FlashCom - BJS Codes / Bots

This channel helps you to create bots, learn to create bots and to accuire bjs codes.
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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 months ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 days, 5 hours ago

4 months, 1 week ago

Do you want advanced multiple membership checker ❤️*

50 reaction required*

4 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 2 weeks ago

Multiple File Sharing Telegram Bot BJS code.

Command: /start

if(!params){ Api.sendMessage({ text: "/upload \- To upload content and share it.", reply\_markup: JSON.stringify({ hide\_keyboard: true }) }) return; } if (params) { var files = Bot.getProperty(params); if (files && files.length > 0) { files.forEach(file => { switch (file.type) { case "video": Api.sendVideo({ video: file.file\_id, caption: file.caption || undefined }); break; case "photo": Api.sendPhoto({ photo: file.file\_id, caption: file.caption || undefined }); break; case "audio": Api.sendAudio({ audio: file.file\_id, caption: file.caption || undefined }); break; case "sticker": Api.sendSticker({ sticker: file.file\_id }); break; case "document": Api.sendDocument({ document: file.file\_id, caption: file.caption || undefined }); break; case "animation": Api.sendAnimation({ animation: file.file\_id, caption: file.caption || undefined }); break; case "voice": Api.sendVoice({ voice: file.file\_id, caption: file.caption || undefined }); break; } }); } else { Bot.sendMessage("No files to send."); } }

Command: /upload
Answer: Send your content for sharing!
Wait for answer: false
Keyboard: ***✅***

Command: /handle
Wait for answer: true

if (message == "") {
if (options && options.shrt) {
var filesList = Bot.getProperty(options.shrt, []);
if (filesList.length > 0) {
return Bot.sendMessage("Done!\nHere is your link: https://t.me/" + bot.name + "/?start=" + options.shrt);
} else {
return Bot.sendMessage("Error: No files uploaded to confirm.\nUse: /upload to upload. ");
} else {
return Bot.sendMessage("Error: No files uploaded to confirm.\nUse /upload to upload.");



var shrt = (new Date().getTime()).toString(36);
if (options && options.shrt) {
shrt = options.shrt;

var filesList = Bot.getProperty(shrt, []);
var fileEntry = {};

if (request.video && request.video.file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "video", file_id: request.video.file_id, caption: request.caption || "" };
} else if (request.photo && request.photo.length > 0 && request.photo[0].file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "photo", file_id: request.photo[0].file_id, caption: request.caption || "" };
} else if (request.audio && request.audio.file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "audio", file_id: request.audio.file_id, caption: request.caption || "" };
} else if (request.sticker && request.sticker.file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "sticker", file_id: request.sticker.file_id };
} else if (request.document && request.document.file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "document", file_id: request.document.file_id, caption: request.caption || "" };
} else if (request.animation && request.animation.file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "animation", file_id: request.animation.file_id, caption: request.animation.caption || "" };
} else if (request.voice && request.voice.file_id) {
fileEntry = { type: "voice", file_id: request.voice.file_id, caption: request.caption || "" };

if (Object.keys(fileEntry).length > 0) {
Bot.setProperty(shrt, filesList, "json");
Bot.runCommand('/handle', { shrt: shrt });
} else {
Bot.sendMessage("No valid media file detected. Please send a valid media file.");

YouTube Tutorial & Demo : https://youtu.be/2Rnm6jd0ZF4?feature=shared

Credit: @siyabots

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Do you want multiple files share bot for free in BB ? 100 reaction required Demo @FX_storebot ?Creator: @mrX605Tz ?To be Post On: FlashCom

7 months ago

? Talk to Admin BJ'S Code: PRO
? With this code user can Talk to you easy.

? Command : /You own command Eg- /support

? BJS Code :

Api.sendMessage({ text: "***?***. Hello, You can contact us directly", parse\_mode: "Markdown", on\_result: "/onsend", reply\_markup: { force\_reply: true, input\_field\_placeholder: "What can I help you"//you can change } })

? Command :- /onsend
♻️ wait for message: On
? Bjs Code :

var button = [ [ { text: "Reply: " + user.first\_name + "", callback\_data: "/reply " + user.telegramid + "" } ] ] Bot.sendMessage("*Received:* waiting for feedback.") if (message) { try { Api.sendMessage({ chat\_id: 6904325128, //replace it with your own id text: `***?*** New Message ( info )\n\n${message} `, parse\_mode: "html", reply\_markup: { inline\_keyboard: button } }) } catch (error) { console.log("Error sending message:", error) } }

?The following is Admin Command.

? Command: /reply

?️ BJ'S Code:

if (!params) { Bot.sendMessage("*Params:* Empty") return } var id = params Bot.setProp("userid", id) Api.sendMessage({ text: `Send text to ${id}`, parse\_mode: "Markdown", on\_result: "/Sendto", reply\_markup: { force\_reply: true, input\_field\_placeholder: "Enter your message!" } })

*? Command: /Sendto
♻️ wait for message: On
? Bjs Code :*

var tgid = Bot.getProperty("userid") if (tgid == undefined) { Bot.sendMessage("User ID is undefined") return } var msg = data.message if (user.telegramid == 6904325128) { //replace it with your own id Api.sendMessage({ chat\_id: tgid, text: `<b>***?***New message\n\n${msg}`, parse\_mode: "html", disable\_web\_page\_preview: true }) Bot.sendMessage(`<b>***?*** Done: message send to ${tgid}`, { parse\_mode: "html" }) Bot.setProperty("userid", [], "json") // Set an empty array as the value for "userid" property return } Bot.sendMessage("****⚠️***Access declared* ") //code by @mrX605Tz

⚡️Posted on : @flashcombjs *⚡️Code Credits : @mrx605Tz *⚡Api Credit : @Nepcoder ⚡️Error Report : @flashcombjschat ⚡️ Official Channel :** @flashcomofficial

7 months ago

**? How To Make The User Can Withdraw Only 1 Time In 1 Day BJS Code
?* This code helps user to withdraw only one time in one day.
? Command : /withdraw?️ BJS Code :*

function canRun(){ var last\_run\_at = User.getProperty("last\_withdraw"); if(!last\_run\_at){ return true } var minutes = (Date.now() \- last\_run\_at) /1000/60; var minutes\_in\_day = 12 * 60 var next = minutes\_in\_day \- minutes var wait\_hours = Math.floor(next / 60) next \-= wait\_hours * 60 var wait\_minutes = Math.floor(next) var seconds = Math.floor((next \- wait\_minutes) * 60) if(minutes < minutes\_in\_day) { Bot.sendMessage("****?*** You Can Withdraw Only 1 Time In Day.\n\n***⚠️*** Come Back After "+wait\_hours+" Hours "+wait\_minutes+" Minutes "+seconds+" Seconds To Withdraw Again.*")    return }   return true; } if(!canRun()){ return } Bot.runCommand("***?*** Withdraw")

? Command 01 : Auto

?️ BJS Code 01 :

User.setProperty("last\_withdraw", Date.now(), "integer");

? Note : ?? Add It In Last Of Auto Command

⚡️Posted on : @flashcombjs *⚡️Credits : @Shadab_Alam *⚡️Error Report : @flashcombjschat ⚡️Official Channel :** @flashcomofficial

7 months ago
*****✅*** New UPI Cash Bot Launched …

* New UPI Cash Bot Launched [ OpenMoney Pe BoT ] ⚡️*

?? Link:- @OpenMoney_Pe_bot ⭐️ Bonus:- ₹1-2
❤️‍? Per Refer:- ₹1-3
? Min Withdraw:- ₹10
? Withdraw Tax:- 20% Gst/Tax
? Bot Funds:- ₹1,500

❤️ Give Different Reactions Guys**

Flash Id : 103283732.
? Flag Ad

7 months, 1 week ago

*? Join Our ICC Men's T20 World Cup Official Telegram Channel:*

Flash Id : 103738272.
? Flag Ad


ICC Men's T20 World Cup

***🙏*** Welcome to ICC Men's T20 World Cup Official Telegram Channel...

*****?*** Join Our ICC Men's T20 World Cup Official Telegram Channel:**
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Community chat: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_chat_2

Twitter: x.com/hamster_kombat

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HamsterKombat_Official

Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot
Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 3 months, 1 week ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 3 months ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 days, 5 hours ago