
Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him."[Qur'an 12:108]

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8 months, 1 week ago


ALLAH said,

﴿وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَنفُسَكُمْ﴾
And do not kill yourselves.

That is, do not kill one another, and no one should kill himself. This includes throwing oneself into risky activities or dangers that may lead to harm or death.

﴿إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيماً﴾
Surely, ALLAH is Most Merciful to you.

By HIS mercy HE protects you and your wealth, forbids you to waste it or destroy it, and HE has ordained consequences for that in the form of hudood punishments.

{Tafsir As-Sa'di}

#sadi #nisa (4:29)

Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of ALLAH, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
**"Whoever kills himself with an iron tool, then his tool will be in his hand and he will keep stabbing himself with it in the Fire of Jahannam, forever and ever.

Whoever kills himself with poison, then his poison will be in his hand and he will keep taking it in the Fire of Jahannam forever and ever.

Whoever kills himself by throwing himself from a mountain, will keep falling in the Fire of Jahannam forever and ever."

{al-Bukhari #5442, Muslim #109}**

Jundub reported: The Messenger of ALLAH, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

**“A man among those before you was wounded. He was in such anguish that he took a knife, slit his wrist, and let the blood flow until he died. ALLAH Almighty said: MY servant has preceded me with his soul, so I have forbidden Paradise for him.”

{al-Bukhari #3276}**

8 months, 1 week ago


Tawhīd and Aqīdah are the Most important things a Muslim should study, If you can spend hours watching Football and Netflix but don't have time for knowing your Lord and his rights. You're Lost.

A sequence of book explanations every Muslim should watch & take notes (English)

*1⃣. Thalathatal Usool*.

This is the most beginner level, it deals with the three Questions going to be asked in the grave and everything related to that.

(First three Videos in the playlist only)

*2⃣. Al-Qawa'id Al-Arba'a.*

Four principles of Shirk. A concise yet important book, a lot of Muslims don't understand the reality of Shirk.

*3⃣. Nawāqid al-Islām.*

10 common nullifiers of Islam. This playlist was the best playlist I ever watched. Truly enjoyed and benefited, Alhamdulillah.

*4⃣. Kitāb At-Tawhīd*

The Book of Monotheism. Masterpiece written on the subject of Tawhīd of worship. This is the most important book one should read and study besides the Qur'an and authentic aḥādīth of the Prophet ﷺ.

*5⃣. Ha'iyyah of Ibn Abī Dawūd*

You can read the explanation of Ibn 'Uthaymeen on Al-Aqeedah Al-waasitiyah or Study Waasitiyah with a student of knowledge. But the explanations on YT in English are either too lengthy or short so I choose Ha'iyyah instead

The playlists I attached are the best explanations on YT in English. Don't waste time watching random speakers. May ALLĀH guide us.

8 months, 1 week ago


1⃣. A Ṣaḥābī (plural Ṣaḥābah, meaning Companion) is one who physically saw (or met) the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ, believed in him and passed away as a Muslim. – (See: Qāmūs Al-Fiqh Li-Al-Raḥmānī)

2⃣. The Ṣaḥābah are the best humans after the Prophets. – (See: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Musnad Aḥmad, Sharḥ Al-Sunnah)

3⃣. All the Ṣaḥābah are just and upright persons. – (See: Alfīyyah AlIrāqīy)

4⃣. The Ṣaḥābah are the link to the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ and his teachings. It is through them, that the Muslim community (ummah) learnt and acquired the religion. – (See: Al-Kifāyah, Al-Iṣābah)

5⃣. ALLĀH gave them all a special title, “ALLĀH is pleased with them and they are pleased with HIM.” – (See: At-Tawbah: 100)

6⃣. Love and respect all of them. – (See: Tirmidhī, Al-Aqīdah Al-Ṭaḥāwīyyah)

7⃣. Only speak well of them. – (See: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

8⃣. The best are the leading four, Abū Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmān and 'Alī. All four were also genuine caliphs. – (See: Al-Aqīdah Al-Ṭaḥāwīyyah)

9⃣. Leadership in Islam is by merit, not blood. – (See: Qāmūs Al-Fiqh)

1⃣0⃣. A true believer never harbours malice or hatred for any Companion. – (See: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī)

1⃣1⃣. Do not take sides in their differences on account of their ijtihād ‘personal judgements’. – (Ṣāwi ʿAlā Sharḥ Al-Ṣaghīr, Qāmūs Al-Fiqh Li-Al-Raḥmānī)

1⃣2⃣. 10 among them were given glad tidings of Paradise, in this world. – (See: Tirmidhī, Muqaddamah Ibn Ṣalāḥ)

1⃣3⃣. Do not commit excess in love for any of them, nor curse and disown any of them. – (See: Al-Aqīdah Al-Ṭaḥāwīyyah)

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Fear ALLĀH in every matter concerning my Companions. Do not make them the targets [of your criticism] after me. Whoever loves them does so on account of their love for me, and whoever shows enmity towards them does so on account of their being hateful to me. Whoever insults them has insulted me and whoever insults me has insulted ALLĀH. Whoever insults ALLĀH, will soon be seized by HIM.” (Tirmidhī)

© Mathabah Institute

8 months, 2 weeks ago


ALLĀH says:

مَا كَانَ لِلنَّبِيِّ وَالَّذِينَ امَنُواْ أَن يَسْتَغْفِرُواْ لِلْمُشْرِكِينَ
It is not ˹proper˺ for the Prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for the polytheists,

That is, for those who disbelieve in ALLĀH and worship someone else besides HIM

وَلَوْ كَانُواْ أُوْلِي قُرْبَى مِن بَعْدِ مَا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُمْ أَنَّهُمْ أَصْحَابُ الْجَحِيمِ
Even if they were close relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are bound for the Hellfire.

Praying for forgiveness for them in this case is wrong and is of no benefit. Therefore it is not appropriate for the Prophet ﷺ and the believers to do that, because if they die ascribing partners to ALLĀH, or it is known that they died with that belief, then they deserve the punishment and they are bound to remain in hell for eternity; the intercession of those who intercede and the prayers for forgiveness of those who pray for them will be of no benefit.

Moreover, the Prophet ﷺ and those who believed with him are required to go along with their Lord with regard to whatever HE is pleased or angry with, and to take as allies those whom ALLĀH takes as allies, and take as enemies those whom ALLĀH takes as enemies. So their praying for forgiveness for one who is clearly doomed to hell is contrary to that.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

Ibn Jarir recorded that Sulayman bin Buraydah said that his father said,

"When the Prophet came to Makkah, he went to a grave, sat next to it, started talking and then stood up with tears in his eyes. We said, `O ALLĀH's Messenger! We saw what you did.'

He said: "I asked my Lord for permission to visit the grave of my mother and HE gave me permission. I asked for HIS permission to invoke HIM for forgiveness for her, but HE did not give me permission."

We never saw him more tearful than on that day."'

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}

#ibnkathir #sadi #tawbah (9:113)

8 months, 2 weeks ago


Shaykh Abdullāh ibn Sāliḥ al-Fawzān (may ALLĀH preserve him upon goodness) said:

The people of knowledge have mentioned that there are four levels to fasting the Day of 'Ashūrā:

THE FIRST LEVEL: Fast three days: The 9th, the 10th and the 11th. They use as evidence the hadith of Ibn 'Abbās (may ALLĀH be pleased with them),

"Be different from the Jews, fast a day before it and a day after it." {Al-Bayhaqi, 4/287}

This hadith is da'if (weak) and there is no justification for that except if it is said that the virtue of fasting the three days is additional to the virtue of 'Äshūrā since it is a sacred month that has been encouraged to fast in some narrations, and that one would achieve the virtue of fasting three days every month. There is a report regarding al-Imam Ahmad (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) that he said,

"Whoever wants to fast 'Āshūrā then let him fast the 9th and the 10th unless the start of the months is obscure, then let him fast three days. Ibn Sīrīn said this." {Al-Mughni, 4/441}

THE SECOND LEVEL: Fasting the 9th and 10th. This is what most of the aḥādīth show, as has preceded.

THE THIRD LEVEL: Fasting the 9th and 10th or the 10th and 11th. They use as evidence the hadith of Ibn 'Abbās (may ALLĀH be pleased with them) that is raised to the Prophet (ﷺ),

"Fast the Day of 'Ashūrā, be different in that from the Jews. Fast a day before it or a day after it." The hadith is da'ïf (weak).

THE FOURTH LEVEL: To single out the 10th day for fasting. There are those from the people of knowledge that dislike that since it is imitation of the People of the Book. This is the statement of Ibn 'Abbās according to what is famous from him and it is the madhhab of al-Imām Ahmad and some of the Hanafis.

Others said: It is not disliked because it is one of the virtuous days, and it is recommended to capture its virtue by fasting it. What is more apparent is that it is disliked for the one who has the ability to join it with a day before or after but that does not negate the reward of the one who fasted it by itself; rather he is rewarded if ALLĀH, the Most High, wills.

O ALLĀH! Grant us success to do what pleases YOU and distance us from acts of disobedience towards YOU; make us from YOUR righteous worshipers and YOUR successful group; pardon us and accept our repentance; and forgive us - O ALLĀH, our parents and all the Muslims.

{Taken from: Ahadith about the Tens Days of Dhul-Hijjah and the Days of Tashriq, Rulings and Manners || Page 77-79}

8 months, 2 weeks ago


ALLĀH has given us a calendar with periods of time to increase our worship, reflect and renew our faith. Amidst our fast-paced lives, we need these times as a re-energizer, and a reminder to gain or carry on with momentum to strive for the Hereafter. Ramadān has passed, so have the 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah, as well as the two Eids; now we have 'Āshūrā, which is the 10th day of Muharram.

Ibn ‘Abbās (may ALLĀH be pleased with them) said: The Prophet (ﷺ) came to Madīnah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of ‘Āshūrā. He said, “What is this?” They said, “This is a good day, this is the day when ALLĀH saved the Children of Israel from their enemy and Mūsā (peace be upon him) fasted on this day.” He said, “We are closer to Mūsā than you.” So he fasted on this day and told the people to fast.” {Al-Bukhārī #1865}
So, the Prophet (ﷺ) fasted on the Day of 'Āshūrā and he ordered the people fast be performed on it. When he was asked about the virtue of fasting on it, the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Fasting the day of ‘Ashoora I hope ALLĀH will expiate thereby for the year that came before it.” {Muslim #1162}

However, after that, he (ﷺ) commanded that the Muslims should be different from the Jews by fasting the tenth and the day before it, which is the ninth or the day after it, which is the eleventh.

Ibn 'Abbās (may ALLĀH be pleased with them) quoted the Prophet (ﷺ) as saying, “If I live next year, I shall also fast on the 9th day.” {Musnad Aḥmad #1971}

Imam Ahmad (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "Whoever wants to fast 'Āshūrā should fast on the ninth and the tenth, unless there is some uncertainty about the months, in which case he should fast for three days. Ibn Sireen said that." {Al-Mughni, 4/441}

Ibn Hajar (may ALLĀH have mercy on him)said: “The fast of Āshūrā has three levels: the lowest is to fast one day, the next is to fast the ninth day along with it, and the next is to fast the ninth, tenth, and eleventh days. ALLĀH knows best.” {Fath al-Bari, 1896}

May ALLĀH make it easy for us to fulfill this Prophetic tradition.

8 months, 3 weeks ago


Ibn 'Abbās (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) said:

"Stones are about to rain down upon you from the sky: I say to you: "ALLAH'S Messenger (ﷺ) said..." and you reply: "But Abu Bakr and 'Umar said...?"¹
Because obedience is a form of worship, it is not allowed to obey anyone be he man or jinn unless it conforms with obedience to ALLĀH and HIS Messenger (ﷺ). This is why Ibn 'Abbas (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) repudiated those who, when they were informed that the Prophet(ﷺ) had pronounced upon a matter, objected that Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq and 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may ALLĀH be pleased with them both)² had said something different, thus, in effect, preferring the opinions of these two pious Companions over the Revelation of ALLĀH (ﷺ).

This incident allegedly occurred during a discussion about Hajj in which Ibn 'Abbās mentioned something which he had heard from Muhammad, the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ). Ibn 'Abbas warned them of ALLAH'S approaching punishment and HIS Anger for those who preferred the opinions of Abu Bakr and 'Umar (may ALLĀH be pleased with them) to the guidance of ALLAH'S Messenger (ﷺ).

In view of this, what may be said of those who prefer the opinions of lesser men over the Book of ALLĀH and the Sunnah of HIS Prophet (ﷺ).

*1. While according to a number of scholars of Hadith, this is a weak narration, its meaning is correct.

  1. Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq and U'mar Ibn Al-Khattab: Two close friends of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the first and second Caliph respectively, after his death. They were among the most knowledgeable and pious of the Companions.

  2. Such as those who, when confronted with a Prophetic Hadith say: "Yes, but our Shaikh says..." or: "Yes, but in our mazhab (i.e. school of Islamic jurisprudence)..."*


1⃣. Evidence of the virtue of Ibn 'Abbas and his excellent understanding of religious matters.

2⃣. That no opinion which contradicts the Qur'an and Sunnah is to be given heed, no matter from whom it emanated.

3⃣. The obligation to be angry for ALLĀH and HIS Messenger's sake.

{Kitābu at-Tawhīd Explained || Page 231-232}

8 months, 3 weeks ago


Among the educational principles laid down by Islam concerning raising a child is to give him a nickname composed of Abu (father of) and another part. This yields some educational gains such as:

- Inculcating a sense of dignity and respect into the child's soul.

- Developing his social character and making him feel that he has grown up.

- Giving him amiable treatment and pleasing him through calling him by this lovely nickname.

For these benefits and considerations, the Prophet (ﷺ) used to nickname children and call them by these names. It is related in Sahihayn that Anas (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) said, "The Prophet (ﷺ) was the best of all people in morals. I had a brother called Abū Umayr, who I think, had been newly weaned. Whenever the child was brought to the Prophet (ﷺ), he used to say to him, "O Abu Umayr! what did An- Nughayr (i.e. nightingale or bird) do?"

{Child Education in Islam || Page 44}

8 months, 3 weeks ago


ALLĀH says:

الَّذِينَ يُبَلِّغُونَ رِسَالَاتِ اللَّهِ 
˹ALLĀH praises˺ those who convey the messages of ALLĀH,

meaning, to HIS creation, and fulfill that with which they have been entrusted.

and fear HIM,

means, they fear HIM and they do not fear any besides HIM, so no threats on the part of anyone can prevent them from conveying the Message of ALLĀH.

وَلَا يَخْشَوْنَ أَحَدًا إِلاَّ اللَّهَ 
and do not fear anyone but ALLĀH.

وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ حَسِيبًا 
And sufficient is ALLĀH as Accountant.

means, sufficient is ALLĀH as a Helper and Supporter.

The leader of all people in this regard and in all regards is Muhammad the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ), for he undertook to convey the Message to the people of the east and of the west, to all kinds of the sons of Adam, so ALLĀH caused his word, his religion and his law to prevail over all other religions and laws. The Prophets before him were sent only to their own peoples, but he was sent to all of mankind, Arabs and non-Arabs alike.

قُلْ يَأَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنِّى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ إِلَيْكُمْ جَمِيعًا
Say:"O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of ALLĀH." (7:158)

Then his Ummah inherited the task of conveying from him, and the greatest of those who undertook this task after him were his Companions, may ALLĀH be pleased with them, who conveyed from him as he had commanded them, describing all his words, deeds and circumstances, night and day, when he was settled and when he was traveling, in private and in public, may ALLĀH be pleased with them. Thereafter each generation inherited from their predecessors until our own time, so those who are guided, follow their example and their way. We ask ALLĀH, the Most Generous Bestower, to make us among their heirs.

{Tafsir Ibn Kathīr}

#ibnkathir #Ahzab (33:39)

11 months ago

INVOCATION OF PEACE AND BLESSINGS UPON THE PROPHET ﷺ IN ABUNDANCE ON FRIDAYAus ibn Aus reports that the Prophet ﷺ said: "The most virtuous of your days is Jumu'ah. On that day, Adam was created and on that day he died, (on that day) the horn will be blown and the people will be dumbfounded! Increase your prayers upon me as your prayers upon me will be presented to me." The people said: "O Messenger of ALLĀH, how will our prayers be presented to you when you have passed away?" **He said: "ALLĀH has prohibited the earth from eating the bodies of the Prophets."

{This is related by the five, except for al-Tirmidhi}**
Ibn al-Qayyim (May ALLĀH have mercy on him) says:

**"It is preferred to pray to ALLĀH to send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ during the day and night of Jumuah, as the Prophet ﷺ said, 'Invoke many prayers upon me during the day and night of Friday.'

"The Messenger of ALLĀH ﷺ is the leader of mankind, and Jumu'ah is the best of the days of the week. Prayers upon him during that day are a privilege (he deserves), which belongs to no one other than him.

"This act also has another wisdom, and that is that all of the good that has passed onto this Ummah, in this life and the Hereafter, has passed through him. ALLĀH has gathered the good of this life and the next life for this Ummah, and the greatest honor and success will be granted to them on Friday. On that day, they will be granted their houses and palaces in Paradise and that is the day they will be given more when they enter Paradise. It is a day of celebration for them in this life. It is also a day in which ALLĀH fulfills their needs and answers their prayers and requests in this world. They are aware of all of that and are able to attain it because of the Prophet ﷺ and it is through him (that they received these teachings); therefore, in gratitude and appreciation for the great blessings we received through him, we should send many prayers upon him during the day and night of Jumuʿah."**

{Fiqh-us-Sunnah || 2/126}

May ALLĀH fill our hearts with love of His beloved Prophet ﷺ.  May HE inspire our tongues to send much blessings on him ﷺ and guide us to lead our lives in accordance to his exalted and noble Sunnah.


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