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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Are Algorithms Dividing Everyone into Separate Realities Online? Truthstream Media
"Is the world you are being presented online crafted to be vastly different from the person sitting right next to you in physical reality? Do people even realize this is what algorithms are doing to us all? Many have rightfully pointed out how we appear more divided than ever, but the first step to taking that wizardry down a notch is acknowledging what is actually happening out there for what it is."
Their mascot is an owl
The Owl, in Sumerian: mušennínna;
nocturnal bird-owl (nin, 'fearsome lady',+ a,nominative suffix; the predatory owl with its human-like face); Lilith...[lil - itu]
"the ninna"
Dividing; HAL
Algorithm Aladdin
Algol rithm
Diamonds & Behenian fixed star Algol
The Hebrews knew Algol as Rosh ha Satan, Satan’s Head, but also as Lilith, Adam’s first wife.
Perseus(2 faces); by Kabalists associated with the Hebrew letter Lamed & the 12th Tarot "The Hanged Man" ("Lamed Mem" [30+40=70]) "Lilith"=70
You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
Anunnaki Magic | The Connection to the Roots of Science
"The Anunnaki and their deep connection to the roots of science. In the video, we learn about the connection between the Anunnaki and the Scientific field of study. The Anunnaki gods are the unseen negative/positive forces known as the daemon (Udug) of ancient Babylon."
Science, like religion has its root in magic.
Science, Nabu & vegetation
Priesthood Babylon
Latin: Sci enti fic
English: Know that it is fiction
4th Month – Araḫ Dumuzu
Month of Tammuz
Symbol: ??
Presiding Deity: Tammuz
Zodiac Sign: Al Lul/Alluttu (Cancer)
Current Equivalent: June/July
New Moon
Friday, July 5, at 6:57 p.m. EDT (22:57 UTC).
The same women who mourned the death of Tammuz also prepared cakes for his consort Ishtar [Venus], the Queen of Heaven.
These cakes would be baked in ashes...
'sacred marriage'?
This ritual lasted for one night on the 10th day of Akitu, Sumerian new year festival.?
Inanna & Dumuzi the Shepherd [provider of milk...]
As Ama-ušumgal-ana, Dumuzi is associated with the date palm & its fruits. [Zulum]
Son of Enki
Dumu: child, Zi; weapon
Adonis ...? The cry was familiar throughout the land of Palestine. In the valley of Megiddo, by the plain of Jezreel, each year witnessed “the mourning for Hadad-Rimmon” (Zechariah xii. ll)
The Infected Cicada and the Resurrection of Tammuz [The Key to Raising the Dead]
1 Tammuz = July 7, 2024
The Power of the Word - A Chaldean Prayer for the King - Neo-Babylonian Empire
"A revelation explained relating to the power of the Prayer and the hidden power of the spoken Word.
The Prayer to the King reveals the power of the Word. The Prayer directed to an unnamed King. For the King, they are positive, but for the people, they are negative. In essence, the words used in the Prayer have an opposition tone to the terms used for the people."
word; statement; command, order, decree; oath, agreement; matter, affair, concern, subject (in, 'one discrete individual', + eme, 'speech').
n., abundance, luxuriance; almond tree; netherworld
láma, lám: an awe-inspiring quality (la, 'abundance' + me, 'function, power')...Power/LAM...Sumerian Code The LAW of ME
IA, Stag of the ABZU
Maritime Admiralty Law:
Psi Psy
Spell Of Language
Secret Spells of Language & the History of Magic ?
incantation, spell (abstract prefix + 'to cast').
[Language spell, Sumerian Magic]
venom, poison; spittle, slaver; moistening; spell, charm.
[MušḫuššuGolden FleeceImmortality]
? muš:
n., snake; reptile (eme, 'tongue'/ma, 'to leave, depart, go out', + úš, 'to kill'/uš, 'venom, poison').
[...the Tongue, Nabu]
adj., bitter.
Priesthood of Babylon
The Priestly symbol is P
āšipu/mašmaš[šu], or exorcist-priest
"mašmaš šu", match: ...Spell of Language...
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago