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However, even martinez, a brown subaltern, has a better understanding of Nazism than most "neo-Nazis", even though he hates it.
Martinez Politix
***🇩🇪*** Hitlerism had nothing to do with "White nationalism". That's a post-war American bastardization of the ideology. Hitlerism is Germanic supremacy/imperialism. In 1930 Hitler told Strasser this: "...the Anglo-Saxons have the mission to govern the people…
Typical cucktolicism. A near-eastern anti-Nordicist praising another near-eastern anti-Nordicist.
“If an illustrator, painter, or sculptor wants to represent the image of a bold, goal-determined, resolute person, or of a noble, superior, and heroic human being, man or woman, he will in most cases create an image which more or less approximates the image of the Nordic race. He will also create a man who will be regarded as a typical representative of the upper social strata. For example, the artists for the humorous journals will endow their creations with the features of the Nordic race rather than the features of the non-Nordic races of Europe.
Actually, one could conceivably designate will power, a definite faculty of judgment rooted in a coolly deliberating sense of reality, the impulse to truthfulness, an inclination to knightly justice, as the repeatedly striking psychical features of Nordic men. Such features can be intensified in individuals within the Nordic race to a pronouncedly heroic disposition, to a transcendent leadership in statesmanship or creativity in technology, science, and art. The relatively great number of Nordic people among the famous and outstanding men and women of all Western countries is striking, as also is the relatively low number of famous men and women without noticeable Nordic strain.”
— Hans F. K. Gunther
"During the Ice Age, the ancestors of the Nordics, inhabiting the ice-free region to the north of the great chain of mountains stretching from the Eastern Caucasus to the Western Pyrenees, lived almost exclusively by the chase. With the primitive weapons of the Stone Age they were able to attack and overpower, not only the gigantic and clumsy mammoth, but also the powerful cave bear. The environmental conditions NECESSITATED courage, combativeness, and contempt for death, and these were the qualities that favoured survival in such primitives. Uebel shows with fine insight how the wandering instinct of the Nordics, their susceptibility to the call of the distant and the unknown, were fostered by the conditions under which the hunters of the Ice Age lived. The period of the primal migrations was doubtless the birth hour of the Nordic soul... The Nordic environment was not one which allowed human beings to dwell in great communities. In view of the scarcity of food, only small kinships could outlive the northern winter. The result was that in the Nordic race there was FOSTERED BY SELECTION an inclination towards isolation. In that rigorous environment, a tendency to keep away from neighbours, a readiness to pick a quarrel, was actually FAVOURABLE TO PRESERVATION. BEASTS OF PREY LIVE ALONE, or at most in very small communities, and that was the way in which man lived during the Ice Age. But the qualities which promoted self-preservation and species preservation then, no longer do so now."
- Human Heredity, Dr. Erwin Baur, Eugen Fischer, and Fritz Lenz
Greek art = Nordic art
Gestern: einer der schönsten und tiefsten Morgen meines Lebens. Herauf zur Akropolis mit nur wenigen Leuten. Und stundenlang durch diese edelste Stätte nordischer Kunst gestreift. Die Propyläen, der Parthenon und das Erechteion. Ich bin ganz benommen. Über allem dieser tiefblaue attische Himmel. Eine Symphonie von Schönheit, Farbe, Gestaltungskraft. Da liegt das Theater des Dionysos, da das römische Theater. Im Dionysos-Theater wurde die attische Tragödie geboren. Unten tief liegt die Agora. Der Zeus-Tempel und der Hephästos-Tempel. Hier ist Leben, Gott und Kunst eins geworden. Die Gesamtschau alles Schönen und Edlen in der Vollkommenheit. Ich bin so glücklich und erfüllt davon. Dankbar, daß es so große Menschen und Gestalter gab. Froh, daß ich das alles sehen darf. Athen ist unbeschreiblich in der Atmosphäre. Ein Zauberbild ohne gleichen.
Yesterday: one of the most beautiful and profound mornings of my life. Up to the Acropolis with only few people. And ambling for hours through this noblest site of Nordic art. The Propylaea, the Parthenon and the Erechteion. I am utterly captivated. Above all, this deep-blue Attic sky. A symphony of beauty, colour and artisanal craft. Here lies the Theatre of Dionysus; there, the Roman theatre. In the Theatre of Dionysus, Attic tragedy was born. Far below lies the Agora. The Temple of Zeus and the Temple of Hephaestus. Here life, God and art became one. The panorama of all that is beautiful and noble in perfection. I am so rejoiced and fulfilled by it. Thankful that there were such great people and artisans. Glad that I may see it all. Athens is indescribable in the atmosphere. An enchanting edifice without peer.
(Tagebucher: 23. September 1936)
- Hans F. K. Günther, Die Nordische Rasse bei den Indogermanen Asiens
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