Laughing Out Loud

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7 months, 1 week ago

My abuser stop hitting me after 40 years of abuse. he truly cares about me.


7 months, 2 weeks ago
[@rofschild]( ***?***

@rofschild ?
@ChaosMemeStream ?‍☠️?‍☠️

7 months, 3 weeks ago

This is not a political channel.

The talking heads say alot of things, and in my opinion, people's reactions are farmed and analyzed to gauge what they can get away with. (They don't need to convince the smart people, just a critical mass of dumb ones)

As a side note, I think they under-estimated how anti-vaxx the population actually was before the covaids.
(that sub-group was pretty silent after Occupy / the GFC)

Now that that's out of the way, let's have a little Natural-Law chat about the draft.

I did some research and its worth looking into "Selective Service" for the non-Americans in here.
The draft still exists even though its been abolished.


The draft, in any western nation... would in my opinion, be the best possible outcome for clown world.

If someone forces you to go kill and die so that their bloodlines live on, you have a natural right to defend yourself.

Nowhere in nature does this happen. The natural response is to defend yourSELF, your family... your group.

Everyone can see that the empire is built on lies and abuse. who wants to protect that? Some people think about the Roman Empire, I wonder where John Podesta is and why he's been memory holed.

A draft would give people the opportunity to opt-out mentally and en-mass, similar to what the convoy did...

Yes, things would get difficult - but this is why you build communities.

Unfortunately, there needs to be a trigger or catalyst for people to snap out of it. This is true on a personal level in so many ways; both in the mundane (i'm hungry, i should eat) and in gnostic practices. (this seems wrong, what is the truth in harmony with creation?)

What "snapping out of it" actually means is a rant on its own. As a registered citizen, you are the legal property of a corporation. A corporation managed by pedos, owned by dysgenic usurous thieves who see your morals as a threat to their bloodlines.

Let's hope they underestimate our willingness to fend for ourselves. A draft would be (one of) the best trigger events for people to opt-out. They might use a financial crash to soften up the masses first, but it also pushes people to homesteading.

HH, brothers. o/
(Homestead & Homeschool)

8 months ago
Divine Order > muh Property rights.

Divine Order > muh Property rights.

Your body is a Temple if you're in tune with Creation.

You have the moral high ground. Natural Law applies. Fuck around and find out.

8 months, 1 week ago
I didn't really watch the video …

I didn't really watch the video but was curious what was in it: "How Depression Facilitates Self-Transformation" by Academy of Ideas

He touches on some key points in the first few minutes worth pondering. Certain transformations don't happen until rock bottom is hit.

Rights of passage used to facilitate these transformations in a wholesome way.

It doesn't have to turn into depression. I'd say its better if you don't go there... its more of a realization that "the old way" doesn't work anymore and some sort of transformation is necessary.

This can be applied to society or even a job that could be done more efficiently.

It's for your safety, anon! Laughing Out Loud!

8 months, 2 weeks ago

A little Q&A from the Telegram chat...

11 months, 4 weeks ago
"But I have to because reasons!", …

"But I have to because reasons!", said the registered citizen ?

"lol" said the Incorporated Governments. "lmao" ?

1 year ago
"But I have to register my …

"But I have to register my business!", cried the Entrepreneur ?

"lol", said big corporations, ? "lmao".

1 year ago
Laughing Out Loud
1 year ago
plebs exist. unless someone is willing …

plebs exist. unless someone is willing to "nuke em all and let God sort em out", they are part of reality.

War is not a fair fight. Neighbours who settle disputes do that.

Just because its distasteful doesn't mean it doesn't have to be factored in.

  • Laughing Quietly *
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