Esoteric Astrologer

Phillip Lindsay's monthly newsletters and regular posts on esoteric astrology.
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7 months, 1 week ago
Esoteric Astrologer
7 months, 1 week ago

Dionne Warwick
Rediscovering and remembering one of the greatest soul singers of the 20th century. A great purity of voice and phrasing, a Taurean beauty with a magnetic stage presence.

83 years old now, she is Taurus rising - with Moon, Uranus, Saturn and Venus in Taurus - the sign which rules the organs of speech - tongue, larnyx and throat.

"Taurus, as you know, rules the neck and the thyroid gland. This is essentially the region whence must emanate the creative activity of the [wo]man who is upon the Path.

The throat is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy.

The right use of the organs of speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic changes.
The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise cooperator with the Plan." (Esoteric Astrology,p.398.)


Dionne Warwick - What The World Needs Now (1966)

7 months, 1 week ago

Courage over Dread - Hold the Line!
This recent Leo new moon leading to the Leo-Aquarius full moon in two weeks time - is an opportunity to invoke the energy of not only Sirius, but that of Leo the Lionheart. The cultivation of courage is so important during this time of fear, paranoia and evil that stalks the world.

Many wake up daily with a sense of DREAD - regularly assaulted by the horrors unfolding in this Kali Yuga cycle, at the end of the Piscean Age. It’s a fine line between staying informed - but not allow the toxic news to get under the skin.

The solution for some is to pay scant attention or ignore it altogether! Keys to survival include learning how to maintain an attitude of detachment, avoiding the infection of poisonous anger - at injustices and terrors that attempt to numb the population into a sense of helplessness, submission, apathy or complacency.

Fear is the oldest and most basic glamour for Humanity, especially for second ray types: “The glamour of fear, based on undue sensitivity”.
Fear resides in the solar plexus, courage is a quality of heart centre. The word “courage” comes from the French “couer”, meaning heart – le couer conquers!

The word “dread” is a reminder of the British warship HMS Dreadnought - the etymology of which means, “fears nothing”. This time leading up to 2025 and well beyond no doubt, to use a naval analogy - requires all hands on deck – spiritually speaking, no evasion or AWOL.

“Holding the line” is a military term related to defense from an attack/onslaught. Holding one’s position can only be achieved through the courage of resistance and persistence to stand for the true values held dear.

These factors are all worth bearing in mind as wars drag on and the Middle East conflict threatens soon to expand.

9 months, 4 weeks ago

The Gemini newsletter, enjoy!
Gemini 2024: World Invocation Day
(Full Moon: May 23, 2024. 13.53 UT.)
Gemini: Third of Three Annual Spiritual Festivals
___The Last Sermon of the Buddha
___Who are the Nirmanakayas?
Taurus New Moon May 8, 2024: Territorial Disputes
___China, Russia and Israel
Taurus Israel and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
___The Zionism of Joe Biden
Mars Ingress to Aries: War and Peace
___Russia-China, US-UK
___Impulsive Mars in Aries: Instant Karma
The Pentecost: Symbol of Right Human Relations
Gemini: Communication, Disinformation and Censorship
Aurora Borealis and Australis
Gemini Full Moon Meditation and Talk

Esoteric Astrologer: Extensive articles, newsletters, books and readings.

Gemini 2024: Festival of Christ. Territorial Disputes. Israel. Zionism. Mars in Aries. Pentecost. Mercury. Disinformation. Aurora…

The interlude in Gemini is also called the Festival of Unification, Christ Festival, Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. The new impulse generated through two full moons in Aries this year, took root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is distributed…

10 months ago
Esoteric Astrologer
10 months ago
Esoteric Astrologer
11 months, 3 weeks ago

A reminder about Sunday's webinar:

Aries, 2025 and The Externalization of the Hierarchy

(Sunday, March 24. Time: 13:30 -20:00 GMT)

12 months ago

Aries Equinox 2024
The past year has reached its conclusion and the spiritual new year has begun – as the Sun left Pisces and entered Aries on March 20.

Aries is the new impulse, the annually amended Planetary Plan – emerging from the “centre where the will of god is known” – Shamballa, the planetary crown chakra, broadcasting the force of the first ray of will or power, one of the rays to pour through Aries the first zodiac sign.

Hence the equinox of equal night/day establishes firmly the new cycle, like the wizened prophet plunging his fiery staff into the earth, announcing the new dispensation.

This equinox precedes the Aries full moon festival (25th), a few days later – magnifying its potency.
Aries is a fire sign ruled by the god of war, Mars. Aries is the warrior, whether wielding a sword in ancient Sparta, holding a machine gun in Ukraine – or the warrior of light, who holds the line upon the inner planes – where inner causes precede outer effects.

Aries rules the head – and as a fire sign has a close association with the mental plane and ideation. Mercury as esoteric ruler reflects this mental process but also represents the intuition or direct knowledge.

Humanity is going through many battles today, one of which is between the warring pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. The battle for free thinking and the speech that clothes thought, is a fundamental right and primary tenet of FDR’s Four Freedoms.

Hence, in these trying times, to paraphrase William Blake, “We must not cease from mental fight, nor shall our swords sleep in our hands”.

The battlefield upon the mental plane is where the propaganda war continues, attempting to insidiously shape human thinking – projected through the astral plane via lies and deception, subverting and confusing thought, creating endless distractions.

Aries ruler Mars, along with Neptune, rule the astral plane, where so much distortion occurs – especially aided by Neptune’s lower expression as it currently passes through Pisces.

Invoking the image of the Tibetan wisdom deity, Manjushri is a potent visualisation for Aries – with fiery sword, cutting through spiritual materialism and discerning the truth.

12 months ago
Esoteric Astrologer
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