✅ Kanal rivojiga hissa qo'shish uchun quyidagi havola orqali o'tib, donat (ehson) qilish mumkin. Bu mutlaqo xavfsiz.
✉️ https://tirikchilik.uz/grammarnotes
Donat uchun karta raqami: 8600332998853000
? Kanal asoschisi: @kh_atajanov
Last updated 2 months ago
IELTS - muvaffaqiyatli kelajagingiz garovi!
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish faoliyatini sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga olib chiqish.
Certificate: 765017
Hamkorlik va reklama: @IELTSuzbekistan_bot
Last updated 3 years, 3 months ago
Boost your vocabulary with me🔥🚀
Destination - B1
Destination - B2
Destination - C1&C2
Advertising: @Advertsuz
Answers: @destination_answers
Contact: @Supreme_doctors
Last updated 6 days, 20 hours ago
🧠 Lug’atlarni yodlashda qiynalasizmi?
Eslab qolish bo’yicha muammolarni butunlay “buzib tashlaydigan” ⚙️ super xotira kursining yangi guruhiga qabul boshlandi!
❗️Qaysi kanaldan kurs rekalamasini topganingizni aytsangiz, 10% chegirmaga ham ega bo’lasiz!
*📮 Aloqa:* @Shahzodbek_Ergashaliyev
Ma’lumot olish bepul 😉****
✅Say it one more time, please - Yana bir marta ayting, iltimos
✅Please speak more slowly - iltimos sekinroq gapiring
✅Please write it here - Iltimos mana bu yerga yozing
✅Please, hurry up - Iltimos, shoshiling
✅Come with me! - Men bilan yur
✅Please call a doctor - Iltimos, doktor chaqiring
✅Can you lend me...? - Menga ...ni qarzga berib tura olasizmi?
✅Can I borrow your pen? - Ruchkangizni olib tursam maylimi?
✅Will you mail this letter for me? - Bu xatni menga jo'natib yubora olasizmi?
✅Will you help me with this problem? - Ushbu muammo bo'yicha menga yordam bera olasizmi?
✅May I have your address? - Manzilingizni berasizmi?
A1 (beginner) form of words = C2 (advanced)
💙 Beginner (A1): down the street
🧡 Advanced (C2): along the street
💚 Translate: ko'cha bo'ylab
💙 Beginner (A1): very good
🧡 Advanced (C2): excellent
💚 Translate: juda yaxshi
💙 Beginner (A1): Very bad
🧡 Advanced (C2): terrible
💚 Translate: juda yomon
💙 Beginner (A1): big
🧡 Advanced (C2): enormous
💚 Translate: ulkan
💙 Beginner (A1): cold
🧡 Advanced (C2): freezing
💚 Translate: muzlab qolgan
💙 Beginner (A1): fast
🧡 Advanced (C2): rapid
💚 Translate: tez
💙 Beginner (A1): slow
🧡 Advanced (C2): sluggish
💚 Translate: sekin
💙 Beginner (A1): talk
🧡 Advanced (C2): converse
💚 Translate: gapirish
💙 Beginner (A1): listen
🧡Advanced (C2): heed
💚 Translate: tinglash
💙 Beginner (A1): work
🧡 Advanced (C2): toil
💚 Translate: ishlash
Ko'plab talablarga binoan mana yana Beginner Advanced vocabulary ( A1;C2 ) 📈****
❤️ Beginner (A1): polite
💙 Advanced (C2): courteous
🧡 Translate: odobli
❤️ Beginner (A1): sad
💙 Advanced (C2): sorrowful
*🧡 Translate*: qayg'uli
❤️ Beginner (A1): rich
💙 Advanced (C2): affluent
🧡 Translate: boy
*❤️ Beginner (A1): poor
*💙 Advanced (C2): impoverished
🧡 Translate**: kambag'al
❤️ Beginner (A1): brave
💙 Advanced (C2): courageous
🧡 Translate: jasur
❤️ Beginner (A1): smart
💙 Advanced (C2): intelligent
*🧡 Translate*: aqlli
❤️ Beginner (A1): tired
*💙 Advanced (C2): fatigued
🧡 Translate*: charchagan
❤️ Beginner (A1): dangerous
💙 Advanced (C2): perilous
🧡 Translate: xavfli
❤️ Beginner (A1): beautiful
💙 Advanced (C2): exquisite
*🧡 Translate*: chiroyli
❤️ Beginner (A1): simple
💙 Advanced (C2): uncomplicated
🧡 Translate: sodda
✅ Break in(to) - bostirib kirmoq
✅ Catch up (with) - biror darajaga erishmoq
✅ Get away with - qochmoq
✅ Get up - turmoq
✅ Move in - ko'chmoq
✅ Put away - qaytarmoq
✅ Wake up - uyg'onmoq
✅ Wash up - yuvinmoq
✅ Against the law - qonunga qarshi
✅ At the age of - ...yoshda
✅ In public - jamoat joyida
✅ In response to - ...ga javob tarzida
✅ In touch (with) - ...bilan aloqada
✅ In your teens/twenties/etc - o'n/yigirma yoshda
*📈 A1 (beginner) form of words = C2 (advanced)👇***
🔴 Beginner (A1): happy
🟠 Intermediate (B1): content
🟡 Advanced (C2): jubilant
🟢 Beginner (A1): sad
🔵 Intermediate (B1): melancholy
🟣 Advanced (C2): despondent
⚫️ Beginner (A1): eat
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): dine
🟤 Advanced (C2): devour
🔴 Beginner (A1): talk
🟠 Intermediate (B1): converse
🟡 Advanced (C2): communicate
🟢 Beginner (A1): walk
🔵 Intermediate (B1): stroll
🟣 Advanced (C2): amble
⚫️ Beginner (A1): good
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): excellent
🟤 Advanced (C2): superb
🔴 Beginner (A1): bad
🟠 Intermediate (B1): poor
🟡 Advanced (C2): atrocious
🟢 Beginner (A1): friend
🔵 Intermediate (B1): companion
🟣 Advanced (C2): confidant
⚫️ Beginner (A1): big
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): large
🟤 Advanced (C2): immense
🔴 Beginner (A1): small
🟠 Intermediate (B1): little
🟡 Advanced (C2): minuscule
🟢 Beginner (A1): old
🔵 Intermediate (B1): ancient
🟣 Advanced (C2): antiquated
⚫️ Beginner (A1): new
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): novel
🟤 Advanced (C2): innovative
*📈 A1 (beginner) form of words = C2 (advanced)👇***
🔴 Beginner (A1): happy (baxtli)
🟠 Intermediate (B1): content (mamnun)
🟡** Advanced (C2): jubilant (quvonchli)
🟢 Beginner (A1): sad (xafa)
🔵 Intermediate (B1): melancholy (xayolchan, g‘amgin)
🟣 Advanced (C2): despondent (umidsiz, tushkun)
⚫️ Beginner (A1): eat (yemoq)
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): dine (tamaddi qilmoq)
🟤 Advanced (C2): devour (yutib yubormoq)
🔴 Beginner (A1): talk (gaplashmoq)
🟠 Intermediate (B1): converse (suhbatlashmoq)
🟡 Advanced (C2): communicate (muloqot qilmoq)
🟢 Beginner (A1): walk (yurmoq)
🔵 Intermediate (B1): stroll (sayr qilmoq)
🟣 Advanced (C2): amble (bekinmoq yurmoq)
⚫️ Beginner (A1): good (yaxshi)
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): excellent (a’lo)
🟤 Advanced (C2): superb (zo‘r, ajoyib)
🔴 Beginner (A1): bad (yomon)
🟠 Intermediate (B1): poor (nochor, zaif)
🟡 Advanced (C2): atrocious (mudhish, dahshatli)
🟢 Beginner (A1): friend (do‘st)
🔵 Intermediate (B1): companion (hamroh)
🟣 Advanced (C2): confidant (yaqin sirdosh)
⚫️ Beginner (A1): big (katta)
⚪️ Intermediate (B1): large (ulkan)
🟤 Advanced (C2): immense (ulkan, behad katta)
🔴 Beginner (A1): small (kichik)
🟠 Intermediate (B1): little (mayda)
🟡 Advanced (C2): minuscule (judayam kichik)
🟢 Beginner (A1): old (qari, eski)
🔵 Intermediate (B1): ancient (qadimiy)
🟣 Advanced (C2): antiquated (eskirgan)
🔴 Beginner (A1): new (yangi)
🟠 Intermediate (B1): novel (yangicha)
🟡 Advanced (C2): innovative (innovatsion, yangilik kirituvchi)**
✅ Kanal rivojiga hissa qo'shish uchun quyidagi havola orqali o'tib, donat (ehson) qilish mumkin. Bu mutlaqo xavfsiz.
✉️ https://tirikchilik.uz/grammarnotes
Donat uchun karta raqami: 8600332998853000
? Kanal asoschisi: @kh_atajanov
Last updated 2 months ago
IELTS - muvaffaqiyatli kelajagingiz garovi!
O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xorijiy tillarni o‘rganishni ommalashtirish faoliyatini sifat jihatidan yangi bosqichga olib chiqish.
Certificate: 765017
Hamkorlik va reklama: @IELTSuzbekistan_bot
Last updated 3 years, 3 months ago
Boost your vocabulary with me🔥🚀
Destination - B1
Destination - B2
Destination - C1&C2
Advertising: @Advertsuz
Answers: @destination_answers
Contact: @Supreme_doctors
Last updated 6 days, 20 hours ago