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1 month, 1 week ago
***🇮🇹*** Mappa del Cairo 1575.

🇮🇹 Mappa del Cairo 1575.

La Sfinge e le piramidi si trovano sul ceppo di un vecchio albero gigante.

Allora cosa si nasconde sotto la sabbia del deserto?

🇦🇺 Map of Cairo 1575.

The Sphinx and the pyramids stand on the stump of a giant old tree.

So what lies hidden beneath the desert sand?

🇧🇷 Mapa do Cairo de 1575.

A Esfinge e as pirâmides estão sobre o tronco de uma velha árvore gigante.

Então, o que é que se esconde debaixo da areia do deserto?

🇫🇷 Carte du Caire 1575.

Le Sphinx et les pyramides se dressent sur la souche d'un vieil arbre géant.

Qu'est-ce qui se cache sous le sable du désert ?









1 month, 1 week ago


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !

1 month, 1 week ago
The Mystery of Wansdyke: A Sophisticated …

The Mystery of Wansdyke: A Sophisticated Prehistoric Canal

Wansdyke, an impressive linear earthwork stretching over 20.5 miles in southern England, has long intrigued archaeologists and historians. Initially considered a defensive construction dating from the 5th or 6th century, recent discoveries reveal a much more complex history.
Measuring up to 13 feet high with a ditch up to 8.2 feet deep, Wansdyke consists of two distinct sections, East and West. The better-preserved East section is located south of the Marlborough Downs in Wiltshire, while the West section extends from southeast Bath to south of Bristol.
Recent research suggests that Wansdyke was not a defensive structure but rather a sophisticated prehistoric canal. Built with advanced technology, it utilized groundwater to maintain the water level, thereby avoiding the need for locks. This theory is supported by the presence of prehistoric underground rivers in the region, which would have fed the canal.
The monumental dimensions of Wansdyke, requiring approximately 809,000 cubic yards of excavated materials, raise questions about the human resources and engineering involved in its construction. Estimates suggest that it would have taken around 45 million hours of labor to complete this structure, reflecting an advanced and organized prehistoric society.
The mystery of Wansdyke continues to intrigue researchers, challenging established notions about its purpose and significance in the region's history. This fascinating discovery offers new insights into the technological capabilities and ingenuity of prehistoric civilizations.

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1 month, 2 weeks ago
The World Map by Alberto Cantino …

The World Map by Alberto Cantino from 1502

This 1502 map by Alberto Cantino presents an astonishing depiction of the Sahara Desert as a fertile land, featuring vast lakes, rivers etc..

How can this be explained ? Could a significant cataclysm have occurred in this region several centuries ago ?

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1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
***🇪🇸*** **Pirámides francesas "Nedomerki"**

🇪🇸 Pirámides francesas "Nedomerki"

Hay muchas hipótesis que ofrecen una variedad de opciones para el propósito de las pirámides.

Se cree que estas estructuras eran construidas para transmitir o recibir energía, así como para comunicarse con lugares muy distantes.

En este caso, se supone que las ondas acústicas se utilizaron como portador.

1.- Pirámide Roy d'Espagne, en Marsella.
2.- Pirámide en el Château de Maupertuis.

🇬🇧 French Pyramids "Nedomerki"

There are many hypotheses that offer a variety of options for the purpose of pyramids.

It is believed that these structures were built to transmit or receive energy, as well as to communicate with very distant places.

In this case, it is assumed that acoustic waves were used as a carrier.

1.- Roy d'Espagne Pyramid, in Marseille.
2.- Pyramid at the Château de Maupertuis.

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1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 4 weeks ago
***🇮🇹*** Serratura fatta a mano realizzata …

🇮🇹 Serratura fatta a mano realizzata da Frank Koralewski nel 1911 in oro, argento e bronzo .

🇦🇺 Handmade lock made by Frank Koralewski in 1911 in gold, silver and bronze.

🇧🇷 Fechadura feita à mão por Frank Koralewski em 1911 em ouro, prata e bronze.

🇫🇷 Serrure artisanale réalisée par Frank Koralewski en 1911 en or, argent et bronze.









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