Scandinavian Freedom Events

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

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MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 7 months, 4 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

10 months, 1 week ago

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Please share. Its is very important that The Exposé survives.
10 months, 2 weeks ago

?? Ukrainsk retssag viser, at Maidan-massakren i 2014 var falsk flag

En massakre på demonstranter under Maidan-kuppet i 2014 satte scenen for afsættelsen af Ukraines valgte præsident, Viktor Yanukovych. Nu har en eksplosiv retssag i Kiev vist, at drabene var et falsk flag designet til at udløse et regimeskifte.


Overalt i det 1.000.000 ord lange dokument er der passager, der entydigt viser, at snigskytterne skød fra bygninger, der var kontrolleret af oppositionen mod Janukovitj. Samlet set tyder disse uddrag stærkt på, at Maidan-massakren var et falsk flag udført af nationalistiske elementer, der havde til formål at sikre præsidentens afsættelse.
Beviserne "var helt tilstrækkelige til kategorisk at konkludere, at der om morgenen den 20. februar 2014 befandt sig personer med våben, hvorfra skuddene blev affyret, i Hotel Ukrainas lokaler," fastslog retten.
Et andet afsnit afslører, at "Hotel Ukraina" var "territorium ... ikke kontrolleret af retshåndhævende myndigheder på det tidspunkt." Talrige videooptagelser viser, at bygningen før, under og efter massakren blev overrendt af det højreekstreme oppositionsparti Svoboda, hvis ledere brugte lokalerne til at koordinere deres anti-Yanukovych-aktiviteter på gaderne nedenfor.
I mindst 28 af de 128 skudepisoder, der blev behandlet under retssagen, afgjorde retten, at "på grund af manglende information, ufuldstændighed eller modstridende karakter af de indsendte data" var "inddragelsen af politibetjente ikke blevet bevist", og at "andre ukendte personer ikke kunne udelukkes."
Desuden udelukkede dommen effektivt enhver involvering af russiske sikkerheds- og efterretningstjenester i massakren, en konspirationsteori, som pro-Maidan-elementer har promoveret kraftigt.

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The Grayzone

Ukrainian trial demonstrates 2014 Maidan massacre was false flag - The Grayzone

A massacre of protesters during the 2014 Maidan coup set the stage for the ouster of Ukraine's elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Now, an explosive trial in Kiev has produced evidence the killings were a false flag designed to trigger regime change. Two…

***??*** **Ukrainsk retssag viser, at Maidan-massakren i 2014 var falsk flag**
11 months ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Mads Palsvig (@Palsvig) on X

The Great Taking - The Movie" The "Swine-flu" was the exercise for the big Covid19 culling of particularly people in the West. Africa = 5% injected with the poison, Asia = 15%, Europe/USA/Australia/Canada = 85% 2008 "Financial crisis" was an exercise for…

Scandinavian Freedom Events
11 months ago

"The Great Taking - The Movie"

Investment banker David Webb spent 20 years studying the legal background of how the financial system is regulated world wide
and how the laws gradually have been changed eroding private property rights.
Money deposited is yours?
No, it is an unsecured loan to the bank.
Bonds and equities bought are segregated?
No, they are in the big pool of assets that will go to the "protected class" in the next artificially created banking crisis.
Everybody might lose everything overnight.
With mortgage rates already at 10% and inflation even higher, this might be the last chance to stop the ultimate grab of global wealth.
Download the book at thegreattaking. com


"The Great Taking - The Movie"

THE GLOBALISTS PLAN TO TAKE EVERYTHING. THIS IS "THE GREAT TAKING" The bolshevik revolution and the Chinese communist revolution, it was "only" Russians and Chinese who lost everything. This time it i

"The Great Taking - The Movie"
11 months ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Mads Palsvig (@Palsvig) on X

Israeli Rafael Ayon had his radio equipment confiscated before October 7th and returned after October 7th. He tried to warn the Israeli army, but was told he was “blocked” from someone “in the top

Scandinavian Freedom Events
11 months ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Mads Palsvig (@Palsvig) on X

The globalist bank mafia is planning to take EVERYTHING. When they say: "You will own nothing", I advice you strongly to listen very carefully. Especially if you have money. David Webb's book "The Great Taking" which you can download at…

Scandinavian Freedom Events
11 months, 3 weeks ago

Talrige politikere i Knesset siger direkte at Palestinensere er “animals” og skal udryddes. Skræmmende at lytte på alle hjernevaskede af Hollywood dybt traumatiserede danskere der bortforklarer klare brud på menneskerettigheder, Geneve konventionerne og tidligere indgåede fredsaftaler.
Israel er en apartheid stat med to slags indbyggere jøder og goyims. Zionisterne mener de er “ubermenchen”, ikke mine ord, det skriver de direkte i deres egen Talmud.
De ønsker “lebensraum”, de taler åbent om deres “greater Israel” Project som inkluderer hele Palestina, Libanon, Jordan, Syrien og halvdelen af Iraq.
Og med deres udtalelser i Knesset kan vi med deres egne ord konstatere at de har deres version af “endlosung”.
Enhver, der støtter zionister er enten en dybt racistisk psykopat eller en imbecil ignorant hjernevasket zombie.

11 months, 4 weeks ago

Report on Gaza with first hand testimonies

1 year ago


My name is Ioannis Demertzis, I am a telecommunications and IT technician, owner of a private radio station and other electronic media, former editor of an independent, local weekly newspaper, journalist and member of the Association of Journalists of the Magazine and Electronic Press of Macedonia Thrace, and I have been involved since 2020, in the disclosure of the COVID-19 fraud.

With this e-mail, I would like to inform you of the actions I have taken in Greece to fight the illegal unconstitutional and criminal measures for the fake pandemic of COVID-19.

Apart from that, you will find interviews, surveys, videos and other interesting audiovisual material, which I have started to slowly set up since 2020.

The important thing I want you to know is that I have a court / trial date of November 2, 2023.

I am accused of spreading false information about the COVID measures.

Please I really need your valuable support, because in Greece, most people have forgotten what has happened and the rest cannot help for many reasons.

What I ask is that you share this information wherever you can, so that more people are aware of these actions.

Anyone who can provide me with evidencethat refutes the COVID measures. Testimony or anything else you believe can be used in a court of law in my defense.

My present on any interview, just for people let know me.

Financial support because no one here wants to help and the courts need money. Besides, besides this court we have the other lawsuits that are going on.

Finally, if it is possible, someone should provide me with protection of any kind, because in court I do not know what can be done. That is, what decision the judge can make. That is, if he follows the government's line then I will be convicted.

If I am not charged, because I am innocent and the verdict is not guilty, then, we will have a huge victory and I will be the authority in my Country that will start the compensation lawsuits and a big chase against those who implemented the covid measures and abused mainly our children.

For any further information you would like, I would be very happy to be contacted.

I am attaching three hyperlinks.
Of the article from my website, in which it is all in i.e. the Video along with the form detailing all my work.

  1. FIGHTING FOR OUR FREEDOM ( article) :
    The link to the video



The link to the e-bulletin separately.
3. Ioannis Demertzis Fighting for Freedom :

Thank you

Με εκτίμηση,
:Ιωάννης: Δεμερτζής.
Τηλ: +30.2510.600102

Best Regards,
:Ioannis: Demertzis.
Tel: +30.2510.600102

Σφαγή GR, Ειδήσεις, Ενημέρωση


Fighting for our Freedom is a message to inform the whole world about the actions I have taken for the liberation of Greece, with the help of true patriots.

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 7 months, 4 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago