Ismoilov Adxambek | IELTS 8.5

Ismoilov Adxambek:

- close to 4 years of experience in teaching.
- IELTS 8.5
9.0 | 9.0 | 8.0 | 8.5
- An instructor at IELTS ZONE.

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1 month ago

After having a thorough discussion with my colleague, I decided to embark on a new challenge.

I will be sharing speaking recordings every day, one part 1, 2 and 3 topic.

I also want my audience - you - to challenge yourselves so do you want to join me on this one?

Leave a plus in the comments if you want a challenge. Let’s go 🔥🔥💫⚡️

1 month ago

Subprime audience - A creator optimising for size of audience and ending up with a junk audience. They end up producing content they themselves wouldn’t consume.

1 month ago

Sunday mock with my students!

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Suggested version:

As of late, fewer young people are applying for science-major programs worldwide. This hesitation can largely be attributed to the rapidly evolving nature of science and the allure of easier career paths. If this trend is to continue, it may have profound implications, including a slowdown in global progress and a potential regression into a less rational era.

Two main reasons explain the unwillingness to study sciences. Initially, as science develops at an unprecedented rate, potential applicants may feel intimidated by the complexity and rigor of science-based majors. Given the intricacy of scientific theory and practice, as well as the demanding qualifications required, it is no wonder why there are so few candidates for science programs. Furthermore, young people today often gravitate towards seemingly easier and more lucrative alternatives, such as blogging, streaming, or launching start-up ventures. These options are perceived as "no-brainer" ways to achieve financial success, making science an unattractive choice in comparison.

These reasons in mind, the decline in science graduates poses significant risks to societal progress. First, science acts as the engine of development, driving revolutionary breakthroughs in fields such as healthcare, technology, and environmental sustainability. A shortage of science specialists may consequently trigger a "progress crisis," hindering humanity’s ability to innovate and address global challenges. Moreover, future generations risk falling into a "digital dark age," where the lack of individuals capable of rationalizing and logically approaching natural phenomena could lead to stagnation or even regression in scientific understanding.

To conclude, while potential scientists increasingly choose the path of least resistance, the consequences of this trend could reverberate for generations. A comprehensive, step-by-step teaching approach to STEM subjects, coupled with attractive financial and professional incentives, could begin reversing this trend. Paradoxical as it may seem, advancing science is essential to advancing humanity.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

It is never easy when it comes to Adxambek's writing. Here is my humble analysis:

Task Response: Band 8.0
You address all parts of the task effectively, presenting clear and well-developed ideas on both the causes and the effects of the trend. Your ideas are relevant, and you provide logical explanations with some examples, such as cancer research. However, your conclusion, while concise, does not explore potential solutions or ways to mitigate the issue, which could add depth to your argument.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8.0
Your essay is well-structured, with clear paragraphs that follow a logical progression. Cohesive devices are used effectively, such as "this means," "another reason," and "secondly." However, some transitions could be smoother, particularly between paragraphs, to enhance the overall flow. Additionally, there is slight repetition in sentence structures, which impacts variety.

Lexical Resource: Band 8.0
You demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with precise and accurate word choices, such as "perceived difficulty," "breakthroughs," and "foundation block." Your use of academic language is strong, but further variation in synonyms for commonly repeated words, such as "science," would enrich your essay. There is some room to incorporate more advanced collocations or idiomatic expressions.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8.0
Your grammar is consistently accurate, with a variety of sentence structures that include complex and compound forms. Phrases such as "Even though scientists have not developed a cure for it, they have found a way to slow it down" showcase your ability to use subordinating clauses effectively. However, there are minor issues with articles and verb forms, such as "people’s limited understanding" (instead of "the people’s") and "cause innovation becoming rare" (should be "cause innovation to become rare").

Overall Band: 8.0
Your essay is a strong response to the task with clear organization, advanced vocabulary, and a good range of grammar.

To achieve a Band 9.0:
- Add more diverse and specific examples to support your arguments.
- Ensure smoother transitions between paragraphs.
- Address minor grammatical issues and incorporate more varied lexical choices.

To be fair, this seems like a solid 8.5 to me. I kid you not. TR and LR sections are both band 9.0 contenders, but at this point, no critical mistakes - they are all pesky little details and nuances, which high-level writing is all about. However, since we are dealing with #writing and a lot of backdoor business remains mystery for us, I had to assess based on what we already know.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

You know I had to pop in like this since you called me in the comments like that ?

6 months, 2 weeks ago

I want to reflect on writing. As you can see, one more nine in task 2 could give me a writing 8.5, which would be tremendous.

And that six in TA is because I had too many details, I’ve realized that!

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Qizig’i, comment yozayotganlani o’zini ko’pchiligi criticize qib yozayapti, ingliz tilisini o’qib ko’rsa max upper-intermediate ligini ko’rsa bo’ladi. Qani logic qayerda, kimdir aytibdi 15+ % of the words are mispronounced deb, oxirida Bekzod akani o’zi bitta so’z xato talaffuz qilingan deb pronunciation ga 9 mas, 8 qo’ygan. And so forth..

Logic!! I wish some learnt to use it! ??

6 months, 2 weeks ago

This is from before my latest exam when I scored an 8.5 for speaking. I had the chance to take a mock test with Bekzod Mirahmedov at the time and didn’t want to miss it.

However, there were hurdles to overcome, I was feeling terrible, like terrible as I was suffering from food poisoning, a high temperature and migraines. Still, that was my chance to get assessment for my speaking, so I went anyway, barely able to get up from bed. Maybe, that’s why I used words like ‘basically’ a lot(which I normally don’t use).

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