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The Nazi's didn't invade Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America (etc.)—they ONLY invaded European nations. Explain how they were pro-White and ''based''?
Austria: March 12, 1938 - Annexation of Austria, also known as the Anschluss.
Czechoslovakia: March 15, 1939 - Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia established, effectively occupying the country.
Poland: September 1, 1939 - Invasion of western Poland
Denmark and Norway: April 9, 1940 - Invasion of Denmark and Norway to secure strategic resources and ports.
Netherlands: May 10, 1940 - Invasion of the Netherlands, which was completed by May 17, 1940.
Belgium: May 10, 1940 - Invasion of Belgium, which was surrendered on May 28, 1940.
Luxembourg: May 10, 1940 - Invasion of Luxembourg, which was quickly occupied.
France: May 10, 1940 - Invasion of France, which led to the signing of an armistice on June 22, 1940, dividing the country into occupied and unoccupied zones.
Greece: April 6, 1941 - Invasion of Greece, which was completed by April 30, 1941.
Yugoslavia: April 6, 1941 - Invasion of Yugoslavia, which was quickly occupied.
Soviet Union (Eastern Poland and Baltic States): June 22, 1941 - Operation Barbarossa, a massive invasion of the Soviet Union, including eastern Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
100% of the nations Nazi Germany invaded were European.
There's a channel called 'NS Heathenry' where they spend their time trying to prove that Hitler was Pagan and hated Christianity. Imagine spending months and years on a such a niche subject that literally improves or changes nothing for White politics, or our situation. On the flipside of things, there are also Christian NS type of channels doing the exact opposite and cherry picking pro-Christian quotes—it's such a massive waste of time. Both camps are down the wrong alley of thought entirely.
This is why I try to wake people up to this subversion. All Pro-Nazi related stuff is just a massive distraction and takes away energy from being put in to unifying our ideas and people.
This is a weird post. Instead of pointing out that Hitler was allowing Jews in his army, which goes against the far right view of him being 'ruthlessly anti-Semitic' (which would've been a good argument), he talks about how Jews aren't actually all that bad and can be nationalistic to their host nations.
Why is he defending Jewish allegiance/loyalty on a page supposedly exposing TGSNT/ETLB narratives?
In spring 1941 the Reich Food Ministry and the armed forces High Command (OKW) developed what Rolf-Dieter Müller has termed a "hunger strategy" devised to deprive millions of Soviet citizens of food in order to provide surpluses which would feed the German army in Russia as well as allow foodstuffs to besent back to the Reich from the occupied territories in the East. This hunger strategy, as Müller has convincingly demonstrated, was not an unintended or unavoidable outcome of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union BUT WAS DELIBERATELY PLANNED IN ADVANCE AND MUST BE REGARDED AS A "CONSCIOUSLY IMPLEMENTED POLICY OF EXTERMINATION." Plans for the economic exploitation of the occupied territories had been considered in some detail by German civilian and military experts in advance of the invasion. A statement of goals for the upcoming campaign from early May 1941 succinctly noted: "The war can only be continued if all armed forces are fed by Russia in the third year of war. There is no doubt that as a result many millions of people will be starved to death if we take out of the country the things necessary for us." A much more detailed document prepared by the 'Economic Staff East, Agricultural Group' on 23 May 1941, painted an even grimmer picture of the mass starvation and deindustrialization planned for some Soviet regions. The planners commented dispassionately that "the population of these areas, in particular the urban population, will have to face most serious distress from famine." The document went on to state with brutal frankness policy being enunciated would result in mass death for the population of the occupied regions: It follows from all that has been said that the German administration in these territories may well attempt to mitigate the consequences of the famine which undoubtedly will take place, and to accelerate the return to primitive agricultural conditions. An attempt might be made to intensify cultivation in these areas by expanding the acreage under potatoes or other important food crops giving a high yield. However, these measures will not avert famine. Many tens of millions of people in this area will become redundant and will either die or have to emigrate to Siberia. Any attempt to save the population there from death by starvation by importing surpluses from the black soil zone would be at the expense of supplies to Europe. It would reduce Germany's and Europe's power to resist the blockade. This must be clearly and absolutely understood.Within the context of the racial ideology of Nazism, which posited the supremacy of the Ayran master race over the inferior Slavs and Jews, the murder of "many tens of millions of people" by means of deliberate starvation was accepted as perfectly legitimate and indeed desirable.
Source: "The Annihilation of Superfluous Eaters": Nazi Plans for and Use of Famine in Eastern Europe, Steven R. Welch
Source: Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944: Die Aufzeichnungen Heinrich Heims, ed. Werner Jochmann
"We [i.e. Germans] want to settle the south of Ukraine, the Crimea in particular, exclusively German. It is no trouble for me to push the population there [i.e. population in south of Ukraine] elsewhere."
"The [Eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe and become Europeanised! To this end, we are now building the great transport routes to the southern tip of the Crimea, to the Caucasus; the German cities are lined up along these transport routes, like a string of pearls, and around them lies the German settlement. We will have the two or three million people we need for this sooner than we think; WE WILL TAKE THEM FROM GERMANY, THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES, THE WESTERN COUNTRIES AND AMERICA. I will probably not live to see it, but in twenty years the [Eastern] area [which was previously occupied by Slavs] will already contain 20 million [Germanic] people. In three hundred years it will be a flourishing park landscape of unusual beauty!
The natives [i.e. Ukrainians]? We will proceed to sift them. We'll put the destructive Jew out altogether. The impression I had in the Belorussian region was better than that in the Ukraine. We won't go into the Russian cities, they must die out completely. We don't need to feel any remorse. We don't live ourselves into the role of nanny, we have no obligation to the people at all. Reform the home, catch the lice, German teachers, newspapers? No! We'd rather set up a radio station that depends on us, and for the rest they should only know the road signs so that they don't run into our cars! By freedom these people mean that they only have to wash themselves every festival. If we come with soft soap, we won't get any sympathy. We have to completely retrain ourselves. There is only one task: to carry out a GERMANISATION BY BRINGING IN THE GERMANS AND TO REGARD THE NATIVES AS INDIANS. If these people had triumphed over us, God have mercy! Hatred? No, we don't know that; we only act out of consideration. But they act out of the inferiority complex of the inferior; they smell the superior and connect hatred with the inferiority complex. Intelligence? We have so much of it here that we only have difficulties with it! Anyone from Europe who is of good will can take part in the work of settlement."
"The German farmer has the urge to get on, he thinks of his children; but a Ukrainian farmer will not act according to the imperative of duty."
"The Slavic peoples, on the other hand, are not destined for a life of their own. They know that, and we must not persuade them that they can do the same. We created the Baltic countries and Ukraine in 1918. But today we have no interest in the continued existence of the Eastern Baltic states and a free Ukraine [i.e independent Ukraine]. Rechristianisation would be the biggest mistake, because that would be reorganisation. I am also not in favour of a university in Kiev. We better not teach them to read. They don't love us at all if we torture them with schools; it would be wrong even to put them on a locomotive. We also have no reason to start redistributing the land. But the natives will live far better in the future than they do now. We will find in them the people to work the soil that we are lacking today."
Let's say that there is a normie out there who is starting to awaken to some of the issues facing White people, such as the media constantly blaming and villainizing them, or mass immigration flooding their nation etc. He/She might stumble into a pro-White chat on Telegram or wherever and realize that it's full of Neo-Nazis. They will immediately be repulsed by the thought of being associated with Neo-Nazism and think of the social repercussions of being associated with such a spergy group. And then once the neo-Nazi chat finds out that they aren't indoctrinated into their Nazi cult, they will be called a Jew/Fag/Fed etc. which will completely turn off any sort of motivations they might have previously had to make change. To a normie, being associated with Nazism is akin to pedophilia or murder—they wouldn't be caught dead supporting Nazism. So in essence, the Neo-Nazi cult gatekeeps White-Nationalism and any sort of cohesion that would naturally occur if their wasn't a poisonous ideology roadblocking its way. It pushes away normal people who want to support White issues but don't want to seem like vile racists and bigots'. If their employers, family, friends etc. found out about them being in Pro Neo-Nazi chats, they might lose it all—and it's not just in their minds either, their is legitimate reason to want to stay clear of the retard brigade.
Instead of having one solid base of grounded people who are Pro-White, we have multiple camps that insist that you submit to their ideologies or they can't align with you. That's what I detest about the Neo-Nazi's the most, they make it a point to reject Pro-White people who aren't pro-Nazi—it completely stifles any sort of movement, or collectivization.
Nazism=Normie Kryptonite.
"One such part of the East: which was supposed to be settled solidly with Germans was the Crimea. Though remaining under military administration until the end of the German occupation, the Crimea experienced quite extraordinary activity on the part of the Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom. The strategic and consolidating settlements were worked out in much greater detail than in the rest of the Ukraine. This can be seen clearly from the official German report on the progress of colonization in the Crimea. First of all it specifies the following places of settlement:
1. The municipal district of Eupatoria together with the rural district of Otar-Moinak ( railway connection EupatoriaSimferopol ) .
2. The area of the town of Simferopol.
3. The territory along the railway line from Simferopol to Dshankoi between Spat and Kurman, with the rural districts of Spat, Kambary, Menglertschik, Eki-Basch, Kyabak, and Alabash.
The report proceeds and indicates that:
In September 1943 all the mentioned rural districts had been made German villages. In the urban districts of Simferopol and Eupatoria the ethnic Germans were, as far as possible, concentrated in their own quarters. These exclusively German villages and parts of towns were, as far as possible, given their own municipal administration. German burgomasters took care: of their community.
The military Government of Crimea made available a fixed key amount from the total of incoming taxes for the German communities which was, however, administered centrally by the Bereitskommando 44 in cooperation with burgomasters.
... the German colonization blueprints for the Crimea found realization to a far greater degree. All places of settlement which had been planned actually became German villages. In towns like Simferopol and Eupatoria the Germans did not succeed in expelling all the foreigners, but they consolidated the German minority in separate districts and put them under their own municipal authority."
— Ihor Kamenetsky, Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe: A Study of Lebensraum Policies
Also brutally wrong. This imagery clearly spells out one thing: death-cult.
This is nonsense. First of all there's no such thing as the white race if you study genetics even slightly, supporting natsoc will get you nothing but problems and it's stupid because Nazism was a German centric ideology---not for white people in general. The Nazis killed millions of Europeans, so his bulllshit logic is absolutely brain dead. The Jews created Nazism as a dialectical to Marxism, you're only playing their game by wearing that hat.
The WW2 topic has memetards on both sides presenting a black and white "good vs evil" narrative. The mainstream says the Allies were the undisputed force for good and the "revisionists" just invert that to present the Axis as the cartoonish pure white hats. The truth is much more complicated and somewhere in the middle.
The "revisionists" are wrong on many major points though. With the full appeasement of the British and French, Hitler tore up Versailles and refused to pay the reparations, reoccupied the Rhineland, got the Sudetenland in the Munich Agreement, annexed Austria, then occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia.
He got back nearly every inch of territory Germany lost after WWI with the exception of a city in northern Poland before 1939 and yet he invaded Poland and Russia anyway to fulfill his plans for an expanded land empire. Nothing was forced upon him, he forced his way upon the world and was willing to risk war and escalation with the great powers to achieve his mission of Lebensraum and German global power.
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