preserving our human right, against global currencies that would bring total surveillance etc. Follow them closely as there are many more protests to attend and gov consultations to fill in..
5) Dr Steve James who gave us hope, courage and inspired us. He put wind in our wings to speak more openly about this subject.
6) so many doctors, lawyers, law firms and honest people who ivested their time, money, risked their reputations and careers to speak the truth publicly, who kept the debate alive (even when censored) and who used all legal means to start legal proceedings, police inquests etc. Also provided us, Care staff and NHS workers with relevant advice.

And special thanks to few of my colleagues, single mums, vaccine-free, who risked losing so much but heroically held the line, fighting for freedom of future generations and insisting on medical ethics, informed consent and medical freedoms.

Thank you all

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