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4 months ago

*⚡️ Chet tili imtihoni sanalari e’lon qilindi*🔔Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash bo‘yicha bo‘lib o‘tadigan navbatdagi test sinovi sanalari e’lon qilindi.  Unga ko‘ra:

✏️test sinovining yozma qismi — 11-12, 14-15 va 18-19-may kunlari;
*🎤 gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari — 13-maydan 12-iyunga qadar bo‘lib o‘tadi(dam olish kunlaridan tashqari*).

📱 Talabgorlar imtihon joyi, kuni va aniq vaqtini saytining “Mening arizalarim” bo‘limidan bilishlari va ruxsatnomani yuklab olishlari mumkin.

6️⃣ Talabgorlardan test sinoviga belgilangan vaqtdan kamida bir yarim soat oldin shaxsini tasdiqlovchi hujjat (pasport yoki ID-karta) bilan kelishlari so‘raladi.

📍 Test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan joylar va ularning joylashuvi (geolokatsiya):
Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

4 months ago
***⚡️*** **2024-yil fevral-may oylarida bo‘lib o‘tadigan …

⚡️ 2024-yil fevral-may oylarida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari 2024-yil fevral-may oylarida o‘tkaziladigan chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari jadvaliga o‘zgartirish kiritildi.

🇬🇧 Unga ko‘ra mart oyida ingliz tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash imtihonlari 2 marotaba tashkil etiladi.

▶️ Shuningdek, fevral va aprel oylarida nemis tilidan, mart va may oylarida arab tilidan imtihonlar o‘tkaziladi.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar bilan yuqoridagi rasmda tanishish mumkin.

Izoh: hukumat topshiriqlari va talabgorlar sonidan kelib chiqqan holda test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalarga o‘zgarishlar kiritilishi mumkin.

Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
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4 months ago

Bilimni baholash agentligi huzuridagi Ilmiy-o‘quv amaliy markazi tomonidan Chet tilidan ko‘p darajali test sinovi gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati aprobatsiyasi

Chet tilini bilish darajasini baholash boshqarmasi tomonidan chet tilidan gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash uchun yangi format loyihasi ishlab chiqildi.

⌚️ Ushbu yangi format aprobatsiyasi 2024-yil 10-may kuni Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, Toshkent shahri va viloyatlarda Ilmiy o‘quv-amaliy markazi tomonidan o‘tkazilishi rejalashtirilgan.

⚡️💻 Aprobatsiya test sinovida ishtirok etish istagini bildirgan talabgorlar havolasi orqali ro'yxatdan o‘tishlari mumkin.

⚡️ Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish muddati: 2024-yil 8-may soat 08:00 gacha.
Test sinovi narxi: 25 000 so‘m.
To‘lovni amalga oshirish muddati: 2024-yil 8-may soat 10:00 gacha.
📱 @bba_ilmiy_markaz
📞 (95) 507-70-72
📞(95) 515-68-68

4 months ago

Ko‘p darajali test sinovi gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati

Ma’lumki, Agentlik xodimlari xalqaro hamkorlar (British Council, Cambridge Assessment English, CITO International) bilan birgalikda ko‘p darajali (multilevel) test sinovini takomillashtirish yuzasidan tegishli ishlarni olib borishmoqda.

*✍️ Chet tilini bilish darajasini baholash boshqarmasi tomonidan gapirish ko‘nikmasi uchun yangi format loyihasi* ishlab chiqildi.

⌚️ Hozirda ushbu formatni Agentlik huzuridagi Ilmiy o‘quv-amaliy markaz bilan hamkorlikda approbatsiyadan o‘tkazish rejalashtirilgan.
Ko‘p darajali test sinovi gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati 2024-yil sentabr oyidan boshlab amaliyotga joriy etiladi.

📱 Talabgorlar va barcha qiziquvchilar yangi format va namunaviy topshiriqlar (pdf) bilan tanishishlari mumkin.

*✔️ Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari*:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

5 months, 1 week ago

Reading questions****

Part 1 - Bed Poverty
Part 2 - Diet and Veg products
Part 3 - Rain
Part 4 - Climate change and its effects on biodiversity
Part 5 - Vertical Farming!

Kanalga ulanish👇

5 months, 1 week ago

✔️ Writing Task 2

Many people believe that volunteering is important for society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Kanalga ulanish👇

5 months, 1 week ago

✔️Writing Task 1

You are going to a short holiday for Singapore and want to rent a house there.

⚪️what you need
⚪️when you arrive
🔵Ask about the price

Kanalga ulanish👇

5 months, 1 week ago

👩‍🏫Assalomu alaykum dear today's test takers👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓👩‍💻🧑‍💻👩‍💼🧑‍💼

To all the incredible individuals stepping into exam halls today, I'm sending waves of encouragement and belief in your abilities. As you walk into that room, remember the countless hours you've dedicated to studying and preparing. Embrace the challenge with confidence, knowing that you possess the knowledge and skills to conquer whatever comes your way. Stay focused, keep a clear mind, and tackle each question with determination. You've got this, and I'm rooting for your success every step of the way!

With lots of love your teacher Nodira❤️❤️❤️

5 months, 1 week ago

Ertaga examga kiradiganlaga omad tiliman,Ollohim yuzilani yorug' qisin🤲🤲🤲🤲

Chiqib sharing is caring ni eslab qoyila😉

6 months, 4 weeks ago

Graduating with PhD from MIT: some lessons I learned

1) You are all by yourself: If you are struggling alone, you have to realize it and ask for help. No one else will help figure it out for you. If you explicitly ask for help, you will likely receive it.

2) Hours do not correlate with productivity: Mindless working is often counterproductive. It kills creativity and time. If I don’t know what to do, I would rather take a break. Doing “something” is not necessarily better than doing nothing.

3) Take good care of mind and body: My productivity is at its peak when I have a calm mind and a good-shaped body. I have tested this multiple times and have enough proof.

4) Have a social group: I needed a group of friends to share my problems during PhD- to talk about how pathetic the work is or to mutually complain about the advisor etc.

5) Collaborate as much as you can: Nothing will improve your life as much as collaboration if you can find good people. Help someone, receive help, and both of you win. Lead someone on a project and be led by someone on some other projects. Learn to be a leader and a team player.

6) Avoid energy-draining people: I might have to write a separate post about this. In a 3-people conversation, if there is one person who always dominates and talks over you, I actively avoid that person. I am a good listener. I prefer to be around good listeners.

7) Set your boundaries and make them clear to everyone: If you want to work 9-6 make sure that others know this. I had a colleague who left the lab exactly at 6 pm every day. His time was respected by others because he treated his time with respect.

8) Be nice and respectful: Some jokes can offend people. So better not to take risks by not saying something lame when you are around people who you don’t know very well. This is especially true when you are around people from diverse cultures. At MIT, during a conversation about space technology, my Indian friend was passionately talking about ISRO’s missions and suddenly an American girl (a good friend of his) jokingly said “Does India even have a space program?”. He got really offended and left the room.

9) Maintain the highest standard in everything: This has a small, but compounding effect. This applies to the way you conduct yourself, the way you pitch an idea, the way you draft a proposal, the quality of images you generate, etc. People will slowly notice your high standard and you will distinguish yourself.

10) Communicate well: While describing an idea, try to form the best possible sentences. Talk slowly and clearly. Use precise words. If you haven’t fully formed the best possible sentences, take your time. If someone is struggling to describe their idea in the best words to you, paraphrase what they are saying in a better way and make the communication better. People will love to talk to you.

- Sreedath Panat

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