
quand Aywez souriait, même tout le monde était abasourdi

; ; @colddply + @colddieply
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cooperation: @teamngt

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Notgram operates on the @TONblockchain independently and doesn't affiliated with Telegram

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

SRA Program Guidelines

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Funny videos😂Trends that is going to blow your mind💯❤️

Admin @omega_roar

Last updated 4 months ago

2 years, 8 months ago

aku sekarang batuk batuk, habis selesai radang malah minum es es ?

2 years, 8 months ago

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

jadi salpah yh gara gara live kemarin ?
Mootss, channel ku itu bukan channel rprl. Tenang aja, kalaupun channel ku channel rprl aku nggak bakal ajak orang yang ngga suka berbau rprl. Emang yh, ini dulu channel nya bekas channel rprl tapi sekarang udah enggak, TERUS INI ADA ADMIN YANG BAHASNYA RL MULU jadinya yh gitu deh, jadi Maaf atas ketidak nyamannya. Kalau ngga nyaman karna channel saya sedikit membahas tentang rl, bisa keluar dan informasikan terlebih dulu ke akun saya di description
Terimakasih dan Maaf ??

2 years, 8 months ago

PC nct dream?('ω'?)
6.???? ????(02)
Order di store yaa?? papay(❁´◡`❁)


@✿lovely store✿

Haii!! Jadi lovely store hanya jual PC nct dream yaa!! Sama acc Roblox ♡

PC nct dream***?***('ω'***?***)
2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago

hfw mouweZ

2 years, 9 months ago

? [HFW] want to sub for sub with @AyweZ ? Drop your @. in display name
if you're toxicphobic, homophobic, grammar police, mdni, jarang diving, sering pebersihan, parade DNI.

- @iningyizhouu
- Haidar ijo ijo, @Skunghun.
- velyn
- Alea ᥫ᭡
- jeanne gi ultah @ryzujien
- jegaz @jungfuckie
- It's Jiepou , @hanjiessung
- kezo
- ?.?. ? @ssonwend
- ₍ᐡ ๑^Ꮮꑙ?⇣Ꮲ??- @goupichie ɞ
- #OPMEMPRD Off pc . Revanza Maneth @Taehunyungie victoryking
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- kailan @ihuuangrenjvn
- el the kid @jveunh
- prince @ohmpawatres
- ZJOE @seolyoooan
- @yivec Gabbie ˃ᴗ˂
- mekha @mekhap
- karin @GorgoeusKarina
- Daltón Mãverick @TaeyongGrz
- @Jaardo
- @badjingkook
- labil nn @LaliizaManouban
- B'varma @gangstoer
- Zemouineys, @MinjuLimp.
- viéRaden, @CaptainsRaden.
- ?ansex ?-?ogh @jaehyunctq
- Zinedine @jeongjaehyrn
- Gumié @YhewonKim
- ㅤㅤㅤ@swediadㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
- Meli @YihyunChh
- Charsherine B. @Gizyelle
- miro @imluao
- quji @hanjipou ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
- fleur @damnndelions
- srch. ghea @xxohiee
- Goldie @prettyiGoldie
- bielsa @bielsadorable
- fodszr @Y00NGIMINA
- ts. Jaka Abdijaya @yeonlie
- « ࣪ ????? - ?? ??'??????! 변텔 뺨 @mJaeminGembil ⪩⑅⪨ ֺ ֢֢ ‹
- nanaz vipmartyrbrks @iKimtaehyungori
- dni. 1459 atma victoryking @kemtaeghyung
- Charles A. @mozarvt
- caca @rvyerrriii
- Ranaka, J @KuPerokok
- jemian ა ❞ @njaeminvn
- enäy @dumpcare
- sagara pacar hsy @iSagaraas
- Arzetti Vora SheillaMartyr [@jjiheonbek](https://t.me/jjiheonbek) \- Raven M. [@canadaleq](https://t.me/canadaleq) \- Azidan. [@IucUas](https://t.me/IucUas) \- Emerald G. [@ameleyot](https://t.me/ameleyot) \- Nagara [@wossehun](https://t.me/wossehun) \- Aycelline bf. Calvature [@SirParkJisung](https://t.me/SirParkJisung) \- arthur [@onyourms\_aark](https://t.me/onyourms_aark) \- Jöuvàndo [@ftaehycung](https://t.me/ftaehycung) \- Jihan eglsuicy [@idziyoung](https://t.me/idziyoung) \- [@ddgae](https://t.me/ddgae) \- dg mapx [@spremx](https://t.me/spremx) \- tabi [@taeoxo\_nciit](https://t.me/taeoxo_nciit) \- Wyniellé Björn. [@Rcoje](https://t.me/Rcoje) \- O49 , [@gcutiee](https://t.me/gcutiee) ˖ છ₍݀ᐢ⊃⊂ᐡ₎ɞ ?  \- Megandama [@ethelyneein](https://t.me/ethelyneein) [@filleindependante](https://t.me/filleindependante) [@heechanloves](https://t.me/heechanloves) \- Raihan. [@IeDonghyuvk](https://t.me/IeDonghyuvk) \- Séymöur [@todayisseeun](https://t.me/todayisseeun) \- arjos [@kimxtaehyueng](https://t.me/kimxtaehyueng) \- ***?******?*** MWiYUTA ... o\_< [@goptha](https://t.me/goptha) \- ꒰ ୨♡୧ ⨾ 히쿠오, [@WittleKitten](https://t.me/WittleKitten) !.˚⊹ \- lova [@choiminjui](https://t.me/choiminjui) \- ࣭⋆ ࣪.***?*** ٬ ∿ ᥒᥒιk᥆ [@Taeygbb](https://t.me/Taeygbb) \- Darendra. [@chaenniesbf](https://t.me/chaenniesbf) \- Odle [@taehyvungj](https://t.me/taehyvungj) \- Vésyara [@rarubyjennie](https://t.me/rarubyjennie) \- elgard?⁰⁷ [@sirleejno](https://t.me/sirleejno) \- ⊹ ᜔°₍੭ᐢ..ᐢ₎੭ haechiden ⊹ [@preettybear](https://t.me/preettybear) \- Kalula [@Beaubutterfly](https://t.me/Beaubutterfly) \- biu [@parykrose](https://t.me/parykrose) \- ʚ . . bi~biyo bread maker ₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎ ! ***?*** [@bakerg](https://t.me/bakerg) \- ajiona [@sonseungbwan](https://t.me/sonseungbwan) \- irene [@qirenez](https://t.me/qirenez) \#562 \- kälena pendinh [@minjooxx](https://t.me/minjooxx) \- Lòvincá [@lovinca](https://t.me/lovinca) \- athar [@kixmtaehxyung](https://t.me/kixmtaehxyung) \- Jasmine. [@ongsuzju](https://t.me/ongsuzju) \- Madison [@JENNlECKlM96](https://t.me/JENNlECKlM96) \- Kidalord [@bliggdick](https://t.me/bliggdick) \- madeliene [@andudnem](https://t.me/andudnem) \- ian [@jienoleenctt](https://t.me/jienoleenctt) \- Vero [@ryuxthv](https://t.me/ryuxthv) \- cup \- [@jenniesegs](https://t.me/jenniesegs) \- Zaigham [@babangzai](https://t.me/babangzai) \- ?????? [@ktjeannDvier](https://t.me/ktjeannDvier) \- Ivelle K. \- dami hensem [@tzuyueo](https://t.me/tzuyueo) \- ?eronicaa [@IVeronicaa](https://t.me/IVeronicaa) \- delvin [@foldedtaehyung](https://t.me/foldedtaehyung) \- slctv. [@zaqwan](https://t.me/zaqwan) \- Tn. ?ˡᵍᵇᵗᵇᵃʳ @jmvante
- nayya @sweetieyeeriseme
- Jerry @Jamessqmk
- kopi : on diving @kkopilot
- destiny! @destinyheree
- Jenölla @playgirlcli
- Osamu @iiDazai
- Zeanne @iyGyounjung
- ★301OPMEM ?alo tksd #CVKCAND @pJUNK00K
- Varséphine @pizzachessez
- joan suka yusuke @hJaemirn
- ????????? @ahKimGaram
- albert @urjeonjungkoook
- Serä M. @starfuckys
- el ggie ngantuk ? @JAEMlNCTD
- Moury sdg tidak daijobu @wSatsuki
- ?ānrickǒ ?'Vẹrmønt. @MvrkeLee
- ?eisya ?evalline @LOVINGJENNlEKlM
- Abah praja #CANDCTR @pMaIboro
- alster @l0vlips
- Reana O'Brian @usexmorgues
- ㅤㅤㅤga mood.@najaembayii
- sean meow meow ? @urlikitten
- vde, deōna @ikimjennkie
- Shala @shiorra
- Marell @jmarkeel
- jiro @jerychobarga
- Y @sSehuon
- ?? ?? @eyrinjung
- @iGantara
- Shinobu Kochou; @WolfExorcist
- arion @Johnnyerx
- Ranayya Abighea
- yayā @JennimeRuby
- al @lovingrem
- C. Amoura @hwcngyejik
- kiana R48eganfor @sweetkianaa
- ?. ?tlanna ?tevany @thsmrslanna
- 161. Yoga @Yosjitreasure
- ?zzura ?anthorus @dillirabadilmurat
- ?? 931 Hans vkässmelt @ir0nhans
- @KimKennie Puchy Dlouvize 龙⧽?ʳʸˢᵗ¹dls
- ?ilàdy. ?enezie ?hiteless @irenejoohyunq
- ??? Daje èl Vānderick @MassJungkook
- Kaesang. @sangthv
- Enjuna @huanhnjun
- Darchy @iDarchy
- emil @haivleybieber
- bula @dangelpride
- ?ellen @AngryHuTao
- althea @knMaIboro

? 154 people have voted so far.
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The First Proof of Subscribe coin

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inspired by @notcoin

cooperation: @teamngt

No investment required
Notgram operates on the @TONblockchain independently and doesn't affiliated with Telegram

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

SRA Program Guidelines

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Funny videos😂Trends that is going to blow your mind💯❤️

Admin @omega_roar

Last updated 4 months ago