Serene’s Advocate Me

Serene has come under serious attack from the Victorian Government and its regulators, Judges of the family court and other courts for her role in challenging the pedophile system that runs Australia. This platform is about exposing this underbelly.
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6 months, 2 weeks ago

????Brilliant read- at CoVision we are putting together a synthesis of what to do and what to purchase at most cost effective ways for EMF and Broadband protection. Join CoVision text Serene 0425754299.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

So before you open up your mouth about Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, Indigenous being the source of all your problems- do your research to realise that the thugs are white police and bureaucrats opening up this Country to Chinese, Zionist and Vietnamese criminal cartels including mining, pharmaceuticals, cannabis, meth labs and drugs, sex trafficking, prostitution, gambling, porn and everything else in between! Not to mention that organised pedophila is being endorsed and supported by white establishments such as the Family Court, Children’s Courts, Child Protection and Policing.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Australia is home to known Chinese criminals who are allowed to traffick humans into sex slavery on the watch of the police leading to every second motel being used as spaces for trafficking in broad daylight. This is not just with police approval but police participation.

Meanwhile these same officers stalk and punish innocent members of our community.

The judiciary cannot be taken seriously when Government departments give à La carte approval to prop people like Jack Ta (he is not an isolated case) to support the extensive drug trafficking rings in this country and cannabis is not just the only issue. Let’s talk about the drug meth cocktail manufacturing labs and the chemical exposure that many people are dying from around our cities. Something that is deeply suppressed from the news.

Chemical exposure, more than from any chemtrail spraying ,is coming from meth labs situated now with police approvals in most suburbia.

Get with the program folks. No political system is fit enough to deal with the criminal underbelly driving our society.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

????Spot on- controlled psyop’s everywhere and members of the freedom community become rabid Trump supporters who boast about their superior White Christianity - absolutely revolting!

6 months, 3 weeks ago

????Many people in our community are falling for the White vs Migrant trope. Instead of all of us uniting against the surveillance state they want to divide and conquer us. There is no such thing as white pure christian culture as much as there is no uniform migrant identity! Tropes everywhere!

6 months, 3 weeks ago

????Spot on! The UK Riots have been orchestrated as a staged event. Both the original murders by the Rwandan antagonist who was clearly mind-controlled as well as deliberate plants inciting the alleged White vs Migrant riots! All staged and fuelled by Government operatives to set the scene for the collapse of the West and technocratic feudalism.

6 months, 4 weeks ago
Serene’s Advocate Me
6 months, 4 weeks ago

????Compulsory watching and find from DidYouKnow crew.

This is a great find. This guy (Dr James Giordano) is a psychopath. But everything he has described is what happened with the neurological weapon called Covid vaccines dispatched on the majority of the population. They got the seed to receive and now most of our population are neurologically damaged.

7 months ago

36 second time stamp because this represented the sea beast.

666 is the 36th triangular number

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Metal horse gallops down Seine River to deliver Olympic flag during the Opening Ceremony at the Paris Games. #NBCSports #Olympics #Paris2024 » Subscribe to NBC Sports:\_confirmation=1 » Live Olympic coverage on…

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