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LOST & FOUND (from many sources nothing is “mine” it’s all there is)
The system made us slaves. Real history let us remember who we really are. Divine Creation.

~The Eyes are useless when the Mind is Blind: DL ❤️
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Tartaria Toys

5 months ago


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5 months, 2 weeks ago

Were some of these ancient sites and beautiful works of art crafted with such laser like precision done with just hammer and chisel? Or something far more advanced we still can’t replicate?

8 months ago

Fascinating Inventions from the Olden Days

In an era where technological advancements sparked the imagination of many, several remarkable inventions emerged that promised to change the world. Here is an overview of some of these groundbreaking designs from the olden days:
1. Dyno-Wheel Motorbus
The Dyno-Wheel motorbus, an innovative vehicle, rides on a single giant wheel drum. This design combines safety with high speeds and is based on the "Dynasphere" car, built by Dr. J.A. Purves from England. The vehicle features a stabilization system that keeps it level while driving.

2. Aero-Drive Desert Bus
Designed to transport travelers through the harsh conditions of the Sahara, the Aero-Drive desert bus replaces the traditional camel. Equipped with an aviation engine and air-filled tires, this bus offers protection against sandstorms and increases the comfort and speed of desert travel.

3. Electro-Tank
The Electro-Tank
combines a Van de Graaff generator with a water tank to generate and discharge electric shocks. This vehicle introduces a new concept in military technology by using electrical discharges as a weapon.

4. Tractor-Cycle
The Tractor-Cycle, a motorcycle without wheels, uses a caterpillar track drive, making it well-suited for rough terrain. Designed by J. Lehàttre from Paris, this vehicle offers superior traction and stability, even on steep and uneven ground.

5. Sea Slug Liner
The Sea Slug Liner, an ocean liner with a worm screw drive, is designed to reduce water resistance and enhance travel comfort. This innovative design uses spiral-shaped screws to glide smoothly through the water.

6. Under-Sea Tractor-Sphere
The Under-Sea Tractor-Sphere, designed by Otis Barton, is a vehicle for deep-sea explorations. This vehicle can drive along the ocean floor and provides new possibilities for underwater research and repairs.

7. Iron Whale
The Iron Whale, an underwater vehicle that mimics the movements of a fish, is designed for silent navigation through the oceans. With motor-driven fins and a fish-like design, it is ideal for deep-sea explorations and military missions.

8. Amphibious Car
The amphibious car, built by William Faulkner from Sacramento, is a versatile vehicle that can travel both on land and water. It reaches a speed of 12 miles per hour on water and 50 miles per hour on land.
9. Homemade Kid's Car
Billy Nasmuth, an 8-year-old boy from Sumner, Washington, built his own small car. This homemade creation demonstrates the inventiveness and technical skills of young minds of that time.

10. Aerial Motor Car
T.A. Dring designed an aerial motor car inspired by the movements of a dragonfly. This unique wingless plane uses two converging air streams for its lift, with a fuselage resembling a gable roof.

These inventions from the olden days reflect the rich history of human creativity and innovation, with each design contributing to the technological advancements of its time.

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